Therefore, if we want to develop new energy, it is not as simple as talking about it.

Later, after visiting the production workshop.

In order to show his kindness to the landlord, Mr. Jiang specially stayed with Liu Cong for dinner.

This time, Liu Cong did not refuse.

Early the next morning, Liu Cong got on the plane to Peiping.

Because there is still an important matter waiting for Liu Cong to deal with today.

After so many days of research, the first batch of experimental drugs from the Oriental Miracle Medicine will be officially put into trials today.

As a member of the researchers, of course Liu Cong had to go back and see the specific situation.

In the afternoon, Liu Cong drove directly from Huaqing Campus to the Outlet Research Institute.

After stopping the car, he checked into the laboratory.

First of all, what caught Liu Cong's eyes was a lot of white mice.

Each of these mice was isolated in a breathable glass bottle, and each bottle was fully labeled.

These mice came according to Liu Cong's wishes.

And these mice are all in pairs, in order to have a controlled experiment.

And these mice suffered from different diseases.

These diseases all have one thing in common: they are all tumors.

However, the affected areas are different.

At this time, the laboratory was already full of people.

After seeing Liu Cong coming over, it meant that the experiment could be officially carried out.

These days, many experiments are carried out by Liu Cong himself.

After getting to know each other, everyone has even more admiration for this young man in his twenties.

The reason is that even they admire Liu Cong's professional abilities.

They have never seen a layman do such a beautiful experiment.

In other words, Liu Cong can do controlled nuclear fusion, so this small experiment is not difficult for him at all.

"Mr. Liu, you are here!"

At this time, Anna came to Liu Cong's side and said with a smile.

Liu Cong nodded slightly, and then said: "Are all the drugs needed for the experiment ready?"

After Liu Cong finished saying this, a female researcher holding a medical kit came out from behind a group of people.

"Report to Mr. Liu that everything you need has been prepared according to your requirements."

"One hundred medicines are all in this box."

Hearing what the female researcher said, Liu Cong nodded calmly.

"Now that everything is ready, let's start our experiment."

Liu Cong found an unopened protective suit from the side, then put on gloves and a mask.

Then, he opened the box that the female researcher just handed to him.

Oval-shaped white medicines encapsulated in plastic films appeared in front of Liu Cong's eyes.

Liu Cong also had no ink marks, and soon distributed these small doses of white solid medicine to other people.

"In this case, I will give the order later."

"You put the medicine into the mouths of these mice at the same time."

"In order to facilitate comparison, we must ensure that the time is almost the same."

"Otherwise, the experimental data at that time will not be completely accurate."

"In this way, our experiment this time will be completely in vain."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, everyone nodded unanimously.

And always pay attention to Liu Cong's movements.

As long as Liu Cong gives the order, they will take action immediately.

Liu Cong stared at the white mouse with a transparent glass cover in front of him, hoping that the medicine would have an effect on it.

After all, this is a life.

Liu Cong picked up the tweezers and placed the white solid medicine on the clip.

At this time, after everyone saw Liu Cong moving, they all followed suit.


Following Liu Cong's order, everyone repeated the same action.

In this way, these twenty or thirty white mice were all fed with medicine.

Others were used as controls and were not given medicine.

According to the information given by the system, this medicine will take full effect in three hours.

In other words, Liu Cong has to wait here for three hours.

Three hours later, Liu Cong was still waiting for the results of the sampling.

In this way, everyone moved a stool and waited until about 5:20 in the afternoon.

Seeing that the time was up, everyone saw that these mice were no different from the beginning.

This exactly reflects that this drug is at least safe.

As for what happens next, it still needs to be verified.

In order to see the results of the experiment more intuitively, Liu Cong planned to host the experiment in person.

Liu Cong put the prepared blood of the white mice into the special testing equipment.

Five minutes later, Liu Cong saw the experimental data in the blood of the mice on the display screen.

After the experimental data came out, Liu Cong was immediately surprised.

As a comparison with the blood of mice that did not take medicine, the number of cancer cells in this data was actually 20% less than before.

Such data is enough to prove everything.

That is, the drug is absolutely effective.

Even Liu Cong did not expect that the data from the first experiment would be so good before the experiment.

For the rigor of the experiment, Liu Cong also took blood from several other mice as experimental reference.

And the experiments he got surprised him even more.

This mouse with liver cancer actually had a 25% reduction in cancer cells.

You know, this is just the experimental result of taking a pill.

If I eat it a few more times, wouldn't all the cancer cells be killed?

At the same time, others also received different experimental reports.

However, Liu Cong saw surprise in their eyes.

Everyone saw the excitement.

This also shows that these drugs are effective on other groups of mice.

“I’ve never seen a cancer drug like this!!”

"In just three hours, the cancer cells in most mice were reduced by one-fifth!!"

“This is more amazing than cold medicine!!”

"Oh my God!!"

After seeing such results, the entire laboratory was boiling.

Liu Cong took the experimental reports one by one and looked very calm on the surface.

In fact, my heart was already in turmoil.

This medicine is related to people's health, if it can be researched.

How many people don’t have to suffer from cancer and don’t have to go bankrupt.

By then, cancer will be like a cold, and it will get better after just taking a few pills.

How many families will be reborn because of this little pill.

"Mr. Liu, this medicine!!"

"This medicine!!"

Ana was too excited to say anything at this time.

"Sister Anna, don't get excited."

"This experimental result means that this drug is effective on mice."

"It doesn't mean that this medicine will definitely be effective on people."

"We should not be too happy until the mouse has fully recovered."

"We still have to wait for the experimental results to come out."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Anna calmed down.

Then nodded.

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