Afterwards, everyone sorted out the information for this experiment.

Moreover, the mice in these experiments were classified into a series of categories.

"I must take good care of these little white mice!"

"There must be no mistake."

Liu Cong said to Anna beside him.

After hearing this, Ana nodded quickly.

"Don't worry."

"These mice will be placed in the constant temperature room of our research institute."

"Besides, there are people guarding this place. These little white mice will not make any mistakes."

After hearing what Anna said, Liu Cong nodded.


"In short, these mice are very important."

"Also, remember to continue feeding these mice with medicine tomorrow morning." Liu Cong said to Anna again.

It was already dark outside. If I didn't go back, I might not be able to enter the school.

So Liu Cong drove back to school alone.

After washing up, I turned on the computer and played a few games of LoL with my teammates, and then went to bed.


The next day,

Liu Cong got up early, and after breakfast, he went back to the cancer hospital where he had been a few days ago.

The reason why he came here was that Liu Cong still wanted to come here again for inspection.

After all, I came in too hasty last time.

Some investigations have not been done enough.

Liu Cong followed the same route he took that day and came to the outpatient department of this cancer hospital.

Since today is the weekend, there are more people coming to see the doctor than when Liu Cong came that day.

Most people who come here have no smiles on their faces.

There are children of several years old, as well as elderly people.

The main purpose of their coming here is to treat various tumors.

However, is this disease really so easy to treat?

Actually, not really.

However, there is nothing they can do now.

Because if they want to survive, they must receive treatment.

Liu Cong came to the corridor of the consultation room when he heard hysterical and painful shouts.

My heart was very touched.

This is a young girl about eighteen years old, and her body is already covered with various tubes.

The doctor ignored her pain and directly wiped the wound and changed her dressing.

At this point, this is the only way to survive.

Liu Cong looked at this very weak girl and didn't know how long he could live.

When Liu Cong finally left, the four characters "Department of Hematology" on the sign of the clinic touched Liu Cong's heart.

In this world, each of us is working hard to live.

But it is very difficult for some people to just stay alive.

This experimental investigation also gave Liu Cong a preliminary understanding of the age at which different cancers develop.

This also put another pressure on Liu Cong.

"Can I develop this medicine as soon as possible, so they won't be in such pain?"

"It seems that the experiment must be carried out quickly."

Liu Cong thought as he walked out of the cancer hospital building.

Just as Liu Cong turned out of the hospital intersection, a hand suddenly grabbed him.

"Young man, what a coincidence, we meet again."

Liu Cong looked back and saw, wasn't this the aunt who sold medicine that day?

She still wore a mask and the pink clothes that had been washed away.

Because the aunt was wearing a mask, Liu Cong could not see her true face twice.

"Hey, Auntie, it's you!"

"I wanted to find you that day!"

Liu Cong was also a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet this aunt today.

"Auntie, do you sell here every day?"

Liu Cong pointed to the bag on the aunt's waist.

The aunt also understood what Liu Cong meant, so she said: "Yes!"

"It's just that these days I don't dare to go to the hospital entrance anymore."

"There are security guards and police there."

"So, I can only stay here..."

When the aunt said this, she looked a little sad.

"Auntie, why do you sell fake medicine?" Liu Cong asked with some confusion.

Hearing what Liu Cong said, the aunt retorted: "This is not a fake medicine, it is real!"

"It's just that it's not recognized."

"Our medicine is too cheap, which has hindered some people's business."

Liu Cong knew who she was talking about without even thinking about some of the people Auntie was talking about.

Some drug companies in China not only sell drugs at sky-high prices, but also create monopolies.

Of course, Liu Cong didn't quite believe what this aunt said.

Who knows if she sells counterfeit medicines, selling a bottle for two thousand.

"Young man, I see you look so rosy, you don't look like a patient."

"Why do you run to the hospital again and again?"

Liu Cong couldn't answer the aunt's question either.

Before Liu Cong could speak, the aunt started to say again: "Young man, I'm telling you this."

"I am taking this medicine myself."

"I have to buy this medicine to survive."

"How can I not know whether this medicine is fake or not?"

After finishing speaking, the aunt sighed.

Liu Cong was a little surprised to hear what the aunt said.

He also didn't expect that the middle-aged woman standing in front of him was actually a patient.

"Auntie, who are you?" Liu Cong asked vaguely.

The aunt didn't hide anything and told Liu Cong directly.

"Look, young man, I have leukemia."

"So does my granddaughter."


"Because of this disease, my son and his daughter-in-law also got divorced."

"Even my son is missing now."

"My granddaughter and I are the only ones left to depend on each other!!"

Liu Cong was quite shocked after hearing what the aunt said.

Judging from the aunt's expression just now, Liu Cong didn't think she was lying.

A person's eyes cannot deceive anyone.

"Auntie, look forward!"

Liu Cong didn't know how to comfort people, so he could only comfort the aunt like this.


"You too, young man."

"You are still young, and there is still a lot of hope for recovery with active treatment."

"do not give up."

Seeing the serious look on Auntie's face, Liu Cong knew that she had misunderstood him.

Liu Cong didn't say anything, and immediately bought all the ten bottles of medicine in the aunt's bag.

Before leaving, the aunt even pulled Liu Cong into their group of patients.

There are hundreds of people in the group, all of whom are also patients with leukemia.

Liu Cong was overjoyed,

Originally I was worried about not being able to find the test medicine.

With so many people in this group, there's always someone willing to give it a try.

Of course, Liu Cong will also consider the safety of these people.

Liu Cong would not approach these people before the experiment on the white mice was completed.

Later, Liu Cong returned to the Outlet Research Institute with these medicines.

After seeing Liu Cong coming, everyone first reported to Liu Cong the situation of the white mice today.

The situation of the white mice surprised Liu Cong.

Today, the number of cancer cells in the blood of the mice dropped by 50%.

Faced with such experimental results, everyone in the laboratory was immersed in joy.

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