"Mr. Liu, I feel like we are almost successful!"

“I have never seen any anti-cancer drug on the market that is as good as the oriental miracle drug!!”

Someone in the crowd said to Liu Cong.


"What's even more amazing is that he can treat any cancer."

"As long as it's a tumor, it's effective."

"Especially for those suffering from leukemia, the treatment efficiency is surprisingly scary."

"Just one day and one night, the cancer cells in the mice with leukemia dropped by more than 50%!!"

At this time, the laboratory was completely overwhelmed by the sound of discussion.

"My husband is saved!!"


At this time, the cry of a thirty-year-old woman in the corner attracted Liu Cong's attention.

Seeing her being so excited, everyone's eyes were focused on her.

Listening to Anna's explanation, this woman's name is Zhou Meili.

The year before last, my husband suffered from liver cancer.

The originally happy family was completely shattered because of this disease.

She and her husband fell in love in college and experienced a long-distance relationship for more than ten years before they got together and started a family.

The year before last, they had their own love child.

However, it was because of cancer that their family fortune was emptied.

Even before the child was weaned, Zhou Meili went to work.

She has no choice. In order to keep her husband alive, she needs to make money.

And now, with such good news, how could she not be excited.

Seeing Zhou Meili crying so sadly, Liu Cong felt mixed emotions.

Liu Cong walked to Zhou Meili, took out a few napkins from his pocket, and handed them to Zhou Meili.

After Zhou Meili took the paper, she calmed down. She knew that she had just lost her composure.

"I'm sorry, boss, I really couldn't control it just now." Zhou Meili said while wiping her tears.

Liu Cong looked at the thirty-year-old woman in front of him.

At such a young age, there are already many fine lines and spots on her face, so you can tell what kind of life she has lived in the past few years.

"Are you willing to let your husband try the medicine?"

Liu Cong's words stunned Zhou Meili.

After a while, Zhou Meili nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, I do!"

"To tell you the truth, my husband is in this situation right now."

"I have been sentenced to death by the hospital."

"If there is even a glimmer of hope, I definitely won't give up!"

Zhou Meili looked at Liu Cong firmly.

Liu Cong nodded and said, "Okay, then you can go home and discuss it with your lover."

"If possible, we should be able to test the medicine in the next two days."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Zhou Meili nodded desperately as if grasping a life-saving straw.

Soon, calm returned to the laboratory.

At this time, Liu Cong handed the medicine he just bought from the aunt to Anna who was standing aside.

"Sister Anna, have you seen this medicine?"

Liu Cong took out a bottle of medicine with English letters from his pocket.

After Ana took it, she looked at it carefully.

Then he said: "If my guess is correct, this is Greling."

"But why is he in English?"

"And the manufacturer doesn't seem to be in our country."

Anna was very puzzled as she held the medicine bottle.

"Then do you have any way to test this drug? I want to compare it with the domestic glialin."

Ana thought for a moment, then nodded.

"This is possible. We are studying all the formulas of this medicine."

"But we don't have the authorization, so we can't produce this drug."

"Otherwise we will face sky-high fines." Anna explained.

"Sister Anna, I don't want to produce these things."

"I just need to verify whether this medicine is real."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Anna nodded.

"It's simple and the results will be available in half an hour."

After Anna finished speaking, she took the medicine away and had it tested.

Half an hour later, the test report appeared in Liu Cong's hands.

When Liu Cong saw this report, he was still a little shocked.

The two bottles of medicine have exactly the same formula.

However, the price is very different.

One sells for 2,000 and the other sells for 20,000.

How much profit there is in this.

No wonder those who work in medicine drive luxury cars and live in luxury homes.

Now Liu Cong finally understands.

"Mr. Liu, where did you get this medicine?"

"This medicine can only be produced by one company in China!"

"I've never heard of any other company that has production rights."

Speaking of this, both of them had the answer in their hearts.

That is, this medicine is a generic and the formula is exactly the same.

"I bought this medicine from a patient."

"I don't know where they got this medicine from."

Liu Cong and Anna didn't want to interfere with this matter.

After all, there is no harm to one's own interests, as long as one gets an answer.

Moreover, Liu Cong was just curious about this medicine and had no wrong ideas.

"I have one more thing to ask you, that is, can this medicine cure leukemia?" Liu Cong asked.

Anna shook her head, "Not really."

"Taking this medicine can only relieve the symptoms at most, but it cannot have a curative effect."

"If it can really be cured, then this medicine must not be sold for 100,000 bottles."

Liu Cong couldn't even think about the one hundred thousand that Anna said.

Who can afford a hundred thousand bottles?

However, some pharmaceutical companies can't control that much, as long as they can make money.

It is the people at the bottom who are suffering.

"By the way, if our medicine comes out, how many bottles will you sell?"

Anna's question made Liu Cong thoughtful.

Then, Liu Cong's next words made Anna's jaw drop.

"I'll probably make a profit of 5 to 10 percent!"

"Ten percent!!!"

"You're not kidding!?"

Anna looked at Liu Cong with disbelief.

Generally speaking, the profits of such drugs are generally controlled at several times, or even dozens of times.

Anna has never seen such marketing by Liu Cong.

The drug market is different from other markets.

As long as your medicine can save lives, people will buy it no matter how expensive it is.

Therefore, as long as you master the patent, you will not worry about making money.


“We’ll talk about profits later.”

"Right now, we need to develop the drug as soon as possible. After all, many people are waiting for this life-saving treatment."


A few days later,

Outlet Labs.

When Liu Cong took the report of the mouse's recovery, he was still very excited.

At least, it proves that this drug is useful.

In the past few days, Liu Cong also successfully found fifteen or six people to test the medicine.

Among them is Zhou Meili’s husband.

Others were found from the patient group, including that aunt.

There is also an old man who has pancreatic cancer and is now dying.

In order to survive, he has no choice now.

After all, it is free, what if it works?

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