These dozen people were directly arranged by Anna into the laboratory of the research institute.

Afterwards, everyone was put on a bracelet and an electrocardiogram device.

The purpose is to be able to observe the physical changes of the person taking the drug in real time.

There are a total of sixteen drug testers, and twelve of them are leukemia patients.

One pancreatic cancer, one liver cancer, and two stomach cancers.

There are six rooms in total.

Among them, Zhou Meili's husband and an old man who was dying of pancreatic cancer were shared in the same room.

Because their illness is the most serious, the dose must be higher than that of other people.

"Husband, don't worry, this medicine will definitely cure you."

Zhou Meili squatted in front of her husband's bed, holding her husband's right hand tightly with both hands.

At this time, her eyes were already red.

Because he knew that if the trial medicine was useless this time.

Then she and her husband are likely to be separated from each other in the near future.

This is something she doesn't want to see.

"Beautiful, don't cry, I'm fine!"

Zhou Meili gently stroked her green hair with her left hand, with a smile on her face.

"Weren't you full of confidence before you came?"

"This medicine is effective on mice, and I believe it will be effective on us as well."

Zhou Meili's husband's words gradually calmed down Zhou Meili's mood.

"Yeah, you must believe in medicine."

"This medicine can cure mice, and it will definitely cure your disease!"

Liu Cong and Anna stood nearby and witnessed this moment with their own eyes.

When he saw an old man and a young man in the ward, who were already skin and bones tortured by the disease, he was deeply touched in his heart.

At this moment, he truly understood a sentence.

"I hope there is no disease in the world, even if the medicine on the shelf becomes dust."

Being sick has a huge impact on a person and their family.

"Let's start testing the medicine now."

At this time, a female researcher on the side held two white pills in her left hand.

There is also a cup in his right hand. The cup contains cold liquid for the patient to take medicine.

Zhou Meili took the medicine and water cup, and then fed it directly to her husband.

Of course, the old man next to him did the same thing.

This old man's condition is more serious and he has fallen into a coma.

Therefore, this medicine was fed to him jointly by his family members and the researchers in the laboratory.

"The results can't come out yet, we have to wait for another day."

"After all, it may take six hours for this medicine to take effect in the human body."

"It's nine o'clock in the morning. You still have to take two pills of this medicine at two o'clock in the afternoon and eight o'clock in the evening."

Liu Cong said to the family members and Zhou Meili.

After everyone heard this, they all nodded.

At this time, Zhou Meili walked to Liu Cong's side.

There was gratitude in his eyes.

"Mr. Liu, no matter how I take over this time, I thank you for giving me this opportunity."

Liu Cong waved his hand and said with a smile: "If you want to thank me, it won't be too late to wait until your husband gets better."

"Believe in medical treatment and believe in science."

After saying this, Liu Cong turned around and left.

Because, he still has other testing rooms to visit.

After visiting these test rooms, Liu Cong did not leave, but held another meeting with everyone at the institute.

The meeting lasted until noon. After Liu Cong had a simple lunch, he went back to school.

Because there was another experiment waiting for Liu Cong to do in the school laboratory in the afternoon.

The next day,

Liu Cong set out from his apartment at eight in the morning and went directly to the research institute.

After arriving at the research institute, Liu Cong went directly to the testing room.

When I arrived, someone was drawing blood from these testers.

When Liu Cong came to room 105, which was the room where Zhou Meili's husband was.

When Liu Cong entered, the old man on the bed in front of him had already opened his eyes.

His daughter was feeding him porridge at this time.

Moreover, the old man's face was obviously much brighter than when he was unconscious yesterday.

The old man's family members were extremely excited when they saw Liu Cong coming over.

"Doctor, this! This! This medicine is a miracle medicine!!"

"My father was almost dying yesterday."

"My two brothers have already started preparing for my father's funeral."

"I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it!"

“This medicine really works!!”

At this point, tears welled up in the eyes of this woman who was over thirty years old.

"My father! My father can be saved!"

"Thank you! Really appreciate it!!"

The woman grabbed Liu Cong's hands immediately, which caught Liu Cong off guard for a moment.

"Sister, don't get excited."

"For your father to get better, that's what we want to see."

At this time, Zhou Meili also came to Liu Cong's side.

As a member of the outlet, she was approved by Liu Cong to take care of her husband directly.

"Mr. Liu, your medicine is also useful for my husband."

"He slept better than anyone last night."

"Moreover, he also said that there is no pain in the liver area."

"The liver and ascites have also gone down a lot!!"

Zhou Meili was also very excited. Just one night of inspection completely ignited her hope.

As we all know, liver cancer is a very painful disease.

The pain is excruciating, and painkillers don't even work.

Moreover, there will be severe ascites in the liver.

Judging from the current situation of Zhou Meili's husband, it can be said that it is much better.

Otherwise, Zhou Meili wouldn't be so excited.

At this time, Liu Cong came to Zhou Meili's husband's bed.

Seeing this, Zhou Meili hurriedly followed.

"Husband, this is the boss I often tell you about."

"His name is Liu Cong, and he is also the developer of this medicine."

Then, Zhou Meili hurriedly turned around.

"Look at my memory. I forgot to introduce you to my husband in person yesterday."

"This is my husband, Wang Lei."

"He was also engaged in drug research and development before."

After Zhou Meili's introduction, Liu Cong was a little surprised.

But thinking back, the two of them fell in love during college, so it's not surprising that they pursued this career.

"Hello, Brother Wang."

"When you recover, you are welcome to join us!"

Wang Lei smiled and nodded at Liu Cong's invitation.

"That's necessary. If my husband recovers, I will definitely let him come."

While several people were talking, the door was pushed open.

Then, the staff of the institute came in with the experimental report on their faces full of joy.

"Beautiful, your husband can be saved!"

"The data in the experimental report are very good!"

"The cancer cells in your husband and this grandpa's bodies have both declined."

"What an amazing thing!"

"Unexpectedly, this medicine is more effective than chemotherapy."

“It can be called a miracle medicine!!”

After Zhou Meili heard the good news, she was so excited that she almost fainted.

If Liu Cong hadn't helped Zhou Meili in time, she would have fallen down.

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