When the staff of the research institute saw Liu Cong there, they reported yesterday's data to Liu Cong on the spot.

"Mr. Liu, your medicine is really magical."

"In just one day and one night, 25% of the cancer cells in these two people's bodies disappeared."


"What a horrific number."

"If this trend continues, they will recover sooner or later."

It can be seen from the researcher's facial expression that the data result was completely beyond her expectation.

"Cuihua, are you telling the truth?"

"Show me the report quickly!!"

Zhou Meili took the report belonging to her husband and read it carefully.

A minute later, two lines of tears flowed directly from Zhou Meili's face.

For two years, Zhou Meili has been supporting this family to the death.

Even though her husband was suffering from an incurable disease, she never thought of giving up.

I still leave work every day and leave my best mood to my husband and son.

As a weak woman, he paid too much for this family.

After seeing this report, she couldn't stand it for a while.

I burst into tears right away in the room.

Husband Wang Lei couldn't help but burst into tears when he saw his wife like this.

"Beautiful, I can't help you!!"

"You have sacrificed so much for this family in the past two years."

"If I can really recover this time, I guarantee that you will have enough food and clothing for the rest of your life."

"I will work harder to give you and your children the best life possible."

Wang Lei gently stroked the fine lines on Zhou Meili's face, and couldn't help but feel uncomfortable again.

The family members of the elderly around them also cried with joy after receiving this report.

Immediately, he told the other two sons the good news.

When Liu Cong saw the two families immersed in joy at the same time, he felt very happy in his heart.

This scene was what he wanted to see.

Later, Liu Cong came to the room where the aunt was.

When the aunt saw Liu Cong coming, she stepped forward and excitedly held Liu Cong's hand.

"Young man, my granddaughter and I are saved!"

"Just now a girl showed me a report sheet. I can't read or understand it."

"That girl told me that my illness was cured by less than half in one day."

"I was so excited at the time!"

"I feel like my health is much better today, and my food tastes better than before."

The aunt grabbed Liu Cong's hand and talked a lot to Liu Cong.

At this time, the six rooms were completely immersed in joy.

These are not sixteen people, but sixteen families.

After one night of results, it can basically be said that the research on this medicine was successful.

Next, you can wait for the patient’s good news.

In fact, it is exactly what Liu Cong thought.

a week later,

Everyone in the outlet laboratory was extremely excited.

Because, just this morning.

In the sixteen patients, no cancer cells or inflammation could be found at all.

The effect of this drug has completely exceeded Liu Cong's imagination.

He never thought that his medicine could cure a severe cancer patient in a week.

And, just take medicine.

Sixteen people, sixteen families, sixteen banners.

Everyone has indescribable words of gratitude in their hearts at this time.

Because apart from being grateful, they couldn't think of any way to repay their kindness.

When Liu Cong saw this scene, he was very happy and accomplished.

Subsequently, the sixteen banners were delivered to the hands of sixteen researchers at the institute.

And Liu Cong was watching this scene quietly behind the scenes.

This is how the drug trial came to an end.

Next, it’s time to produce the medicine and promote it.

These are not difficult things for Liu Cong.

After all, he is not like he was at the beginning.

Nowadays, it is a piece of cake to invest hundreds of millions in advertising expenses.

The difficulty is how to introduce this medicine into major hospitals.

After all, the emergence of Eastern magic medicine.

It will inevitably lead to a big sensation in the capital market.

Maybe because of this medicine, those who sell equipment and medicine will go completely bankrupt.

Just when Liu Cong was troubled by these things, Anna quietly appeared beside him.

Still the same black stockings, still black business attire.

Only this time, Anna's face lost a trace of charm and gained a trace of smile.

"Mr. Liu, congratulations!"

"The emergence of oriental miracle medicine will definitely dominate the market."

Liu Cong did not refute Anna's words.

Because what he said is the truth.

Look at China and the world.

No company can currently develop a drug that can completely cure cancer diseases.

This will surely cause a worldwide sensation.

Seeing that Liu Cong didn't respond, Anna asked again: "Mr. Liu, what is the price of your oriental magic medicine?"

"We now have the packaging boxes and production lines for the Oriental Miracle Medicine ready."

"It's just a matter of pricing."

"After setting the price, we can go directly to the press conference."

After Anna's reminder, Liu Cong realized that he had forgotten the price of the medicine.

Liu Cong patted his forehead and looked at Anna in front of him.

"Ouch, how could I forget this?"

"The cost of this medicine is one hundred and fifty yuan, right?" Liu Cong asked.

"Yes, Mr. Liu, one hundred and fifty yuan."

Hearing what Anna said, Liu Cong held his chin in thought.

"One hundred and fifty dollars, ten percent."

"That's one hundred and sixty-five dollars."

"Yes, the price of my medicine is one hundred and sixty-five yuan."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Anna's jaw almost dropped.

She never thought that what Liu Cong told her that day was true.

He really only makes ten percent profit.



"Mr. Liu, are you serious!?"

"This is an anti-cancer drug!"

"Do you know what the market price of anti-cancer drugs is?"

Liu Cong really didn't understand the question Anna raised in depth.

Later, Liu Cong shook his head honestly in front of Anna.

"Let me tell you this."

"A box for treating stomach cancer costs 5,000 yuan."

After finishing speaking, Liu Cong was a little shocked.

"I go!"

"How much money do you need to make!!" Liu Cong couldn't help but sigh.

"Yeah, that's why I said your medicine prices are too low."

"So, aren't you going to increase the price?"

Liu Cong didn't hesitate and directly rejected Anna's request.

"No, my medicines don't cost more."

"My goal is to make my medicine affordable to every common person."

"As long as they are healthy, I can make less."

"I'm not interested in money."

After saying these words, Anna almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

This was the first time he heard someone say they were not interested in money.

The reason Liu Cong said this was because he was not short of money at all.

(Thank you to Weixin Future, thank you to Shangqing0303, thank you to Xiaoyaofu, thank you to Tomato Mixed Tomato Scrambled Eggs for the gift, thank you!!)

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