After hearing what Liu Cong said, Anna looked at her brother, who was more than ten years younger than her, in disbelief.

"Mr. Liu, your price is really too low!"

"You're really making it impossible for other drug manufacturers to survive."

"You will be ostracized and suppressed."

"Those chaebols are not something that our small drug research institute can shake!"

Of course Liu Cong knew what Anna said.

If you really sell it like this, it will be so effective.

There will definitely be people who will try to mess with him, and some will even threaten him.

This miracle medicine that can cure cancer sells for 100,000 yuan per box and some people buy it.

However, Liu Cong had considered something before.

That is, not every family is so rich.

Many people who get cancer are ordinary families who cannot afford such high-end consumption.

Therefore, he simply lowered the price of the drug to the lowest level.

Liu Cong nodded, "I have actually thought of your concerns a long time ago."

"After we develop this drug, even if you sell it for 100,000 yuan, someone will still take advantage of you."

"Because once this drug comes out, it will definitely seize the entire anti-cancer drug market."

"When the time comes, a fierce battle will definitely be inevitable."

"So, as for the price, I can only say that your worries are misplaced."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Anna didn't know how to refute for a while.

"Mr. Liu, what do you mean?" Anna asked tentatively.

Liu Cong waved his hand, completely looking like he didn't care.

“That’s the price of the medicine!”

"If they want to mess with me, then just come over and I will bear all the consequences."

"No matter if they say I'm destroying the market, I'm still delaying their business."

"I will definitely put the safety of my boss's life first!"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Anna was speechless.

From a capitalist's perspective, Liu Cong's decision was wrong.

Because he touched the capitalists' cake.

But if you look at the issue from the people's perspective, Liu Cong's decision is great.

Because he overcame human greed.


Two days later,

The Outlet Research Institute is already crowded with people.

Many of the people here are self-media people invited by Liu Cong with money.

Because when their institute released this information online, no one believed that cancer could be cured by just a few boxes of medicine.

Because, to the general public, cancer is an insurmountable disease.

The country has devoted all its efforts to research for so many years, but it has failed to conquer cancer.

They don't even believe that a small research institute can develop such a miraculous drug.

At this time, Anna and a group of research institute staff were standing in the outlet research institute.

There are many self-media people holding up their mobile phones and taking pictures of Anna and others.

Many people simply started the live broadcast directly.

And standing next to it were sixteen drug testers.

They have now fully recovered.

As for whether it can be convinced by the public, it all depends on these sixteen drug testers.

"Hello Mr. An, I am the handsome guy from We Media."

"Is it true that your research institute has developed anti-cancer drugs that can cure cancer?"

This self-media person with more than 10 million fans was raising such a question at this time.

This is also what the public wants to ask.

The popularity of his live broadcast room has reached more than 100,000.

Everyone was attracted by this popular title.

People all have this question: is this medicine real? Why is it sold so cheaply?

Yibao Yanyudu: This medicine is fake at first glance. Inviting so many Internet celebrities to live broadcast is just a gimmick to make money.

Otherwise, this medicine would not be so cheap.

Cute girl: I cannot deny the authenticity of this drug, but there is a 99% probability that it is fake.

What the country cannot develop, a small research institute can develop.

This is too far-fetched.

I am your sweet and sour: fake, it must be fake! ! Before long, someone will definitely come to crack down on counterfeiters.


As for these evaluations, self-media bloggers don’t care so much.

After all, he has been given money, and if the money is in place, he can do whatever he wants.

Faced with the question, Anna said calmly: "Of course it's true."

"We brought all the witnesses!"

Then, Anna pointed to the sixteen people next to her and said confidently.

At this time, all the public's attention was focused on these sixteen people.

They looked full of energy and did not look like patients at all.

Before the scene of the beating had completely cut to this point, someone shouted somewhere.

"This medicine is a miracle medicine!!"

"My leukemia for more than ten years was cured by your miracle medicine in a few days."

"I swear to my ancestors, if I am ****!!"

Among the crowd, an old lady sweated profusely.

"Yes, yes, yes!!"

"We can all testify that if we lie to others, we will all die badly!!"

These aunts were like crazy, swearing to God like crazy.

All these self-media people are dumbfounded.

The audience in the live broadcast room has never seen such a scene.

For a time, all the barrage in the live broadcast was maxed out.

Shanglu Yizhihua: I’m going! ! How much money did this research institute pay to these aunts?

I swore that my family would take it with me.

Under the Moon and on the Stars: These aunts are so cruel. They even curse themselves when they are cruel. How much are they giving?

I also want to be an extra.


Faced with this situation, even the anchors on the scene were confused about how to get to the park.

He could only turn the camera away and smile awkwardly.

"Well, we can see it from the scene!"

"These aunts are so enthusiastic."

"This also shows that our oriental magic medicine is very effective!"

"Otherwise they wouldn't work so hard."

When these anchors said these things, they probably didn’t believe it themselves.

At this time, someone stood up again and it happened.

"Everyone, look at my old man's body."

"Doesn't look like a healthy person."

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the old man in front of them.

I saw that his tone was still weak, and his body was so thin that he was just skin and bones.

At this time, his daughter suddenly walked out from behind.

There is also a pile of case reports in his hand.

"The report above can't be false, right?"

"If you have any questions, I can show all these report cards to the public."

"These reports are all made in hospitals, and there are relevant records in the hospitals. If you don't believe it, you can go and conduct on-site inspections."

"My father has pancreatic cancer, the king of cancers."

"Logically speaking..."

The old man's daughter risked everything to prove that the medicine was effective.

Even the photos and videos of the old man's illness during his lifetime were found.

Just to convince everyone.

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