Move forward one week.

The weather in early August can be said to be the hottest time.

At noon, the outlet's research institute was already surrounded by major news media. ,

"Excuse me, Mr. An, according to an anti-cancer blogger."

"After taking your company's anti-cancer drugs, his cancer was completely cured a week later."

"Excuse me, is this true?"

At this time, Anna was completely confused.

While she was taking a nap, she was woken up by people in the research institute.

When I came out and saw it, this was the scene.

How did she know the question asked by the reporter? She didn't understand the news at all.

Liu Cong has been playing games this week and just came back from Shanglu last night, so he has no time to care about these things.

The media attacks were completely beyond Anna's expectations.

"Well, I really don't know about the questions you asked."

"So, I don't know how to answer your question."

At this moment, Liu Conggang drove to the outlet's research institute.

When he came in, he saw this scene.

The moment Liu Cong stepped out of the car, some reporters' eyes also focused on him.

At this time, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Isn't this Liu Cong?"

"Why did he come here!!"

When everyone heard this exclamation, their eyes also focused on Liu Cong.

When Liu Cong faced this situation, he was completely stunned.

He didn't expect that anyone would recognize him on the spot.

Moreover, before coming, Anna did not tell herself that reporters would come to interview her today.

At this time, Liu Cong could only bite the bullet and say hello to everyone.

At this time, when Anna saw Liu Cong coming, it was as if she saw a life-saving straw.

He quickly rushed out of the crowd of reporters and came to Liu Cong's side.

"Mr. Liu, you are here."

When Anna said this, Liu Cong's heart tightened.

After Anna's words were heard by the reporters nearby, they all looked at Liu Cong with surprised eyes.

"Mr. An, what did you call him just now?"

asked a reporter on the side.

"Mr. Liu, he is the boss of our research institute."

"Any questions?"

This sentence instantly caused all the reporters present to explode.

Liu Cong did not expect that his identity would be exposed in this way.

The only blame is that he didn't tell Anna before not to expose his affairs.

However, now that things have happened, Liu Cong doesn't care anymore.

This is the first time Liu Cong faces the public as a boss.

Now Liu Cong can be said to be a super second-tier star in the entertainment industry.

Many people know him.

Facing the group of reporters, Liu Cong calmly cleared his throat.

"Yes, I am the new boss of this private research institute."

"My name is Liu Cong."

Even though everyone already knew Liu Cong's identity, they still couldn't accept it.

After all, in the eyes of the media and the public, Liu Cong is already a relatively low-key star.

He hardly accepts commercials or any variety shows.

Some of the programs I participated in also had no appearance fees.

Now that he has a company, people immediately wonder if there is a mine in his home.

Otherwise, the cost of a drug research institute is definitely not a small amount.

At this time, a reporter in the crowd asked: "Excuse me, is the drug developed by your company that can cure cancer patients real?"

When a reporter asked this question, Liu Cong asked the reporter directly.

"I believe that you, as members of the news media, must have understood our press conference that day."

"So, I refuse to answer this question."

It's not that Liu Cong doesn't want to answer this question. Liu Cong really doesn't know what to answer to these unexpected reporters.

Now that his identity has been exposed, I believe that someone will buy this anti-cancer drug soon.

With Liu Cong's huge fan base, someone will definitely buy it back and try it.

This interview also served as a disguised form of free advertising for Liu Cong.

Afterwards, Liu Cong simply answered some other irrelevant questions.

Just disappeared from the public's sight.

Anna was also confused. She didn't expect that her boss was a star.

During this period, she never learned anything about her boss online.

She was still surprised when she saw this scene.

After the interview, Anna and Liu Cong came to the conference room.

At this time, Anna also felt that she should not have exposed Liu Cong's identity to the media just now.

At that moment, he immediately apologized to Liu Cong.

"Mr. Liu, I'm sorry, I didn't know you had another identity."

"I shouldn't have exposed your identity to the media."

Liu Cong looked at Anna, smiled and waved his hand, indicating that he didn't mind.

Then, I directly clicked on today’s hot news.

The first one turned out to be that an anti-cancer blogger with advanced lung cancer took their company’s oriental miracle medicine.

After a week, it was cured.

Because she is a public figure.

Therefore, once this matter was released, it received widespread attention from society.

Soon, this video became a hot search in just ten hours.

This led to the following interview.

"Sister Anna, let me ask you, how many boxes of medicines have been sold by our research institute in the past week or so since I have been away?"

Anna immediately gave an answer to Liu Cong's question.

"Back to Mr. Liu, I only sold more than two hundred boxes."

After listening to Anna's words, Liu Cong nodded calmly.

"Well, I expected it."

"However, after today, we may have to expand the production line."

Anna was dubious about what Liu Cong said.

"Mr. Liu, no way!"

"After all, netizens still don't buy it."

The reason why Anna said this was because she had seen too many doubts on the Internet in the past two days.

In response, Liu Cong just said, "Don't worry," and then took Anna to visit the production line again.

In the evening, Liu Cong drove back to his apartment.

As he lay down, the calls came in one after another like crazy.

The first person to call himself was the principal.

When Liu Cong told him that the medicine was real, he still didn't believe it.

But during the conversation, Liu Cong learned that a relative of the principal had cancer.

In order to convince the principal that this matter was true, he offered free medicine.

Just when Liu Cong hung up the phone, Zhang Guimei's call came in.

"Did you go to get passed on?"

"You don't do anything all day long, just do some crooked things."

"I tell you, you must give me an answer on this matter."

Facing such a strong mother, Liu Cong could only say: "Mom, I will explain this to you when I get back."

"I'm busy first, so I'll hang up first."

This was the first time Liu Cong took the initiative to hang up his mother's phone, but he really couldn't explain it to his mother for a while.

Afterwards, more calls came one after another.

But Liu Cong ignored them all.

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