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Chapter 247: Chinese Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mr. Duan

Harmon Pharmaceuticals,

A bald man was sitting in the office talking anxiously on the phone.

"Mr. Mo, have you read the news?"

"If this is really the case, then our company should stop doing it."

The bald man sounded very excited on the phone.

The middle-aged man named Lao Mo on the other end of the phone was relatively calm.

"Mr. Dai, what did I think it was!"

"Do you still believe this kind of news?"

"I saw this news a week ago. It must be false!"

"If a small drug research institute can develop a drug to cure cancer, then I can go to heaven."

"Don't worry, a small research institute won't stop us from making money."

After Mr. Dai heard Mr. Mo's words from the opposite side, the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

"Mr. Mo, what you said makes sense."

"I was really shocked by the news just now." Mr. Dai said.

"Mr. Dai, don't worry, they are just doing marketing."

"They spent so much money just to make a quick buck."

"Didn't you see that they hired a popular celebrity to be the spokesperson today?"

"There are always some poor people who fall for this."

This sentence was so harsh when it came out of Mr. Dai's mouth.


In just two days, this news caused an uproar in the cancer community.

And the thousands of boxes of medicines produced by their research institute were also snatched away.

Some people bought it because of the introduction of anti-cancer bloggers, and some people bought it because of Liu Cong's fame.

After all, some people in Liu Cong's fan group still get cancer.

There are always people who buy into their idols.

On this day, Liu Cong came to the school's laboratory carrying a shoulder bag as usual.

The experiment has now entered the most critical stage.

Through the efforts of Academicians Gao and Li.

The time for controllable nuclear fusion reactions is getting longer and longer.

For an hour, that was normal operation.

Of course, all of this is inseparable from Liu Cong's guidance.

Now in the world, the country that has been conducting this experiment for the longest time is the United States.

It is 1208 seconds, which is just over twenty minutes.

China's response time is almost three times longer than that of the United States.

If this result is announced, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world.

Even the world of physics has to tremble three times.

"Liu Yuan, this is our experiment.

"Just yesterday, I exceeded one hour and ten minutes!!"

Academician Gao said excitedly after seeing Liu Cong coming.

Liu Cong was also a little surprised when he heard what Academician Gao said.

"Is this a breakthrough?"

"Yes, Lao Gao and I strictly followed the formula you gave us."

"According to this situation, our reaction device will be able to be used to generate electricity in the near future!"

"If this thing can generate electricity for a few hours, it can power a city!"

"At that time, we can completely get rid of coal power generation."

Academician Li was a little excited as he spoke.

Liu Cong looked at the two academicians, their faces were unkempt, and it seemed that they had not left this laboratory for a long time.

However, this is a normal thing for a scientific researcher.

"Well, our next step is to solve the problem of energy conversion in the process of power generation through controlled nuclear fusion."

“After solving this problem, the problem of power generation can be solved.”

After hearing what Liu Cong said, the two academicians nodded at the same time.

"Academician Liu, where will our subsequent experimental site be located?"

"If we are generating electricity, we definitely can't do it in this laboratory." Academician Li said at the side.

"Well, I don't think we need to worry about this matter."

"When the time comes, the higher-ups will definitely help us solve it."

Later, Liu Cong assisted the two academicians in starting the experiment again in the laboratory.

This time, the reaction time of controllable nuclear fusion once again exceeded thirty seconds.

This is another huge improvement, which means that they are not far away from success.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Liu Cong dragged his tired body back to the apartment.

When he turned on his mobile phone after washing, Liu Cong was attracted by the hot news on his mobile phone.

More and more people are verifying the authenticity of Liu Cong’s anti-cancer drug online.

More and more people are speaking out online.

It is said that the pain can be relieved a lot after taking this medicine for one day.

Even people become more energetic.

Patients in severe coma and dying of life.

After taking the oriental magic medicine, my mind gradually became clear.


Huaxia Institute of Materia Medica,

Everyone has a box of oriental magic medicine. After looking at the medicine box with only a few words printed on it, they can't combine this medicine with the medicine that can cure cancer.

"You guys should work overtime tonight to study this medicine for me."

At this time, everyone looked at the oriental magic medicine in their hands and fell into deep thought for a while.

The reason is that this medicine has now become a myth by some netizens.

"In short, if this drug is real, then the next Nobel Prize in Medicine will definitely go to this developer."

The old man, who was over sixty years old, held his hand on the experimental table and said solemnly.

"Yes, Mr. Duan, I have never seen that a box of medicine can cure cancer."

"If it happens, it will definitely change history."

"If this were true, how many people would be saved!"

At this time, the middle-aged man in a white coat beside him also sighed.

Subsequently, the old man took his experimental team to start research.

After a night, everyone had dark circles under their eyes. You looked at me, and I looked at you, with some embarrassment on their expressions.

"Mr. Duan, I have never seen a drug with this kind of molecular structure in my decades of experience."

"If you ask me, I won't be able to study this for a while."

Duan Lao nodded after hearing what the middle-aged man in front of him said.


"Since I can't figure out the reason through research, why don't I go find him directly." Mr. Duan said with a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

Outside the Outlet Research Institute,

A group of people in casual clothes were blocked by security guards.

When they showed their IDs, the security guard immediately notified Anna.

When Anna learned the identities of these people, she brought them in directly.

"Academician Duan, you are really Academician Duan!"

Anna looked at the white-haired old man in front of her in disbelief.

As he stayed up all night last night, Mr. Duan's mental state was not very good.

Just nodded.

"Where's Liu Cong?"

"We are here to find Liu Cong this time."

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