When she heard that Mr. Duan was looking for Liu Cong, Anna instantly understood the purpose of this group of people's visit.

So, Anna said politely: "Academician Duan, I'm sorry."

"Our boss is not in the institute now, and he doesn't come here often."

Hearing what Anna said, everyone looked at Anna with some confusion.

"Madam, do you know where he is now?"

"We have something important to do with him." Mr. Duan asked again.

Anna was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Our boss is still a college student."

"If you are looking for him, you probably have to go to Huaqing University to find him."

Anna's words surprised everyone.

They also didn't expect that there was a dignified boss of a research institute and a big star.

He turned out to be a college student from a prestigious university, which made everyone even more suspicious of Liu Cong's true identity.

"Young lady, could you call your boss now?"

Ana hesitated for a while, then dialed the phone.

For the first time, Anna didn't get through Liu Cong's phone call.

So I called a second time.

The strange thing is that it didn't get through the second time.

Anna looked at the group of people headed by Mr. Duan awkwardly, and then said: "Well, our boss can't get through on the phone."

"Why don't you go find him?"

Seeing that Liu Cong could not be contacted, Mr. Duan said a few polite words to Anna and then left.

After Mr. Duan and his party left, Anna and the people in the institute looked at the direction they were leaving in a daze.

"Mr. An, is this really Academician Duan?"

Anna nodded slightly.

"Yes! He is really an old man."

"I didn't expect that we would see people of this level in our lifetime."


Office of the President of Huaqing University,

A group of people sat at the conference table and looked at the principal sitting opposite them with a smile.

"Academician Duan, you are a rare visitor!"

"I didn't expect you to come here today."

"Excuse me, what brings you here today?"

Mr. Duan, who was sitting opposite the principal, didn't mince words when he heard the principal ask this question.

"Principal Zhu, I came here today to see someone."

"Is Liu Cong a student of your school?"

"Can you find him for me now? I have something important to discuss with him."

Duan Lao's words surprised the principal.

The next second, the principal instantly knew the purpose of the people in front of him to come to Liu Cong.

At that moment, the principal said: "At this point, I guess he is in the laboratory."

"What do you want to do with him?"

When Duan Lao heard that Principal Zhu knew Liu Cong, his expression showed joy.

"Then can you call him for me?" Mr. Duan asked.

The principal hesitated for a moment, then dialed Liu Cong's number and found that no one answered.

So, I prepared to go find Liu Cong myself.

Of course, this group of people must not go along.

After the principal asked a teacher next to him to entertain the group of people well, he walked down from the office building.

Forty minutes later,

The principal brought Liu Cong to the office. Seeing all the unfamiliar faces, Liu Cong had a smile on his face.

Before coming, the principal had already told Liu Cong what the purpose of these people might be.

Liu Cong was already prepared to deal with this group of people.

The principal led Liu Cong to Mr. Duan, and then introduced him to Mr. Duan: "Academician Duan, this is the person you are looking for."

Mr. Duan looked at Liu Cong in front of him. He was no different from the one on TV.

Liu Cong’s identity was immediately confirmed.

"Hello, Liu Cong."

"I am Duan Pingsheng from the Chinese Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences."

Liu Cong looked at the old man in his sixties and introduced himself politely.

"Hello, Academician Duan, I am Liu Cong from Huaqing University."

Just like that, the two shook hands in a friendly manner.

Afterwards, a few people sat down and got down to business.

"I think you may have guessed the purpose of our visit this time."

Regarding this point, Liu Cong nodded undeniably.

"Yes, you can probably guess that."

Later, in front of Liu Cong and the principal, Mr. Duan went straight to the topic without beating around the bush.

"I just want to ask this time, who developed this drug?"

"Who gave you the patent?"

When Mr. Duan asked this, Liu Cong was stunned for a moment, and then said: "This medicine is not someone's patent, it was developed by me."

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Duan opened his mouth in disbelief.

"Are you a pharmacy student!?" Mr. Duan asked in surprise.

At this time, the principal on the side smiled awkwardly.

"Academician Duan, have you forgotten?"

“There is no pharmacy major in our school.”

Only after hearing the principal's explanation did Mr. Duan react.

"that's true!"

"I remembered wrongly. Your school does not offer this major."

“It’s only available at Yenching University across the street.”

Liu Cong and Xiao Chang looked at each other and smiled, then nodded in unison.

"Academician Duan, I am a third-year student majoring in electronic information engineering."

"In addition, this patent is not someone else's, but my own."

Liu Cong's words left Academician Duan and the people following him speechless.

Nothing but surprise.

"Young man, do you mean that you developed this medicine alone?" Mr. Duan asked.

Liu Cong nodded gently.

"Yes, and my team."

"It is impossible for me alone to complete such a difficult task."

Although Liu Cong said this, everyone was still surprised.

"You mean, you hold the patent for this medicine?"

Duan Lao looked at Liu Cong in front of him and confirmed again.

The principal, who was silent, seemed very calm.

Because he is someone who has truly seen Liu Cong's strength.

People can create controlled nuclear fusion, so why do they still care about a miracle anti-cancer drug?

However, this project is now a national top-secret project and cannot be made public.

Otherwise, the principal might have to praise him in front of this group of people.

Liu Cong looked at Mr. Duan and nodded calmly.

"Yes, it's mine."

After Liu Cong said these words, Mr. Duan's subsequent reaction surprised everyone present.

"Can you transfer the formula and patent of your medicine to us?"

Mr. Duan's words made Liu Cong and the principal unable to react for a moment.

However, this was also within Liu Cong's expectation.

After all, everyone would want such a good thing.

Moreover, Liu Cong estimated that they had already conducted research on Eastern magic medicine before this.

It's just that no research has found out why.

That's when they found it.

At this time, the principal on the side spoke for Liu Cong.

"Academician Duan, I think this request is a bit difficult."

Duan Lao was also a little anxious after hearing what the principal said.

"Principal Zhu, you can't make this decision for your students without permission."

"He hasn't spoken yet."

Duan Lao just finished speaking, and the next second, Liu Cong spoke.

"Sorry, Mr. Duan, I will definitely not sell the patent."

"This is my hard work."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Mr. Duan quickly added: "We will give you a very generous reward."

"Ten billion, how about that?"

"Enough to last you a lifetime."

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