Faced with such a temptation as Mr. Duan, if it were placed on an ordinary person, he would definitely hesitate.

However, Liu Cong did not hesitate at all.

It was rejected outright.

"Academician Duan, I'm really sorry."

"This patent, for some reason, I really can't sell."

Duan Lao was stunned for a moment when he heard what Liu Cong said.

Then he said: "Young man, you can't control it."

"This patent is the safest for us."

What Academician Duan said does make sense.

If this medicine is used by others, the consequences will be disastrous.

By then, a box of medicine that originally costs 165 yuan may sell for tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.

Capitalists are completely capable of doing these things.

The reason Liu Cong didn't sell it was because he didn't want the price of the drug to increase.

It is most reliable to have it in your own hands.

"Academician Duan, I'm so sorry."

"I really can't sell the patent."

"Please forgive me."

"Don't worry, I will strictly follow the country's laws and regulations when selling drugs."

Liu Cong's words made Mr. Duan instantly speechless.

"Academician Duan, you may be worrying too much."

"We will never let anything happen to classmate Liu Cong."

"Don't worry about this."

Mr. Duan looked at the principal with a serious expression.

"Can the school protect him for one or two years? Can it protect him for a lifetime?"

In response to Mr. Duan's words, the principal just smiled softly and said nothing.

Now, even if Liu Cong leaves the school, he will not be harmed in any way.

He is now under special protection by the country. As long as someone dares to touch him, they are going against the top brass and the country.

Therefore, what Mr. Duan is thinking about is redundant.

Seeing that there was no agreement, Mr. Duan left the principal's office with a few people around him.

Before leaving, Mr. Duan specially left his contact information for Liu Cong.

Tell him that if he thinks about it, he can call himself.

Regarding what Mr. Duan said, Liu Cong did not give an accurate answer on the spot.

Then, the matter dropped.


A few days later,

The oriental miracle medicine developed by Liu Cong has been completely convinced by the public.

Because cancer patients who buy Liu Cong’s medicine are cured every day.

Even the relative of the principal recovered after taking the medicine given by Liu Cong.

There are even visits to say thank you.

However, Liu Cong flatly rejected such a request.

To say that the person who has gained the most is Liu Cong.

In just a few days, Liu Cong's reputation rose to more than 15 million.

And as time goes by, it continues to grow.

Huaxia's popularity has been upgraded by five levels and is now at level twenty-five.

Then, Liu Cong received the technical information of the antimatter spacecraft as a gift from the system.

When Liu Cong saw this information, he was also shocked.

He didn't expect that the things the system gave him now were already so powerful.

Liu Cong briefly looked at this information and felt that China's current scientific level could not produce such high technology.

Therefore, we can only put this in the system first.

We will talk about other things after the research on controllable nuclear fusion is completed.

A pharmaceutical company in China.

Several people who were also executives sat together.

At this time, their faces were full of sadness, as if they had encountered unprecedented difficulties.

At this time, Mr. Dai patted the mahogany table hard.

"We can no longer sit back and wait."

"If this trend continues, our companies will all go bankrupt."

"I really didn't expect that a small pharmaceutical research institute would have such powerful medicine."

"The key is that he sells it so cheaply, so he doesn't give us a way to survive!"

When Mr. Dai said this, his expression became ferocious.

At this time, Mr. Mo on the side also spoke.

"Dyson, didn't you tell me that the news was false that day?"

"You are still so sure, are you okay now?"

Mr. Mo spread his hands, looking a little unhappy.

"Mo Hengyu, I said this."

"Yes, so what if you believe it?"

Sparks were about to fly between the two.

At this time, a person who was slightly older than the two of them also spoke.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this."

"We are grasshoppers tied to a rope now. No matter what, now is not the time to quarrel."

After some persuasion, the two of them calmed down a lot.

"Mr. Wu, what do you think about this matter?" Mr. Mo asked.

Mr. Wu thought for a moment and then said, "Think about it, what kind of company are we?"

"What's the market value?"

"He has a small research institute, so what backing does he have?"

"Let's do the soft stuff first. If the soft stuff doesn't work, we'll just..."

After listening to Mr. Wu's words, the sound of laughter came from the room.

"Mr. Wu, you still have the courage and vision."

"Why didn't we think of it?"

"I'm afraid now that someone has already taken action in advance."

At this time, Mr. Dai on the side said a little uneasily.

"Whether there is, you'll find out when you go there."


At noon, Liu Cong drove to the outlet's research institute, preparing to discuss the expansion of the production line with Anna.

As soon as Liu Cong came in, a group of people in Rolls-Royce Phantom followed him.

After the security guard saw this formation, he quickly reported it to Liu Cong.

After getting Liu Cong's permission, several people entered smoothly.

It was none other than Dyson, Mo Hengyu, and Wu Gui.

After the three of them met Liu Cong, they were relatively friendly at first.

"Mr. Liu, let's introduce ourselves first."

"I am the CEO of Hengyu Pharmaceutical, and my name is Wu Gui.

"This is the CEO of Harmon Pharmaceuticals, Dyson."

"This is the CEO of Qiangmin Pharmaceutical, Mo Hengyu."

After listening to the introductions of the three people, Liu Cong knew that the three of them must have come prepared.

However, Liu Cong was still relatively friendly when facing them.

After all, all of these are bosses worth hundreds of billions, so they still have to give them face.

After some introduction, several people also entered the topic.

"Mr. Liu, I believe you have guessed the purpose of our visit this time."

"We want to discuss the Eastern magic medicine with you, do you think it's okay?"

Regarding Mr. Wu's inquiry, Liu Cong knew that it was no longer his choice whether to answer or not.

Immediately, he said: "If you have anything, please tell me!"

Liu Cong smiled and made a polite gesture of invitation.

"That's right, we plan to buy your patent."

"What do you think?"

Listening to Mr. Wu's tone, Liu Cong seemed to be giving orders rather than discussing.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wu, I can't sell the patent!" Liu Cong said firmly.

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