Hearing what Liu Cong said, the expressions of the three people changed instantly.

"I hear you don't plan to sell this patent?"

Mr. Wu looked at Liu Cong and asked with sharp eyes.

To be honest, Jiang is still hotter than he is old. This little look in his eyes revealed a murderous intent.

"Yes, Mr. Wu."

"I really can't sell the patent."

"If you come here for this, I think you will be disappointed."

After Liu Cong said these words, the three of them fell silent.

Seeing that Mr. Dai next to him was about to lose his temper, Mr. Wu quickly held him down.

"How about we pay 50 billion to buy your patent?"

"This money is enough to keep you and your family fed and clothed for a lifetime."

After listening to Mr. Wu's words, Liu Cong chuckled.

He said calmly: "Mr. Wu, to tell you the truth, I really don't need the money."

"So, I refuse."

These words instantly angered Mr. Dai on the side.

"Boy, I advise you not to toast and eat as a penalty!"

"There are some things that you can't just do if you don't want to."

Mr. Dai's words were full of threats.

Faced with this situation, Liu Cong still kept smiling and did not panic at all.

This situation shocked Anna beside her.

However, she was standing aside and couldn't say anything at all.


"Then I'll wait and see what kind of power you can give me."

Liu Cong slammed the table, which made the three people on the side look at him in shock.

"If nothing happens to the three of you now, I won't keep you here."

"I still have things to do."

"Sister Anna, see the guests off."

With that said, Liu Cong walked outside without looking back.

Mr. Wu looked at Liu Cong's leaving figure with a cold look in his eyes.

Seeing that the negotiation failed, the three of them did not stay here.

Then he drove away directly.

After a few people left, Anna hurriedly walked to Liu Cong and looked at Liu Cong with a worried expression.

"Mr. Liu, we are in big trouble this time."

"Those people are well-known figures in the pharmaceutical industry."

"Especially that Wu Hengyu, he is a completely ruthless person in private."

"He mixes in both white and underworld. He is not as kind as he appears."

Even though Anna said this, Liu Cong still didn't show the slightest panic.

Now that everything has happened, let it be.

Even if it happened again, Liu Cong would not give up the patent to these people.

After all, if this patent fell into the hands of these people, they would not be able to sell this medicine to sky-high prices.

"Sister Anna, don't worry about this."

"If something happens later, I will come forward to solve it."

"Next, let's discuss the expansion of the factory."

"Moreover, it's time for our institute to change its name."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Anna asked curiously: "What's the name?"

Liu Cong looked at Anna in front of him, and then said: "I want to change the original research institute into a company."

"In other words, I plan to change the original Outlet Research Institute to Outlet Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd."

"And, expand on the original basis."

As soon as these words came out, Anna looked at Liu Cong with some confusion.

"Then how do we solve our funding problem?"

Regarding Anna's question, Liu Cong immediately gave an accurate answer.

"You don't need to worry about this problem. I will solve it all. You only need to bring other leaders to help me manage the company."

Anna didn't know what was going on, but Liu Cong's words gave her a great sense of security.

She looked at her brother who was so many years younger than her, and she felt that he was not as simple as he seemed.


Hengyu Pharmaceutical Office,

Wu Hengyu sat on the office chair, his eyes narrowed into a thin line.

Originally, he thought that with his status, the other party would have to give him face no matter what.

After all, everyone knows his strength in this circle.

Unexpectedly, Liu Cong not only refused to give him this face, but also forcibly kicked him out.

This was what made him most angry.

At this time, Mr. Dai and Mr. Mo, who were standing by, obviously didn't look too good-looking.

"Mr. Wu, what should we do next?"

"Do you still want to negotiate with that boy?"

"That guy's attitude makes me angry just thinking about it!" said Mr. Mo on the side.

Mr. Wu looked at the two of them and said calmly: "That kid probably hasn't seen much of the world, so he's so crazy."

"Next, I will show him what is the danger of society."

As he spoke, Mr. Wu showed an evil smile on his face.

The two of them are also experienced in many battles in the workplace.

After hearing what Mr. Wu said, the two of them understood what Mr. Wu meant.

"Then how does Mr. Wu want to punish him next?" Mr. Mo asked on the side.

Mr. Dai also nodded curiously beside him.

"In this case, let's first..."

"But then..."

Mr. Wu's words made the two of them suddenly realize.

"Mr. Wu, your methods are still clever!"

After listening to Mr. Wu's words, the two of them couldn't help but give Mr. Wu a thumbs up.


A few days later,

A public opinion on the Internet said that oriental miracle medicine can kill people, which instantly attracted the attention of the media.

Subsequently, more and more family members came forward and began to accuse Liu Cong and Liu Cong's research institute.

Soon, this incident was reported by more and more media.

Moreover, it is also a local media.

Soon, this matter was believed by the general public.

People are spreading it on the Internet, how could there be such a miracle drug? It is a scam.

They also asked the people in the institute to kill people to pay for their lives, and they must give an explanation to society.

When the incident reached such a stage, Liu Cong's research institute was immediately sealed by the relevant departments.

The factory's assembly lines were also forced to shut down for investigation.

What's even more frightening is that Liu Cong still has to bear the exposure on the Internet.

This incident was also noticed by Liu Cong for the first time.

However, Liu Cong really has no choice now.

Public opinion is like the wind, it goes wherever it blows.

And the vast majority of people have no judgment, they will only protect the weak, and they will only believe what they see with their eyes.

For a time, Liu Cong was criticized on the Internet, and Liu Cong was even asked to get out of the entertainment industry.

Liu Cong didn't care about this matter, because he had seen this matter too many times and was used to it.

However, when the principal and others saw the news, they immediately lost their composure.

Afterwards, he immediately found the school's public relations team to refute the rumors for Liu Cong.

But who would have thought that the other party seemed to have guessed this matter a long time ago.

The other party incited netizens not to believe the information on the Internet to refute rumors, as well as the videos of people making comments. Those are all false.

For a time, the official website of Huaqing University was invaded by this group of irrational netizens.

The principal was almost exposed online because of this.

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