This matter quickly attracted the attention of the military and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

However, they did not stand up and speak out for this matter immediately.

They were afraid that Liu Cong's mood would be affected by this and delay the progress of Liu Cong's experiment.

Someone was specially sent down to calm Liu Cong's mood.

Who would have thought that Liu Cong didn't care at all.

Completely indifferent.

However, in order not to affect the sale of oriental magic medicine, Liu Cong still cooperated with the investigation.

When they learned that this medicine was real, the superiors immediately dispatched an investigation bureau to investigate the matter privately.

Even so, there are still people who want to buy Liu Cong's oriental magic medicine.

However, due to the control, this medicine can no longer be produced.

As a result, more and more cancer patients are showing their medical records and speaking out for Liu Cong online.

Then, two kinds of forces on the Internet were formed.

One supports Liu Cong, and the other opposes it.

Capital is capital, and under their control, those who oppose it still far outweigh those who support it.

Now, what Liu Cong is most worried about is not that the medicine cannot be sold, but that these patients have no medicine to take.

Liu Cong felt a little uncomfortable when he thought that the people who spoke for him were now being exposed online.

"They really played a good game!"

"Do you think you can make me surrender like this?"

"Haha, I really don't need this little money."

"Even if this patent is rotten in my own hands, I won't let you get it."

Hengyu Pharmaceutical Group,

Mr. Wu sat proudly on his seat in the office, holding a glass of red wine in his hand.

"It seems that the media is powerful enough this time!"

"I didn't spend these hundreds of millions in vain. It seems to be working well so far." Mr. Wu said to himself.

"Mr. Wu, do we still want to buy navy troops?"

At this time, a young man in formal clothes next to Mr. Wu walked up to Mr. Wu and asked him.

Mr. Wu looked at the young man and smiled.

"No need for the time being, that's enough to ruin his reputation."

"By the way, our people are gone now, right?"

Mr. Wu looked at the young man and slowly shook the red wine glass in his hand.

"Go back to Mr. Wu, he's already at that boy's door now."

"But now we don't know when he will come out." The young man said.

"It's not urgent for now, just let them watch."

"He'll always come out."

"When the time comes, it won't be up to him."

Mr. Wu looked out the window with a smile on his lips.

"Let them remember, don't kill me."

"Bring the person back to me intact."

The young man did not dare to neglect Mr. Wu's order and immediately agreed.

"Okay, Mr. Wu, I will tell them, don't worry."

With that said, the young man in front of him left Mr. Wu's office.

At this time, Liu Cong had no idea that a conspiracy was about to happen to him.

At this time, he had just returned from the laboratory after completing experiments.

Originally, the superiors had specially sent people to protect Liu Cong, but they were rejected by Liu Cong for disturbing his private life.

Therefore, they did not force it.

After Liu Cong returned to the apartment, he looked at all the missed calls and was a little dazed for a moment.

Chen Qiong made five calls, Zhang Guimei made eight calls, and even his Huaqing senior Li Shuqing called twice.

Upon seeing this, Liu Cong quickly called his mother back.

After Zhang Guimei answered the phone, she did not bury Liu Cong like last time, but comforted him.

After Liu Cong said he was fine, he called Chen Qiong and his senior respectively.

When the senior asked Liu Cong if he needed public relations assistance, to be honest, he was a little touched.

He only met Li Shuqing a few times, but Li Shuqing helped him a lot.

After thanking him, Liu Cong rejected Li Shuqing's request. He didn't want him to owe Li Shuqing any more favors.

The next day,

Liu Cong drove to the Outlet Research Institute.

After entering, the lively scene inside was gone.

When this incident happened, Liu Cong directly gave all the researchers here a holiday.

There are only a few security guards and Anna left here.

After seeing Liu Cong coming over, Anna, who was sitting on the office chair, also came over to greet him.

Liu Cong looked at the dark circles under Anna's eyes and knew that she hadn't slept well in the past two days because of this matter.

"Mr. Liu, I have tried every means in the past two days to reduce the public opinion this time."

"But, it really has no effect at all."

"The other party played really hard this time. It seems that they will not give up until we beg for mercy."

It can be seen that Ana's face is full of worry.

She didn't know whether she was worried about her own future or about Liu Cong.

Later, after Liu Cong chatted with Anna in the office for a while, he went to the factory to take a look.

It was still so desolate, except for the security guard at the door, there was no one else.

Seeing that there was nothing left to see, Liu Cong prepared to drive to Chen Qiong's house.

After all, the two of them haven't seen each other for a long time, and they made the arrangements on the phone last night.

However, Liu Cong had no idea that a danger was coming.

When Liu Cong drove to a small road, a dozen big men in black clothes suddenly appeared next to him, each holding a mace.

At first glance, he looks like someone hanging out on the street.

Then, these ten people surrounded Liu Cong.

Seeing that there were cars blocking him at the intersection ahead, Liu Cong didn't want to run away.

It's not that he can't run away, but that he feels sorry for the car Chen Qiong gave him.

Just like that, Liu Cong calmly parked his car on the side of the road.

Since this road is usually rarely used by people, and it is noon, there are not many cars.

Liu Cong didn't understand why these people appeared so suddenly.

"Hey! Boy, give you a chance and come with us now."

"Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

The leader, a bald man, pointed fiercely at Liu Cong with a mace in front of him.

Liu Cong looked at this big man with tattoos all over his arms, and then at the group of younger men behind him. He didn't feel nervous at all.

"Are you here to find me?"

"Did you find the wrong person? I am a very good citizen!"

Liu Cong looked at these men in black innocently.

"Your name is Liu Cong, right?"

At this time, the grumpy boy next to the big man in black walked towards Liu Cong with a mace in his hand.

However, he was intercepted by the bald man.

"What are you doing? You don't want money anymore, do you?"

"Do you remember what others ordered?"

After listening to the boss's teachings, the young man slowly put down the mace in his hand.

The bald man in front of him became a little angry when he saw Liu Cong leaning on the car with his hands clasped in his fists, as if he didn't take him seriously at all.

"Hey! Boy, what's your attitude?"

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