Seeing that there were no obstacles on the roadside, Liu Cong reopened the car door and walked into the car.

The moment he entered, he was immediately forced out by the heat.

The sunshine at noon in summer is brutal, as long as the air conditioner is not turned on in the car.

It won't be long before the car becomes completely unbearable for people.

So, Liu Cong turned on the air conditioner in the car, and then stayed outside for a while before driving to Chen Qiong's house.

At this time, Liu Cong didn't notice at all that there was someone following him.

It just didn't come out.

"Did you see it just now?"

"Saw it!"

"His skills are as good as those of the special forces, or even better than those of the special forces."

"It turns out that when he said he didn't want our protection, he really didn't want our protection."

In the grass not far from Liu Cong, the two of them were whispering.

"Let's go and report this matter to our superiors quickly."

"This is not a trivial matter. There must be someone behind it."


On the other side, Liu Cong drove to Chen Qiong's residence as if nothing was wrong.

When Chen Qiong saw Liu Cong, she immediately ran over and hugged Liu Cong.

"Brother, what's wrong with you these days?"

"I'm really worried about you."

Chen Qiong hugged Liu Cong's waist tightly, not wanting to let go at all.

"It's okay, this is all a small matter, don't worry, it will pass soon."

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong and nodded.

"Brother, please don't answer the phone again, okay?"

"There were several times when I wanted to go find you, but I was afraid that you would be busy, so I didn't go."

Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong, who was in love with the little bird, and gently touched his forehead.

"I'm sorry, as your boyfriend, I failed to fulfill my boyfriend's responsibilities." Liu Cong said with some self-blame.

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong and shook his head.

"It's okay, I'm not a little girl."

"Everyone is busy with things. I just want to know that you love me."

Hearing what Chen Qiong said, Liu Cong smiled slightly.

"That's necessary. My love for you is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea..."

Liu Cong was able to use all the words he thought of to modify.

Chen Qiong on the side was amused by Liu Cong's words.

"By the way, I remember last time you said you wanted to change a house for your uncle and aunt."

"I recently saw a really nice villa, very close to my place."

"The original house is now abroad, and this house is idle. If you are interested, I can take you to see it."

Chen Qiong's words instantly awakened Liu Cong.

If she hadn't mentioned it, Liu Cong would have forgotten about buying a house.

At that moment, Liu Cong immediately agreed to Chen Qiong.

"Do you have time now? I want to take a look."

Chen Qiong nodded, "Of course I have time."

"That villa is not far from us, let's walk there."

When Chen Qiong said it was not far away, Liu Cong immediately agreed.

"That's fine, I'll just take it as a walk with you."

"It seems like we haven't walked together for a long time."

With that said, the two of them walked out directly.

ten minutes later,

The two came to the door of this single-family villa. From the outside, the yard of this villa was larger than Chen Qiong's yard.

It is also full of flowers and plants. It seems that this house is often taken care of.

The main body of the house is off-white in color. From the outside, it can be said to be very beautiful.

However, the door was locked at this time, and Liu Cong and Chen Qiong could not enter.

"Let's go to the agent now and let him show us the house with the keys."

With that said, Chen Qiong took Liu Cong's hand and continued walking forward.

Soon after, the two came to the agency.

When he heard that Liu Cong and Chen Qiong were coming to buy 28 villas, the salesperson was stunned, and then asked: "Are you sure you want to see the villas?"

"We need to verify the capital before looking at the villa."

The sale was confirmed again to Liu Cong and Chen Qiong.

At this time, the two of them nodded at the same time.

"Okay, do you want to test his or mine?" Chen Qiong said to the salesperson.

The salesperson was stunned for a moment when he heard what Chen Qiong said.

"It's okay. As long as it meets the regulations, we can send someone to take you to see the house."

Therefore, Liu Cong did not hesitate and immediately showed off his assets.

When the salesperson saw the eight zeros on the back of Liu Cong's bank card, he looked at Liu Cong in surprise.

"Are we qualified to view the house now?" Liu Cong asked.

"Yes! Yes!"

"I'll take you there right away!"

"I'm looking for the house key."

"Xiao Zhou, quickly pour some water for the two gods. I'll be back soon."

With that said, the salesperson ran all the way to get the key to the villa.

Seeing this scene, Liu Cong couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it's better to have money.

Three minutes later,

The young salesman came over with a bunch of keys.

"Let's go, I'll drive you there now!"

"No need to drive."

"It's not too far, we can just walk there."

Soon after, the three people came to the 28th villa. After confirming that it was correct, the sales opened the door of the villa.

Then, they were introduced to the two of them.

"The original owner of this villa was engaged in foreign trade."

“I don’t live in it often, but it’s always taken care of.”

"Now that they have settled abroad, they want to sell this villa."


The salesperson used his rich and emotional voice to introduce the two of them.

Then, the three of them came to the villa.

As soon as he entered, Liu Cong was surprised by the huge living room.

This living room alone is more than 100 square meters, and you can do square dancing in it.

The decoration inside the villa is mainly a combination of European and French decoration.

The entire villa has four floors, without a yard, and has more than 400 square meters inside.

Sales took Chen Qiong and Liu Cong to watch for more than an hour.

Liu Cong is quite satisfied with the size of this villa and the style of decoration.

At that moment, we discussed the price with the salesperson.

A good villa will definitely not be cheap, and it is located in the center of Beiping City, not to mention it.

When Liu Cong saw the selling price of 80 million, he could actually accept the price in his heart.

Immediately, the price was finalized, and the price was not even paid back.

"This house is nice. Please give me the house book and contract later."

"I'll pay you directly."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, the salesperson looked at Liu Cong with excitement.

"Mr. Liu, are you sure?"

Liu Cong nodded calmly, "Of course, otherwise, why would I come to see the house?"

"Hey! Okay!"

"I will get you the house book and contract right now, and try to get your matter settled as soon as possible."

He has seen wealthy locals, but he has never seen anyone like Liu Cong who signed the contract on the spot.

You know, this order is enough to feed him for several years.

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