After returning, Chen Qiong took the initiative to ask to see Liu Cong's parents.

Liu Cong nodded in agreement. After all, his parents were also very worried about such a big thing happening to him during this period.

It might as well go back and take a look.

On the way back, Liu Cong told Chen Qiong not to tell his parents about buying a house. When the house was handed over, Chen Qiong could just hand over the keys to his parents.

Because today is the weekend, my parents are not working.

Soon the knock on the door was answered.

The moment Zhang Guimei saw Liu Cong, it could be said that she had mixed feelings in her heart.

But seeing Chen Qiong next to her, Zhang Guimei didn't say anything to Liu Cong on the spot.

As usual, he greeted his future daughter-in-law warmly.

"Xiaoqiong, you're here, come in and sit down quickly."

"Oh, you're already here, why don't you bring anything else?"

"Quick, come in and sit down."

After Liu Cong came in, he was no different from usual. He lay down on the sofa as if nothing happened.

However, Liu Yang and Zhang Guimei were not calm.

He kept asking Liu Cong what happened this time. Chen Qiong happened to be curious too, so the three of them asked Liu Cong together.

Liu Cong was also disturbed and had no choice but to briefly describe the incident to the three of them.

When Liu Cong's parents heard that Liu Cong had opened a company, they were very surprised.

Chen Qiong on the side looked very calm. He knew that Liu Cong was very rich.

However, it seems that his parents have always been kept in the dark.

"Why do I see so many people attacking you online and even talking about human life?"

"You don't even know how worried your dad and I are about you these days."

Liu Yang on the side also nodded after hearing what Zhang Guimei said.

"Yes, Liu Cong, are you involved in a pyramid scheme?"

"That's illegal. If your grandfather knew about it, he would never spare you!"

So far, his parents don't believe that the oriental magic medicine Liu Cong studied can really cure cancer.

Liu Cong really didn't want to explain too much about this.

He just needs to convince his parents that he has not broken the law.

His parents believed that if their son had broken the law, he would not be sitting here.

After dinner, Liu Cong did not spend the night at home.

Afterwards, he went directly to Chen Qiong’s residence.


At this time, within a certain high-level official in China.

Chief Guan Changsheng sat on a chair and looked at the people next to him seriously.

"These sons of bitches dare to take advantage of Liu Yuan's attention."

"I think they are tired of living."

"Dabin, is what you just said true?"

The chief confirmed to the two of them again.

"It's absolutely true!"

"But fortunately, Liu Yuan was quick and managed to escape."


"Otherwise what? If something happens to Liu Yuan, I will kill your heads!!"

The chief smacked the table angrily, with a cold look on his face.

"Go down and check. Find out which son of a bitch is so bold!"

"Within twenty-four hours, I want you to resolve this matter for me."

"Otherwise, you all should stop doing this!"

Judging from the commander's face, he was indeed very angry today.

If something happens to a person like Liu Cong, he will not be exempted from responsibility.

After Liu Cong arrived at Chen Qiong's residence, he saw the mess inside and couldn't stand it anymore.

So he started to help Chen Qiong clean up and down.

While cleaning up, he was still complaining.

"Sister, can't you take some time to tidy up the house?"

"If it doesn't work out, we can just hire a nanny!"

Chen Qiong disagreed with what Liu Cong said.

Instead, he sat on the stairs and looked at Liu Cong who was busy below with a smile.

"I'm waiting for you to come over and clean it up!"

"I don't want a nanny."

"If I find a nanny, you won't come even more. I still expect you to come over often and cook for me."

"I haven't eaten your food for a long time."

Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong sitting on the stairs and smiled.

"Okay, okay, I'll come here often from now on."

At this time, Chen Qiong didn't know what happened and stood up from the steps.

Then he ran up to Liu Cong and hugged Liu Cong's waist.

"I want to eat your cooking."

Liu Cong was stunned, "Didn't we just eat here?"

"I want to eat that."

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong excitedly, and then raised his eyebrows.


"That's it."

Seeing that Liu Cong didn't respond, Chen Qiong pulled Liu Cong upstairs.

"Where to!"

"What do you want to eat? I just ate and I'm not hungry."

"You're not hungry, I'm hungry!"

Chen Qiong was already impatient at this time.

After entering the room, he locked the door with a click.

Dozens of minutes later, a pleasant cry came from the room.


The next day,

Liu Cong got up early and prepared breakfast for Chen Qiong.

Then we drove back to school.

After returning to school, Liu Cong acted like a normal person, completely unaffected by public opinion.

As usual, I went directly to the laboratory to continue my research.


Wu Hengyu on the other side was furious when he learned that his plan failed.

"I didn't expect that boy to know martial arts!"

"What does Brother Song say now? I paid for it!"

"If it doesn't work out, I'll pay 20 million!"

Wu Hengyu held out two fingers, as if the 20 million were not money.

"Well, Mr. Wu, this matter may be a bit difficult to handle."

"The people over there told me that they suffered heavy losses yesterday, and two of them had their bones broken by that kid."

At this time, the young man wearing a suit and leather shoes next to Wu Hengyu said.

Seeing this, Wu Hengyu became a little impatient.

He asked directly: "Tell me, how much do they want now?"

Hearing what Wu Hengyu said, the young man was stunned for a moment, and then stretched out a slap.

"They said they would give 50 million to the talent now."

"After all, I already alerted the snake the first time, so..."

When Wu Hengyu heard what the young man said, there was no ink mark.


"Just like what they said, 50 million."

"No matter what happens to him this time, I just need to bring him back alive."

"I asked someone to check that kid. There is no power in the family. Just let them do it boldly."

Wu Hengyu said this, and the young man nodded lightly.

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

After the young man left, Wu Hengyu looked out the window, puzzled.

"Why does a young man have such strong fighting ability?"

"But even if you are like this, you can't do capital."

As he said that, Wu Hengyu's lips showed a smile again.

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