When the two of them heard the name, they had no reaction in their minds.

"Hey! I'm asking you something!"

The officer's words made the two of them wake up instantly.

"Oh, that, me!"

"What are you!"

"I get angry just seeing you two!!"

At this time, people in military uniforms on the side gave Huang Daguang and Qingsong a big dick.

The two of them were beaten so hard that they didn't dare to fight back, and their previous demeanor was completely gone.

Seeing that the officers in front of him wanted to attack him, Qingsong on the side immediately told the officers in front of him the reason of the matter.

It can be seen from their reactions that this young man named Liu Cong is definitely not someone to be trifled with.

If the two of them don't explain clearly the cause of the matter, they may have to explain it here today.

After hearing Qingsong and Huang Daguang's stories, the eyes of the officers present had fire in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, there was someone else behind this incident.

In other words, Qingsong only does things with money.

Moreover, it didn’t work the first time.

"Are you sure what you just said is true?"

At this time, the silent officer on the side spoke.

"It's true, it's true!"

"I still have transfer records!"

With that said, Qingsong took out his mobile phone and showed the officers the transfer records just now.

After a series of verifications, the people present confirmed what these two people said.

"Shaofei, Leng Nuan, Dabin, you guys will go to Hengyu Pharmaceutical with me in person now."

"I want to see what he has eaten."

"How dare you attract Liu Yuan's attention."

When Qingsong and Huang Daguang heard the word academician, they suddenly understood.

It turns out that Liu Cong is an academician, and he is still such a young academician.

No wonder there were so many military personnel dispatched just now, and among them was a military commander-level officer.

"Besides, these two people are keeping an eye on me."

"Let me check these two people and the person behind the scenes."

"I didn't plan to take care of you in the first place. Since you've been caught in the crossfire, I'll give it to your gang."

Hearing this, Qingsong's legs immediately started to tremble.

The next second, he collapsed to the ground.

And everyone didn't care what the two people's reactions were, and just dragged them out.

The specific execution method depends on what mistakes the two people made.


Hengyu Pharmaceutical,

After the young man finished his work, he went directly to Wu Hengyu's office and reported to him the situation of the war.

"Xie Rui, how did things go?"

"What did Brother Song say?" Wu Hengyu asked.

"Mr. Wu, Brother Song said, I'll leave this matter to him."

"He said he would make sure everything is done beautifully for you."

Hearing what Xie Rui said, Wu Hengyu showed a smile.

"Soon, this patent will be mine."

"By then, will the day when I become the richest man in China be far away?"

Speaking of this, Wu Hengyu just sat on the sofa and laughed.

He can already think about how he will feel when he becomes the richest man in China and is praised by all the stars.

"Then I would like to congratulate Mr. Wu first."

Wu Hengyu looked at Xie Rui, smiled and said: "Don't worry, follow me, I will ensure that you have meat to eat every time."

It can be seen that Wu Hengyu is in an extremely good mood now.

"Mr. Wu, do you want to tell Mr. Dai and others about this?"

After Xie Rui's reminder, Wu Hengyu's eyes gradually narrowed into a straight line.


"I came up with the idea and spent the money."

"When the time comes, if you don't tell me and I don't tell you, who will know that I have it?"

Hearing what Wu Hengyu said, Xie Rui immediately understood his boss's intention.

"High! Really high!"

"As long as we have a monopoly, no one can take away the right to use the patent from us."

"By the time……"

As they spoke, the two began to laugh again.

Just as the two were arguing, the door was kicked open with a bang.

Wu Hengyu and Xie Rui, who were in the office, were startled by the sound.

When they both turned around, they were instantly stunned by this scene.

I saw several people in military uniforms walking towards this direction with expressionless faces.

The three people behind them each had an AK. Wu Hengyu had only seen this kind of scene on TV.

He was even more surprised when he saw the symbol on the shoulder of the person in front of him.

"Lieutenant! Lieutenant General!"

When Wu Hengyu saw the lieutenant general in front of him, his first reaction was why he came here.

"You are Wu Hengyu, right?"

Facing the question from the lieutenant general in front of him, Wu Hengyu nodded subconsciously.

The next second, before he could react, he was escorted away by the three people behind him.

Even Xie Rui next to him didn't let go.

Soon after, several people came to the interrogation room just now.

However, this time Qingsong and Huang Daguang are no longer here.

Faced with this unknown situation, Wu Hengyu was extremely scared.

"Fellow officers, have I committed something?"

"I pay taxes every year, I have never evaded taxes, and I haven't committed anything!"

Wu Hengyu forced out a smile, this smile was just to cover up the fear in his heart.

Faced with Wu Hengyu's explanation, the lieutenant general did not react.

Instead, he looked directly at Dabin beside him and said, "Go and bring Qingsong to me."

When the two of them heard the name Qingsong, they felt like they were struck by lightning.

Their first reaction was that this matter must be related to Liu Cong.

However, all they could think of was that Liu Cong asked the military for help and gave him the patent.

Only in this way can this matter be explained clearly.

When Qingsong saw Wu Hengyu, the murderous look in his eyes was directly revealed.

Now that the matter is over, Qingsong no longer needs to pretend.

"Son of a bitch! You killed me!!"

"Wu Hengyu, you must die a good death!"


Qingsong's scolding words can be said to be unpleasant to listen to.

Wu Hengyu was also completely confused by Qingsong's scolding, and he didn't know where he had offended him.

"Sir, you must check him carefully."

"It was he who asked me to take people to kidnap Academician Liu."

"Academician Liu?"

Wu Hengyu looked at Qingsong in confusion, confused.

When did he ask Qingsong to help him kidnap the academician?

Isn't this the obliteration of important figures in the country? This requires beheading.

However, the next second, he thought of someone, and that was Liu Cong.

"Liu Cong?"

Wu Hengyu thought for a while and held back two words for a long time.

"What do you think?"

"What did you do that you don't know about?"

As he said that, the lieutenant general in front of him was so angry that he gave Wu Hengyu a hard fight.

"I love you!"

"Who gave you the courage!"

"Just because of you, I almost lost my official title."

The reason why Lieutenant General Wang Zhaoyang said this was because he was solely responsible for protecting Liu Cong.

Now that such a big mistake has been made, it would be a good thing if his superiors did not convict him immediately.

When Wu Hengyu heard what the Lieutenant General said, he could no longer care about the pain on his face.


"He obviously comes from an ordinary family and has no background!"

After hearing what Wu Hengyu said, Lieutenant General Wang Zhaoyang gave Wu Hengyu a cold look.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you either."

"In short, you are sure to use this sewing machine."

"But, I don't plan to let you go like this."

The lieutenant general looked at Wu Hengyu in front of him coldly, "Send the investigation team down."

"Look, let me investigate to death!"

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