In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 257: This is still a carbon-based organism, can you think of a way to do it?

Seeing this, Wu Hengyu's legs were completely weak.

He also didn't expect that he would spend half his life in the business world.

In the end, he fell into the hands of a mysterious young man, which was something he never expected.

"Dabin, take this person down here."

"Find me the best public relations team immediately to refute the rumors. The sooner the better."

Faced with Lieutenant General Wang Zhaoyang's request, they did not dare to slack off at all and immediately agreed.

At this point, this matter comes to an end.

Liu Cong, who was at Huaqing University, was indeed completely kept in the dark.

I saw that he was currently in the nuclear physics laboratory, completing a great experiment with several academicians.

And this experiment will eventually go down in history.

At noon, the laboratory was already packed with people.

Everyone here is a famous figure in China.

At this time, all the great powers in the Chinese physics world have gathered here.

They only wanted to witness a miracle, that is, the carefully controllable nuclear fusion reactor broke through in one and a half hours.

This will be the limit that humans can reach. As long as this limit is exceeded, it means that it is only a matter of time before controllable nuclear fusion can enter everyone's lives.

"An hour and ten minutes."

Shu Lao was leaning on a cane, and his lips were already trembling a little when he spoke.

He did not expect that he would see such a grand event in his lifetime.

The industry he insisted on and loved was completely overtaken by a young man.

At this time, he was happy.

For him, fame is no longer important to him.


"I really didn't expect that such a day would come."

At this time, Academician Yang next to him couldn't help but sigh. ,

Liu Cong, Academician Gao and Academician Li were watching the changes on the display screen attentively.

Because the light was too strong, the three of them had to wear special glasses to see the screen clearly.

"Academician Gao, please go and adjust the pressure relief valve on the tokamak device downward by two notches."

"Academician Li, please keep an eye on the reaction numbers on the screen."

With that said, Liu Cong put down what he was doing here and went directly to the particle accelerator.

When everyone saw Liu Cong standing next to the particle accelerator, their hearts tightened.

"What is he going to do!!"

Everyone stared at Liu Cong not far away in disbelief.

"In this case, I think he wanted to accelerate the particles twice."

"Let the deuterium and tritium in the tokamak device react longer in the toroidal magnetic field."

Hearing Mr. Shu's explanation, everyone immediately became uneasy.

"Is he crazy?!"

"This might explode, and none of us will be able to run away by then!"

Academician Zhou on the side was a little excited and immediately stepped forward to stop Liu Cong.

However, he was grabbed by Shu Lao behind him.

"Don't disturb him."

"We have to believe him. Since he dares to take this risk, we have to believe him."

"If you are afraid of danger, you can leave now. I will stay here to watch alone."

Mr. Shu wore professional glasses and looked firmly at the tokamak device directly in front of him.

He firmly believed that Liu Cong's idea was right.

Therefore, he wanted to stay and witness this great scene.

Faced with Shu Lao's low-pitched scolding, everyone became quiet and had no idea of ​​stopping Liu Cong.

At this time, Liu Cong was completely immersed in his inner world and didn't care about the situation behind him at all.

"If the ultra-high-energy particles inside are subjected to 100 megaelectronvolts per meter, will it prolong the reaction speed?"

This is a question that Liu Cong is very puzzled by.

However, Liu Cong thought again. As long as he did not emit particles too much, it would not cause the tokamak device to go out of control.

If it doesn't work, Liu Cong can directly stop the reaction inside when the time comes.

Before the experiment, Liu Cong turned to look at the people behind him and motioned for them to leave.

After all, this experiment was the first time he had done it, and it was also something he came up with on a whim.

At that time, the system did not inform Liu Cong of this step.

However, not only did this group of people not leave, but everyone gave Liu Cong a thumbs up.

Liu Cong was really moved by this scene.

As a junior, he was able to get the support of more than a dozen academicians at the scene, and he instantly gained confidence.

Liu Cong turned his head and put all his energy into the laser particle accelerator.

"It will definitely succeed! It will definitely happen!"

Liu Cong carefully debugged the equipment, and then observed the reaction data on the device.

As the temperature inside the device dropped to about 100 million degrees, Liu Cong knew that his opportunity had come.

I saw Liu Cong gently pressing the emission button, and then the particles were directly emitted at one hundred trillion electron volts per meter.

At this moment, the hearts of everyone present were in suspense.

They are not sure what will happen in the next second. They can only judge the reaction inside through vision.

Just five seconds after the particles were emitted, an intense light erupted inside the tokamak.

If everyone present had not taken protective measures, they would definitely be harmed by this light.

Just when people were worried about whether something unexpected would happen, the tokamak device stabilized.

At this time, the big stone in people's hearts also completely fell.

Liu Cong looked at the rows of data on the device, slowly returning to normal, and a smile appeared on his lips.

He knew that his operation could at least extend his reaction time by a few minutes.

At this time, Academician Gao and Academician Li also came to Liu Cong's side, looking at Liu Cong with excitement.

"Academician Liu, when did you have such an idea?"

The reason why Academician Gao asked this was because Liu Cong did not tell the two of them this idea in advance.


"Actually, this was my temporary idea, and then I tried it, but I didn't expect it to actually work."

As soon as these words came out, the two academicians cast surprised glances at the same time.

You know, this experiment is no joke.

In the scientific community, everyone knows that experiments require rigor.

However, Liu Cong has completely broken this rule.

There is a saying that goes well: If you don’t destroy, you won’t establish. If you destroy, you will establish. If you break and establish, you will be reborn.

“That’s awesome!!”

"Is this still a method that carbon-based organisms can think of?"

At this time, someone from behind suddenly exclaimed.

Seeing Liu Cong's success, these people also rushed in, wanting to see the reaction inside.

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