Academician Gao and Academician Li looked a little disappointed when Liu Cong said this.

During this time, they really learned a lot while doing experiments with Liu Cong.

Suddenly I heard that Liu Cong was going to move behind the scenes, and I was really reluctant to let go.

In their eyes, Liu Cong is really their teacher in a sense.

"Yuan Liu, are you really not planning to go to the field for testing in person in the future?" Academician Li on the side asked.

Faced with such a question, Liu Cong couldn't give an accurate answer for a while.



After handing over the relevant matters, controllable nuclear fusion has come to an end for Liu Cong.

Liu Cong, who had not eaten at noon, was already hungry when he returned to his apartment.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, at this time, there is no food in the school cafeteria.

So, Liu Cong put on a mask and related protective equipment and went out.

After all, he is now on the cusp of the storm, and it would not be good if he was recognized.

Liu Cong casually ordered a stewed chicken at the school gate, and then packed it up and brought it back to eat.

Liu Cong opened the news software while eating.

He wanted to pay attention to the extent to which public opinion about his matter had fermented.

Although Liu Cong said he didn't care, in the past two days, he still didn't dare to see any information about himself online.

But when he opened the headlines, he couldn't see any information about himself.

This information seems to have evaporated from the world, and nothing can be found.

Liu Cong didn't believe in evil, so he opened Douyin, Bibo, and other social software, but he didn't find any negative information about his incident.

At this moment, he thought of what Shu Lao said to him in the laboratory, and suddenly realized it.

"It turns out that this is what Mr. Shu meant just now."

Liu Cong looked at the screen of his mobile phone while eating.

At this time, a strange phone call suddenly came over. This was an encrypted phone call. Liu Cong could not see the area and number on it.

Liu Cong didn't hesitate and answered the phone immediately.

At this time, a rich male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Are you Academician Liu?"

"I am Beiping..."

In order to prevent Liu Cong from misunderstanding, the person on the other end introduced his identity on the spot.

"It turns out it's you!"

"What do you want from me?"

Liu Cong directly asked the other party the purpose of his visit this time.

"That's right, we have found the person who slandered and kidnapped you."

"Would you like to come over and take a look now?"

"We will send troops to escort you specifically."

In order to make Liu Cong feel at ease, the other party also emphasized that they would be escorted.

However, Liu Cong felt that this was still unnecessary. He had not yet reached the point of being escorted by the army.

Liu Cong thought about it on the phone for a while, but still rejected the request of the officer on the other side.

"I won't go, just tell me the name."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, the other person on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Okay!"

"The person who wants to frame you is the CEO of Hengyu Pharmaceutical Group, Wu Hengyu."

"He contacted two other pharmaceutical company CEOs and paid a high price to hire the biggest gangster in Peiping to kidnap you."

"As for why, I think you also know."

"But don't worry, we have arrested both the principal culprit and the accomplice, and they may be handed over to the police for further processing."

"We will also refute the rumors for you as soon as possible."

The other party's tone was very polite, which made Liu Cong feel a little embarrassed.

"Thank you then!"

"You guys really helped me a lot this time." Liu Cong said gratefully.

"Academician Liu, you are really too kind."

"This is what we should do."

"Academician Liu, do you have anything else to say?"

Liu Cong thought for a while, and then said: "When can my factory start work?"

"Many people are still waiting for my medicine to cure their illnesses!"

When Liu Cong finished saying this, the other end of the phone shouted: "Dabin, have you resolved the matter at Academician Liu's Research Institute?"

"It's coming soon, it's coming soon, I guess it will be tonight."

Liu Cong, who was on the other end of the phone, felt completely relieved when he heard what the other person said.

He was now curious about how the other party would refute the rumors about him.

Even if this public opinion will have some impact on the credibility of your own medicine.

However, as Liu Cong said, this medicine is only sold to those who are destined.

After all, he really can't make much money on this medicine now, and he might not make much in the future.

However, as long as he can operate normally now, he has achieved his desired goal.

After eating, Liu Cong lay on the bed and played with his mobile phone.

Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.

When I woke up, it was already eight or nine o'clock in the evening.

Seeing that it was past dinner time, Liu Cong reluctantly had another midnight snack.

Then he organized his teammates and played several LOL training games.

The next day, when a ray of light hit the balcony, Liu Cong woke up from his sleep.

Today is Monday. Without the constraints of the experiment, Liu Cong returned to the classroom again.

The only thing that made him feel at ease was that no one seemed too surprised when they saw Liu Cong coming in.

You know, Liu Cong is in Huaqing now, and there are very few people who don't know him.

Still the same, Liu Cong sat in the last row again.

And Jiang Wanying was sitting next to him.

Jiang Wanying was a little surprised when she saw Liu Cong coming over.

"Why did you come to class?"

"If you don't come to class, I'll think you've dropped out of school!"

In response, Liu Cong could only give Jiang Wanying an embarrassed smile.

"By the way, what happened to you these past two days?"

"What's going on with that oriental magic medicine? How could you be exposed on the Internet?"

Liu Cong had guessed the question Jiang Wanying asked when he first met her.

This matter is so popular between these two people, she will not pay attention to it.

Therefore, Liu Cong could only tell Jiang Wanying what was going on.

After Jiang Wanying heard this, her face was full of disbelief.

"You mean, this medicine is real!"

"Oh my god, did I hear that right!?"

Seeing Jiang Wanying's unseen expression, Liu Cong didn't know how to answer her words.

This matter will surprise anyone.

If this medicine were real, it would be really shocking.

"Yes, I heard that right."

"You may see me refuting the rumors on the news soon."

"When the time comes, everything will come to light."

"I won't explain much, just listen to the class!"

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