Liu Cong didn't say anything, and Jiang Wanying didn't ask.

Afterwards, the two of them sat in the back row and started class.

It was said that they were in class, but neither of them listened to what the teacher was saying.

Jiang Wanying was tinkering with her computer, while Liu Cong was playing with his mobile phone.

Soon, the morning class passed by.

Until noon,

Jiang Wanying and Liu Cong went to the school cafeteria to eat again.

During this period, Jiang Wanying reported the company's recent situation to Liu Cong.

"In the past two months while you were away, our company's business has expanded again."

"Now our business has expanded to Asia and Europe."

"With this patent alone, we can achieve a monthly revenue of over 5 billion."

"The valuation of our company has been directly raised to 200 billion."

"I wonder if you have any idea of ​​going public?"

Jiang Wanying sat across from Liu Cong and wanted to hear Liu Cong's opinion.

Liu Cong hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

"Forget it. Going public will attract capital after all."

"Our company's business model should imitate Warwick."

"We don't lack patents, and we won't be blocked by the United States. I think this is really unnecessary."

"As long as we improve the benefits of our company's employees, we are not short of money now."

Now, he is indeed not short of money.

Even if he does nothing every day, hundreds of millions of dollars of money will be deposited into his personal account every month.

And I don't need to keep an eye on these companies all the time, my subordinates can deal with them directly.

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Jiang Wanying nodded. After all, Liu Cong was the real boss, and she must listen to Liu Cong.

"Well, there's definitely nothing to say about employee benefits. Don't worry about that."

"I've been meaning to ask you a question."

"You are obviously the CEO, why don't you care about your company at all?"

"Do you really want to let it go?"

Jiang Wanying was very puzzled by Liu Cong's Buddhist attitude.

Other bosses are eager to go to the company every day, but Liu Cong is eager to go.

The company had been open for a few months, and Liu Cong went to visit it on the day of the press conference.

After that, Liu Cong never went there again.

"I'm not from this company. I'm very busy, okay?"

"Hey, being the boss is so tiring!"

Liu Cong said to Jiang Wanying in a joking tone.

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Jiang Wanying rolled her eyes at him.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Someone doesn't love money and still opens many companies."

"Someone is really Versailles!"

Jiang Wanying also became angry with Liu Cong.

Fortunately, there were no students near them, otherwise, they would really think that these two people were crazy.

Since there were no classes this afternoon, Jiang Wanying went to the company after lunch.

After all, Jiang Wanying is now the vice president of this company and a major shareholder, so of course she will become interested.

In the afternoon, Liu Cong couldn't stay at school anymore.

So, he drove to the Outlet Research Institute.

On the way, Anna called and told Liu Cong that he could restart the production of drugs.

This is a good thing for Anna, but Liu Cong already knew about it in advance.

Thirty minutes later, Liu Cong arrived at the Outlet Research Institute.

When he entered, everyone working in the institute had returned to work.

There were even banners hung outside the gate.

Judging from everyone's facial expressions, everyone has a smile on their face.

"Mr. Liu, you are here!"

"Someone from above just came down and told us that we can resume work."

"I'm going to inform the factory now to start resuming work."

It can be seen that Anna is very happy.

When Anna turned around to leave, Liu Cong stopped him.

"No need, I already informed you just now."

Anna also nodded after hearing what Liu Cong said.

"Mr. Liu, this really surprises me."

"On the Internet, all the negative news just evaporated overnight."

"All of them can't be found. Even if someone posted them, they were deleted immediately."

It can be seen that Anna can't believe it.

After all, all the negative news that was circulating yesterday had disappeared this morning.

This is what surprised Anna the most.

What kind of force can make such a huge public opinion disappear overnight.

What kind of terrifying force could do this?

Liu Cong didn't know how to explain Anna's question.

He can't say that he is a person protected by the country.

"I don't know. Maybe some people can't bear to take action."

Although Anna had doubts, this explanation still made sense.

"It's very possible that some big shot got better after taking our medicine, and he took action because he couldn't stand it." Anna added.

Liu Cong didn't expect that Anna could figure it out.

At that moment, I followed his wishes.

Seeing that the research institute was running stably, Liu Cong planned to explain the affairs here and give Anna full responsibility.

Later, Liu Cong convened the management of the institute and held a small meeting.

During the meeting, Liu Cong particularly emphasized that the price of this drug is not allowed to increase, and scalpers are not allowed to rush to buy it privately.

Because he is worried that if such a good medicine is purchased by the capital market to monopolize it, in the end, it will be the common people who spend a lot of money to buy the medicine.

While Liu Cong was having a meeting, a group of seven or eight people came outside.

When he learned that the other party was the Food and Drug Administration, the security guard did not dare to neglect, and immediately informed Liu Cong, who was having a meeting inside.

Soon after, Liu Cong led the group of people to another small conference room nearby.

The group was very polite when they arrived and did not appear aggressive.

In this way, Anna on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

After a few people sat down, Liu Cong personally served tea to everyone present.

After Liu Cong sat down, a man about forty years old and wearing a plaid shirt walked up to Liu Cong, and then took the initiative to extend his right hand.

"Hello, Mr. Liu."

"I am Wang Jianjian, the director of the China Food and Drug Administration."

"It's a great honor to meet you today!"

Seeing the sincerity of the middle-aged man in front of him, Liu Cong immediately stood up from his seat and shook hands with Director Wang in front of him.

"Hello, my name is Liu Cong."

"Just call me Xiao Liu."

When he heard the name Xiao Liu, Liu Cong could clearly feel Director Wang's hand trembling.

This detail was captured by Liu Cong instantly.

Liu Cong was sure that the man in front of him must know something.

After the two of them sat down, Director Zhao spoke.

"I'm sorry for coming uninvited today. Let me first tell you the purpose of our visit."

"We want to officially incorporate your drug into the national pharmacy."

"When the time comes, your medicine can be sold anywhere in China."

What Director Wang said is definitely great news for Liu Cong.

This decision means that in the future, our medicines will be available in large pharmacies across the country.

In this way, more people can be benefited.

This means that when cancer patients get sick in the future, it will be like treating a cold.

Just go to the pharmacy and get this medicine, there is no need to spend money to treat the disease.

This has also been Liu Cong's goal all along, but he didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

Seeing that Liu Cong didn't respond, Director Wang added: "Don't worry."

"The patent and production belong to you, we don't interfere."

Liu Cong knew that Director Wang had misunderstood.

He immediately explained: "No, no, no, that's not what I meant."

"It's just that this news came so unexpectedly."

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