After hearing Liu Cong's explanation, Director Wang also felt that his coming this time was indeed a bit abrupt.

"Liu Yuan, Liu~Liu~Mr. Liu!"

"I'm really sorry. I should have informed you in advance when I came." Wang Ju said apologetically.

Anna on the side was shocked by Wang Ju's attitude.

How could such powerful people like them apologize to a private boss.

Everyone wants to fawn over a person of this status.

I heard Wang Ju mistakenly call him Liu Yuan, and then look at his attitude towards me.

He knew that the king in front of him must know something, and the people above him must have said something to him, so that people of this level could see the reason why he was so respectful.

Seeing Mr. Wang being so polite, Liu Cong smiled slightly.

"Wang Ju, what you said is serious."

“It’s a great honor for my medicine to be included in the Food and Drug Administration.”

Next, the two engaged in a five-minute business exchange.

To be honest, Wang Ju's eloquence is definitely the best among all the people Liu Cong has ever seen.

"Mr. Liu, we have already conducted on-site inspections before this."

"Many cancer patients have taken your medicine and are now cured."

"This medicine of yours is really good news to all cancer patients in China."

"So, please consider my request."

Director Wang looked at Liu Cong with a smile on his face.

Liu Cong thought to himself, is there any need to consider this? This is all about giving yourself face.

Liu Cong had to sigh, it was good to have someone to protect him.

"I agree, of course I agree. I really hope you can give me this chance."

"If there are no problems on your side, we can implement this decision today."

Wang Ju on the opposite side saw that Liu Cong was also a cheerful person, so he readily agreed.


"That's exactly what I meant. I don't like procrastination in my life."

"For medicines that can benefit the people, we must of course get them as quickly as possible."

"As for the pricing, just follow your previous one."

In this way, the next few people thoroughly implemented the matter in this simple conference room.

Before leaving, Director Wang also took the initiative to add Liu Cong's contact information.

He even took the initiative to invite Liu Cong to dinner.

Anna saw this scene, and she was extremely shocked at first.

However, when he thought about the efficacy of this medicine, he understood why Director Wang was so polite to Liu Cong.

Of course, she was wrong.

If it weren't for someone above protecting Liu Cong this time, Liu Cong might still be involved in public opinion.

And those capitalists are probably sipping red wine and watching Liu Cong's jokes.

Society is like this sometimes.

When you are weak, you will find that there are bad people around you.

When you are strong, you will find that you are surrounded by good people.

After seeing off Director Wang and his party, Liu Cong returned to the conference room and continued the unfinished meeting.

After the meeting was completed, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon.

So, Liu Cong drove back to school.

At night, when Liu Cong lay down in bed and turned on his mobile phone, Liu Cong was attracted by the hot news.

This is the newly released news from Hua Xia Daily at 20.23 pm on August 5th, Peking time.

When he clicked on the content inside, he was even more shocked.

The above content is the news that Qingsong, Wu Hengyu and others were arrested.

And he also specifically emphasized that Wu Hengyu colluded with two other pharmaceutical company bosses and paid a large price to let Qingsong kidnap Liu Cong.

Moreover, he deliberately slandered and fabricated false information to the outside world, which caused great harm to Liu Cong himself.

In addition, it was also discovered that Wu Hengyu had been involved in murder cases, tax evasion, and other crimes in his early years.

In the end, Qingsong was sentenced to ten years in prison.

The main culprit this time, Wu Hengyu, was immediately sentenced to death.

The other two accomplices were also sentenced to three years in prison, although they did nothing.

Finally, he also specifically refuted the rumors that the oriental miracle medicine is not a fake medicine, but a real medicine.

And in the near future, it will be available in major pharmacies across the country.

When everyone saw this, they immediately became excited.

No one thought that one day, a drug to cure cancer would be available so suddenly.

This is undoubtedly great news for some people.

Once this drug is released, it will save many families troubled by cancer and give many people hope of living.

For a time, Liu Cong was hailed as the father of anti-cancer by netizens.

In this regard, Liu Cong is relatively accepting of such a title.

Liu Cong flipped through the comments in the comment area one by one, feeling very happy.

Netizen 2500: I am a cancer patient. I am 65 years old. When I saw this news, I really couldn’t believe it!

I'm saved! I can continue to take care of my disabled wife.

Thank you to the scientific researchers and thank you to the motherland! !

Blooming like a flower: great! That's great! My husband is saved!

Continuous must be directed: Here, I would like to apologize to Mr. Liu Cong. Sorry, I scolded you. I hope you can forgive me when I see this news.

From now on, I will never participate in online exposure again.

Xiaoyu: Hey! If only this medicine had come out earlier, even a month earlier.

Thank you for the strength of the motherland, and thank you to the scientific researchers for their dedication! !


Every paragraph in the comment section is so sincere.

When Liu Cong saw this, he was really moved by it.

He was happy for some people and felt sorry for others.

At this moment, the system's prompt tone suddenly appeared in Liu Cong's mind.

【Ding! The host’s Chinese popularity level has been raised to level 30]

[Reward a copy of host superconducting graphene battery information]

【Ding! The reputation value of the detection host is constantly increasing and has currently reached 25 million]

Liu Cong was shocked when the report was true.

"I go!"

"Why is it another piece of information, superconducting graphene battery!"

"Wasn't this always a gimmick?"

"The reputation value has increased so much!"

Liu Cong was very surprised by this.

But Liu Cong was too sleepy. After some surprise, he fell asleep.

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