Early the next morning, Liu Cong woke up from his sleep.

He didn't know how long it had been since he had such a good sleep.

When he opened his phone, he found that after he fell asleep last night, he had many missed calls.

Liu Cong didn't even have to think about it. Everyone must have seen the news last night.

So, Liu Cong called back his classmates and friends one by one.

Finally, Liu Cong called his mother.

When Zhang Guimei learned that this incident was true, he sounded very excited.

"You bastard, why didn't you tell me what you did?"

"I'm worried about you to death!"

At this time, Liu Yang on the side also spoke.

"Now that our son is famous, you should be happy."

"Your son is now a father fighting cancer."

When Liu Yang said this, Zhang Guimei stopped blaming.

After finishing the phone call with his parents, Liu Cong was ready to go downstairs for breakfast.

As soon as this news was released, Liu Cong has completely opened up his exposure.

There is no one at Huaqing University who doesn’t know Liu Cong, unless he doesn’t go online.

In the girls' dormitory, Li Yichen turned on her phone in the morning, looked at the news about Liu Cong with some disappointment, and then let out a long sigh.

Then, he opened the social software and entered a series of numbers, and then a sunflower avatar came out.

Li Yichen thought for a while and then clicked on the application to add as a friend.

She didn't know how many times she had taken the initiative to add Liu Cong as a friend, but she had never succeeded.

"Liu Cong, I admit that I regret it."

"I wasn't so indifferent to you in the first place, I shouldn't have blocked all your contact information."

"Give me another chance, okay?"

After Lin Yichen finished typing these words, she clicked to submit the application.

Liu Cong, who was having breakfast in the cafeteria, paused with the chopsticks in his hand after seeing the application.

Liu Cong originally thought that Lin Yichen must have forgotten him since he hasn't looked for him for so long.

Unexpectedly, the friend request was sent again.

This time, Liu Cong did not click reject and directly agreed to Lin Yichen's friend request.

When Lin Yichen saw that Liu Cong passed her friend request, before she could be happy, she was poured cold water on her.

"Ariel Ariel, please don't bother me anymore."

"I told you, I already have a girlfriend, and I'm about to get married."

"Don't bother me again, thank you!!"

After Liu Cong finished typing this, he planned to delete Lin Yichen.

But the message Ariel Ariel sent next was shocking.

"It doesn't matter, I can be the mistress."

When Liu Cong saw this message, he almost spit out the soy milk in his mouth.

After hesitating for a while, Liu Cong typed a few words.

"Ariel Lin, are you so bottomless now?"

Li Yichen immediately responded: "I was ignorant before, but I really like you."

Seeing that Liu Cong didn't respond to her, she sent a lot of messages, all trying to save Liu Cong's remarks.

However, this information seemed so funny in Liu Cong's eyes.

He didn't even hesitate and immediately blocked and deleted it.

Once again, the fate between the two was completely over.

Ariel Ariel on the other end, when she saw the message she sent turned into a small red dot, tears of regret flowed from the corners of her eyes.

She never thought that such a proud person would one day become a bitch.

On the other side, a large number of reporters learned that Liu Cong was from Huaqing University, and they all ran to the school gate, saying they wanted to interview Liu Cong.

At this time, the principal immediately called Liu Cong to ask for his opinion.

Liu Cong was a little surprised after hearing this. He didn't expect that all these reporters would come here.

After thinking about it, Liu Cong still refused this interview.

After all, he felt that this kind of interview was really unnecessary.


The Institute of Medicine of the United States is the most authoritative medical institution in the world.

There are many medical tycoons here, including five Nobel Prize winners in medicine.

However, when they learned that China had developed a drug that could cure cancer.

Subconsciously, I thought this news was fake news.

The United States has one of the best medical systems in the world. After so many years of hard work by scientists, they have not yet developed an anti-cancer drug.

Then China is even more impossible.

When they saw this news, it was released by the most authoritative Huaxia Newspaper in China.

The impossibility in everyone's mind has turned into a question.

Subsequently, we immediately sought verification from the relevant departments.

The news was confirmed by the US side and is true.

After getting the answer, everyone at the American Research Institute was shocked.

In the middle of the night, an emergency meeting was immediately held at the American Research Institute.

The release of the Chinese Oriental miracle drug has completely disrupted the progress of research on anti-cancer drugs in American research institutes.

It can be said that it is very likely that all their previous research efforts will be in vain.

The best anti-cancer drugs they have now can only control the cancer and prevent it from spreading.

As for cure, that is absolutely impossible.

Less than half an hour after everyone saw this news, the conference room was already full of people.

Among these people, the lowest one has a doctorate in medicine, and there were even a dozen medical bachelors who also joined the meeting.

One can imagine how much attention the United States paid to this drug as soon as it came out.

When everyone calmed down, a middle-aged man in casual clothes opened the PPT file on the computer.

Then, a very simple yellow pill box appeared on the big screen, with the words "Oriental Miracle Medicine" written on it.

When everyone first saw this box of medicine, they could not imagine that this medicine could cure cancer.

Because this is so concise that it gives people an unreal feeling.

The middle-aged man operating PPT is called Wilson, the director of the American Institute of Medicine.

When he was only in his forties, he was elected as a medical doctor. At the age of thirty-five, he also won the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

When everyone below saw Wilson coming in person, they knew how important this matter was to everyone.

"I think everyone has also seen that it is this oriental miracle drug, a drug newly developed by China that can cure cancer."

When Wilson said this, the hall was quiet for more than ten seconds.

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, and you can’t believe that just such a small box of medicine, and it is an oral medicine, can cure cancer.

Everyone wants to question it, but there is not even a sample to question it. China has no plans to export abroad at all.

When Wilson cut to the next page of the PPT, everyone's eyes were focused on the big screen.

This is a chapter-by-chapter case report, recording a cancer patient’s health case report from his illness to his recovery after taking this medicine.

It is also unknown where Wilson obtained these reports.

Although everyone cannot read Chinese, everyone can still understand the colorful tumor detection pictures above.

Wilson got not just this one, but many.

These reports don't look like they are fake.

After everyone read it, the original doubts became less and less.

"Mr. Wilson, what do we do now?"

"If this is true, our anti-cancer drugs will completely lose the market in China in the near future."

"Maybe in the end, the whole world will buy China's medicine, not our medicine."

The young man told the truth in one word.

They are afraid that something like this will happen to them.

Capital has always been profit-seeking. As long as they can make money, they will do whatever it takes.

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