The young man's words made Wilson on the stage fall into deep thought.

The atmosphere on the court dropped to freezing point with the young man's words.

"Academician Wilson, I think that if this is really the case, there is no need to continue our experiment."

The young man in a white coat stood up from his position with some excitement.

"What should we do now!!"

At this time, everyone said in unison: "Yes, Academician Wilson, what should we do now?"

Wilson was really stumped by such a question.

From the beginning to the end, it is their American technology that is years, even decades, ahead of other countries in various fields.

If other countries want technology, they must pay them sky-high royalties.

It seems that in the past few months, China has gotten rid of the US blockade in many areas.

Especially the kernel browser developed by Liu Cong last time caused the United States to suffer a big loss.

Since the patent fees required by China are very cheap, many countries directly use the core browser developed by China.

This caused several companies in the United States that develop kernel browsers to suffer huge losses.

This time, China has developed a medicine that can cure cancer patients.

In their eyes, it is more like a proactive counterattack.

Such a thing has never happened before.

Wilson sighed softly when facing everyone's questions.

"It seems that I am going to China for a trip."


In the morning, when Liu Cong was finishing his second class, he received a call from Chen Qiong.

On the phone, Chen Qiong's tone could be heard being a little excited.

"Brother, all the villas you bought have been completed now!"

"Do you want to bring your parents over now?" Chen Qiong asked on the other end of the phone.

Liu Cong did not expect that the house would come down so quickly.

"My parents are both working now. How about we take my parents to watch it later."

After the two discussed it over the phone, Liu Cong hurried to the canteen to eat.

There were many students in the cafeteria at noon, and Liu Cong waited in line for a few minutes before he could wait in line.

During this period, some students kept looking at Liu Cong, making Liu Cong feel embarrassed.

After school in the afternoon,

Liu Cong and Chen Qiong drove together to the community where Liu Cong's parents lived.

Before that, Liu Cong had already informed his parents to come back early in the evening.

Liu Cong didn't tell them what they were doing when they came back.

At around 5:00 in the afternoon, Liu Yang arrived home first.

Within a few minutes, Zhang Guimei came back.

Seeing that Chen Qiong was there, Zhang Guimei first greeted Chen Qiong warmly.

Then, they began to interrogate Liu Cong about why he asked them to come back.

At this time, Liu Cong began to act mysterious.

"Anyway, you two should go with me and Chen Qiong today."

Later, no matter how Zhang Guimei interrogated them, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong refused to say anything.

In the end, there was really no other way, so Zhang Guimei and Liu Yang had no choice but to follow Liu Cong into the car.

Along the way, Zhang Guimei began to ask about this anti-cancer drug.

Liu Cong also answered truthfully.

After all, it's not much of a secret.

However, after these words came out of Liu Cong's mouth, the two of them were still shocked.

The matter has come to this, and the two of them don't want to interfere too much.

After so many things, Liu Cong has successfully become someone else's child in the eyes of his relatives.

"Son, why are you driving to the villa area?" Liu Yang asked curiously.

Liu Cong smiled while driving the car: "You will know later."

A few minutes later, the four of them arrived at the door of a villa area.

As soon as she got off the car, Zhang Guimei was stunned.

"Son, why did you bring us here?" Zhang Guimei asked curiously.

At this time, Chen Qiong on the side spoke.

"Auntie, this is the house Liu Cong bought for you."

After Zhang Guimei heard what Chen Qiong said, she covered her mouth in disbelief.

Then he turned to look at Liu Cong next to him, "Where did you get so much money to buy a villa?"

At this time, Liu Yang on the side also echoed.

"This villa can cost tens of millions. You won't tell me that you earned this money from selling medicine, right?"

Liu Cong did not answer Liu Yang's question, but quickly changed the topic.

Let's go and have a look inside the house, you two will definitely like it.

At this time, Zhang Guimei still had not come out of the shock just now.

Soon after, several people arrived at the villa.

When Liu Yang and Zhang Guimei saw the luxurious decoration in the villa, they could no longer calm down.

"Tell me, how much did you pay for this villa?"

Zhang Guimei began to ask Liu Cong about the price.

When Liu Cong said that this house was worth 80 million, he was so scared that his legs almost gave out.

Liu Yang, a professor at Yenching University, was really shocked when he heard the price of this villa.

When Liu Cong saw the expressions of fear and happiness on his parents' faces, Liu Cong felt that it was all worth it.

Then, Chen Qiong took out the house book and keys from his bag.

According to Liu Cong, the names on the house book belong to both Liu Yang and Zhang Guimei.

When the key was handed over to Zhang Guimei, Liu Cong could clearly see the tears in the corners of Zhang Guimei's eyes. They were tears of emotion.

Zhang Guimei's mouth trembled a little, "Your father never let me live in a villa in my life."

“I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it!!”

"My son can also buy a big villa!"

Liu Yang on the side looked at Liu Cong with pride on his face.

"Boy, you are better than dad!"

Liu Cong looked at Liu Yang and Zhang Guimei and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Let's move here in the next few months. It's big here. We can even bring our grandparents over to live here."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, the two of them nodded again and again.

In the evening, after Liu Cong sent his parents to the community, he had a simple dinner at home.

Then, he and Chen Qiong drove away in the car.

Since there were classes tomorrow, Liu Cong did not go to Chen Qiong's residence.

After returning to the apartment, Liu Cong quickly washed up and lay on bed.

When he lay down, he thought about the graphene battery information that the system randomly gave him last night.

Of course, Liu Cong entered the system with his mind and opened the information.

When he opened this information, it was like opening the door to a new world.

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