The details of this superconducting graphene battery information exceeded his imagination.

This technology is much more complicated than Liu Cong imagined.

Fortunately, the information is explained in detail.

It describes the extraction method, process and raw materials of graphene.

Even the proportions are written clearly.

Secondly, it involves some patented technologies.

For this reason, Liu Cong also specifically searched for these terms on the Internet, but could not find any of them.

You know, graphene is hailed by the world as the material of the future.

Its properties and structure make it suitable for a wide range of applications.

Graphene has low mass, high strength, good flexibility, low resistance, and strong electrical conductivity.

Moreover, graphene batteries are resistant to low and high temperatures.

The low temperature can reach minus 40 degrees, and the high temperature can reach 120 degrees.

Compared with lithium batteries, graphene batteries are extremely difficult to explode and are very safe batteries.

Secondly, graphene batteries charge extremely quickly.

An ordinary mobile phone battery only takes one point and one second to fully charge.

Then, the sustainability of graphene batteries is also very high.

After being charged 250,000 times, it can maintain 91% of the battery capacity of the battery itself, which is many times that of lithium batteries.

In other words, if graphene is used in mobile phone batteries.

As long as the performance is sufficient, there is no problem in using it for decades.

However, graphene currently has significant shortcomings.

That is, it is difficult to extract, and the purity of graphene extracted by many processes is very low, and some of them cannot be used at all after extraction.

Relatively pure graphene is very expensive.

Once, one gram of graphene was sold for 5,000 yuan.

Therefore, graphene was once called soft gold by the scientific community.

However, its price is far more expensive than one gram of gold.

Seeing this, Liu Cong became even more convinced that the graphene battery information was true.

Now, there are too many businesses in the industry producing graphene batteries in the name of graphene batteries.

It's nothing more than adding some graphene powder to it, and claiming to the outside world that their company is developing graphene batteries.

Therefore, strictly speaking, graphene battery is a virtual concept.

So far, no country can produce a complete graphene battery.

Even if they are produced, most of them are defective and cannot be used.

"System, you are really willing to give it!"

Liu Cong was lying on the bed, grinning to the sky.

Once graphene batteries can be mass-produced, they can definitely become the number one battery company.

Lithium batteries and blade batteries are all on the sidelines.

As long as mass production is possible, the battery life of both mobile phones and electric vehicles can be greatly increased.

Liu Cong is not worried about whether graphene batteries can be developed. He can achieve controllable nuclear fusion, so he doesn't believe that this graphene battery can stump him.

However, Liu Cong is most worried about price.

If you want to develop a real graphene battery, you can't just get some graphene powder and get away with it like other manufacturers do.

This requires real guns and ammunition and materials.

If one gram of graphene costs several thousand yuan, ordinary people cannot afford a graphene battery.

Even the wealthy may not be able to afford it.

Therefore, while developing graphene, Liu Cong also needs to bring down the price of graphene in the market.

As long as it comes down to a level that everyone can accept.

If you want to do this, you can only start with the graphene extraction process.

At present, there are four extraction processes for graphene.

Two physical processes, two chemical processes.

They are microcomputer stripping method, liquid phase stripping method, redox method and chemical vapor deposition method.

The microcomputer peeling method uses tape to repeatedly tear off the graphene until it can be used.

Although this method is of high quality, the yield is extremely low.

However, the quality of graphene obtained by liquid phase exfoliation method and redox method will not be too high.

The latter mainly produces graphene powder.

The last one, the vapor deposition method, is currently the most important method on the market that can produce graphene films on a large scale.

And it can also produce large areas.

After Liu Cong understood these basic knowledge on his mobile phone, he couldn't sleep at all.

At that moment, Liu Cong directly inserted the USB flash drive that the system had given Liu Cong into his laptop.

Then, dense lines of text appeared in front of the computer screen.

Before this, all this knowledge had been passed through Liu Cong's mind.

Watching it again now is just to find inspiration again.

In this way, Liu Cong, who was going to bed at around ten o'clock, stayed up until five or six o'clock in the morning.

As a result, Liu Cong didn't go to class the next morning.

After Liu Cong woke up, it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon.

Liu Cong opened his cell phone and looked at it and found that no one called him.

So, he went downstairs to have something to eat and prepared to start studying graphene batteries again.

He turned on his computer and started searching for some major domestic graphene manufacturers.

However, after searching around, I found nothing.

On the contrary, foreign graphene production technology is much higher than domestic one.

It can be seen that China only sees immediate benefits, while foreign countries are focusing on future development.

Liu Cong sat on his seat and sighed slightly.

"It seems that if I can really develop a graphene battery in the future, I will build my own factory and produce the raw materials myself."

Liu Cong's consideration is not unreasonable.

The earlier you master such high-tech things, the more beneficial it will be to your country.

As long as the core patents are in your own hands, you will never encounter patent blockades again.

In this way, it can save China a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, Liu Cong did what he said without any ambiguity.

As long as we can master graphene battery technology before other countries, we will have mastered the future energy storage.

Just when Liu Cong was concentrating on reading the information, a phone call came suddenly.

Liu Cong picked up the phone and saw that it was the principal, so he answered the call.

"Principal, why are you calling?" Liu Cong said with a smile.

At this time, the principal's excited voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Classmate Liu Cong!"

"Oh, no, I really have to call you Academician Liu from now on."

The principal's words, Academician Liu, made Liu Cong confused.

"Principal, I don't understand what you mean."

"Hurry up and come to my office now."

As he said that, a lot of noisy voices came from the principal's end.

"I'll hang up first. Come here right now!"

As he said that, there were bursts of busy signals on the other end of the phone.

Liu Cong has always been available to the principal's calls.

At that moment, Liu Cong unplugged the USB flash drive, turned off the computer, and then went downstairs.

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