In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 265: Liu Cong was officially awarded the title of academician

Twenty minutes later,

Liu Cong came to the door of the principal's office from his apartment.

Before Liu Cong knocked on the door, bursts of noise came from the office.

The moment Liu Cong knocked on the door, the office suddenly became quiet.

After a while, the principal took the initiative to open the door for Liu Cong.

When Liu Cong saw the situation inside, he was really surprised.

At the conference table in the principal's office, Mr. Shu, Academician Jia, Academician Zhou, and Academician Yang were all sitting there.

After seeing Liu Cong coming, Mr. Shu stood up from his seat first.

Afterwards, several academicians also stood up from their seats.

"Academician Liu, you are here!"

"Quick, come and sit down!!"

Mr. Shu greeted Liu Cong warmly, without any airs.

Seeing this, Liu Cong was also rude.


So, Liu Cong found a lower seat and sat down.

After the principal saw everyone sitting down, he also sat next to Liu Cong.

At this time, the office was so quiet.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Liu Cong, which made Liu Cong feel a little embarrassed.

"Well, do you have any tasks today?"

"Why are you guys here?"

This is what Liu Cong is most confused about.

Normally, such academician-level figures would not come to school often, and would rarely even appear in public places.

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Mr. Shu smiled slightly.

"Of course we came here to see you today."

"Find me?"

"Is there any progress over there?"

Liu Cong looked at Shu Lao and asked curiously.

"It's not that it's not that fast."

"We are here to grant you a title."

As he spoke, Academician Zhou on the side took out an exquisite red gift box from his bag.

There are four words written on the gift box: Medal of Honor.

Then, Academician Zhou opened the gift box in front of everyone.

There were two things inside, one was a small red book, and the other was a golden medal studded with diamonds.

"We are here specifically to grant you the title of academician."

"Welcome to join us!"

With that said, Academician Zhou stood up from his seat and handed the gift box to Liu Cong personally.

Liu Cong was in a daze when he looked at these two things.

"Is this for me?"

Liu Cong is still a little unsure, because this is really unrealistic.

Although they all called themselves Academician Liu in the past, they never had any substantial title.

Of course, Liu Cong took this title as a joke.

Once upon a time, he also longed to become an academician one day.

However, all this happened so quickly that Liu Cong was not prepared for anything.

"Of course, only you are worthy of receiving this academician medal."

"You are now the youngest academician in the history of China."

Mr. Shu looked at Liu Cong with a smile on his face, and was very happy for Liu Cong.

At this time, the principal on the side was also happy from ear to ear.

"Unexpectedly, our Huaqing team once again created a miracle."

"The fact that we have the youngest academician really brings shame to our school."

Liu Cong looked down at these two things with mixed feelings in his heart.

He didn't know whether this title was good or bad for him.

At this point, he couldn't define it.

"Academician Liu, because of your special status."

"So, we cannot disclose you to the public, so please forgive me."

Shu Lao's words made Liu Cong relax a little.

"Academician Shu, it doesn't matter. I also feel that this matter is not suitable for disclosure."

Just when Liu Cong thought that this matter was over, he didn't expect that the next reward would make Liu Cong call him a good guy.

I saw Academician Zhou taking two more house books from his bag.

"Academician Liu, this is the house awarded to you by your superiors."

With that said, Academician Zhou handed two more housing books to Liu Cong.

"Academician Liu, these two houses have been transferred to your name."

Liu Cong held the two red house books in his hands and opened them one by one.

The first one is a courtyard house in the First Ring Road of Peking. According to the current value, the value of this courtyard house is at least several hundred million.

The second house is a high-end villa of 800 square meters in the second ring road.

"Academician Zhou, I really can't ask for this. It's too valuable."

The principal on the side tried to dissuade him: "Classmate Liu Cong, you'd better take it."

"After all, this is the kindness of the superiors."

At this time, several academicians on the side also echoed.

"Yes, besides, this account has been transferred to your name."

"These are what you deserve. Your contribution to the country is far beyond the price of these two houses."

"So, just keep it."

Seeing this, Liu Cong did not shirk anymore, but accepted the two house books.

"Then I won't be polite."

After seeing Liu Cong accept the house book, Mr. Shu nodded with satisfaction.

"That's pretty much it!"

"Celebrities make tens of millions or hundreds of millions a year, and we cannot force scientific researchers to be treated better than them!!"

Shu Lao's words made all the academicians present vigorously nod in agreement.

Later, several academicians discussed with Liu Cong the specific process of controllable nuclear fusion research and development.

Liu Cong said he had no objection and would obey them in everything.

After all, he has now moved behind the scenes. He still has many things to be busy with and cannot stay in the laboratory all day.

Peking International Airport,

An elegant middle-aged man wearing sportswear was standing in the lobby of Huaxia Airport.

There was a young woman beside him.

"Academician Wilson, where are we going now?"

The young woman on the side asked Wilson beside him, speaking fluent English.

Wilson dragged his suitcase and said as he walked: "Andy, we are going to the embassy in China first."

"It's my first time to step into this land, and I'm not very familiar with China."

"So, we have to contact each other through the embassy here."

Hearing what Wilson said, Ana on the side nodded.

"Okay, Academician Wilson."

When the two of them walked out of the airport passage, someone from the American embassy came to pick up the two Wilsons.

When he saw Wilson, the blond and blue-eyed young man in front of him was very polite.

"Academician Wilson, you have come to China!!"

"My name is Tom, it's really an honor to meet you!"

The young man bowed deeply to Wilson.

Seeing this situation, Wilson was not surprised.

After all, Wilson is in the United States, but he is an idol to many people.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, the young ambassador to China took Wilson and the two out of the airport.

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