At this time, Liu Cong sent several academicians to the car, and then turned back to his apartment.

What Liu Cong didn't know was that at this time, an American named Wilson was trying to meet Liu Cong in person in the name of the American Embassy.

With Wilson's fame, this instantly attracted the attention of people in the industry.

Everyone is discussing on the Internet why a dignified Nobel Prize winner in medicine came to China to meet Liu Cong in person.

But when people looked back, they understood Wilson's intention.

He must have come here for Liu Cong's Eastern magic medicine, otherwise, he would not have come to China from the United States, which is 10,000 to 20,000 kilometers away from here.

At this time, Liu Cong was completely immersed in searching for information and did not pay attention to this matter at all.

It wasn't until dark that Liu Cong opened his cell phone.

The reason was that he was hungry and wanted to order takeout.

When he turned on his phone, he found many calls from Jiang Wanying, the principal and others.

Seeing that Liu Cong didn't answer, they sent a lot of messages to Liu Cong.

When Liu Cong saw that Mr. Wilson, a well-known person in the industry, publicly wanted to meet him, Liu Cong was a little confused on the spot.

Wilson and Liu Cong knew it. He had won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and was a famous medical scholar in the United States.

He had seen coverage of Wilson in many magazines.

It can be said that Wilson enjoys a certain reputation around the world. Anyone who knows a little bit about Nobel knows his reputation.

"Why did he come to China to see me?"

This was the first question Liu Cong considered.

Then, he thought about it again. He had made such a big noise during this period, and the United States must be very concerned about it.

After all, they have never stopped monitoring China.

As long as there is any disturbance, it can be caught immediately.

Seeing this, Liu Cong replied to his friends' messages one by one.

Then he turned on the news again.

Liu Cong scrolled down the hot list and saw a report about Academician Wilson in the eighth hot column.

This is the content released by the US Embassy Information Network. From this point of view, this information is definitely not fabricated.

But why did Wilson come to find himself in this way?

Liu Cong was very puzzled by this.

But from the current point of view, Wilson must have his purpose in coming to find him from the United States, which is 10,000 to 20,000 kilometers away.

Seeing that it was already evening, Liu Cong couldn't see him at night.

He didn't want to see Wilson either.

So, he put the matter behind him.

the next day,

Liu Cong took his books and went to class as usual.

When Jiang Wanying saw Liu Cong, she had a big reaction.

"Academician Wilson actually came to see you in person, I really can't believe it!"

"Is it for your medicine?" Jiang Wanying asked.

Liu Cong nodded slightly, "Maybe!"

Seeing Liu Cong being so calm, Jiang Wanying was no longer calm.

"Aren't you excited at all when a person like this wants to meet you?"

When Liu Cong heard what Jiang Wanying said, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Wanying in confusion.

"Why should I be excited?"

"He is the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Do you know how many people want to sit with him and communicate with him?"

"He is looking for you all over the world, but you don't even respond at all!!"

Liu Cong's reaction was what made Jiang Wanying so confused.

"Oh, that's what you mean!"

"I don't want to communicate with him. Isn't it just a Nobel Prize in Medicine?"

Jiang Wanying looked directly at Liu Cong, and she could clearly feel that Liu Cong was really not interested.

In this way, the two of them did not continue to communicate on such topics.

It was almost noon, and Liu Cong and Jiang Wanying went to the cafeteria to have lunch together.

After lunch, Liu Cong returned to his apartment and was ready to start busy with his academic research.

What he didn't know was that at this time, the gate of Huaqing had been completely blown up.

When Wilson saw that Liu Cong didn't respond to him, he couldn't bear it anymore.

He took the people directly to Huaqing University.

"Academician Wilson, can you sign your name for me?"

"I'm your fan!"

At this time, a young man in his twenties next to him shouted to Wilson in fluent English.

At this time, Wilson had many bodyguards standing around him, and he had anticipated this situation in advance.

Seeing himself being driven away by the bodyguards beside Wilson, the young man had a look of disappointment on his face.

Seeing this, Wilson ignored it.

His purpose today was to meet Liu Cong. He was not interested in anything else.

After the principal learned the news, he immediately led people to the door.

When he saw Wilson standing at the gate of his school, he did not dare to neglect and immediately stepped forward to greet Wilson.

"Hello, Academician Wilson."

"I am the president of Huaqing University, Zhu Zixiao."

“Nice to meet you today!!”

Since the principal spoke in Chinese, Wilson could not understand what he was saying.

At this time, the young woman on the side took on the role of translator.

After Wilson learned that the other party was the principal, he did not dare to neglect him.

He also extended his hand in a friendly manner and shook hands with the principal's.

Wilson didn't beat around the bush and got straight to the point.

"Hello, Mr. Zhu, I'm here to see Liu Cong."

The principal understood Wilson's words immediately.

As early as last night, the principal knew that Wilson's purpose of coming this time was for Liu Cong.

Unexpectedly, Liu Cong didn't take it to heart at all and had no intention of meeting Wilson at all, which made Wilson a little embarrassed.

So, he's not having a great week today.

However, he still endured it in order to see Liu Cong.

Facing so many reporters at the scene, the principal must do a good job on the surface.

Immediately, he called Liu Cong.

When Liu Cong on the other end of the phone learned that Wilson had arrived at the gate of Huaqing University and said he wanted to meet him in person.

At this time, Liu Cong still reluctantly left the apartment.

Soon, the principal invited Wilson and his party to enter the campus of Huaqing University.

Then, the principal took Wilson to the conference room of Huaqing specially used to entertain distinguished guests, and entertained Wilson with the highest etiquette.

Before that, the principal had told Liu Cong the specific location. At this point, Liu Cong was already on the way.

"What kind of trick is this?"

Liu Cong was very puzzled that a dignified Nobel Prize winner in medicine would impulsively come to see him.

Is it just for his medicine?

Ten minutes later, Liu Cong arrived at the door of the principal's appointed place.

Then, Liu Cong knocked on the door of the conference room as usual.

After a while, someone came and opened the door for Liu Cong.

The moment the door opened, Liu Cong saw seven or eight American men wearing sunglasses.

After walking in, he saw Wilson sitting in seat C of the conference table, with a man and a woman sitting on both sides.

The principal sat opposite Wilson.

Judging from Wilson's facial expression, Liu Cong felt a little unhappy.

He held his head high and looked arrogant. He didn't take the principal seriously at all.

Of course, he also has such capital.

However, Liu Cong just couldn't stand this.

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