When Wilson saw Liu Cong coming in, he immediately confirmed Liu Cong's identity to the principal.

When Wilson learned that the young man in front of him was Liu Cong, he immediately stood up from his seat.

Then he walked up to Liu Cong, looked at Liu Cong arrogantly, and communicated with Liu Cong in fluent English.

"Are you Liu Cong? I'm looking for you, why don't you give me any response?"

Liu Cong looked at Wilson in front of him very coldly, and then explained casually: "I don't use a smartphone."

However, Liu Cong's rice phone was currently in his hand.

This is nothing more than a slap in Wilson’s face.

Liu Cong's attitude made Wilson very uncomfortable. If an ordinary person, Wilson would have ignored him.

However, he came here for a purpose.

Upon seeing this, the principal immediately stepped forward to change the subject.

"Let's do it. If you have anything to do, sit down and discuss it."

"Director Wang, make tea!!"

Later, Wilson and Liu Cong sat across from each other at the conference table, and the principal sat next to Liu Cong.

Liu Cong looked at the group of men in black behind him and felt very uncomfortable.

Immediately, Wilson was asked to get these men in black out.

Faced with Liu Cong's request, Wilson did not object and let them out directly.

After these people left, the conference room became much cleaner instantly.

After the men in black left, Wilson looked at Liu Cong in confusion.

"Why are you so disrespectful to me? I'm very polite when others see me."

Wilson shrugged helplessly.

At this time, the blonde woman on the side wanted to translate for Liu Cong, but Liu Cong stopped her directly.

"No, I understand."

"Why should I respect you? You don't respect us, why should I respect you?"

This sentence left Wilson speechless.

He did admit that he did not take these Chinese people seriously.

That's why Liu Cong was so cold to him after he came in.

"Shouldn't you respect me?"

Wilson's words instantly made Liu Cong laugh.

What he said is nothing more than saying that since my status is so high, you should respect me.

"Wilson, this is China, not your country, the United States."

"Is this how you came to me?"

Liu Cong's words left Wilson speechless for a moment.

Liu Cong's words just now almost made him lose his mind.

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Wilson reacted immediately, and his attitude was much better than before.

Liu Cong saw that Wilson had put away his sharp edge, and his expression became much better.

"Tell me, why did you come to me this time?"

Liu Cong sat next to the principal and looked at Wilson opposite him expressionlessly.

Liu Cong communicated with Wilson in English throughout the whole process, so there was no communication barrier between the two.

When Wilson saw Liu Cong asking this, he didn't beat around the bush.

At that moment, he explained to Liu Cong the purpose of his visit.

"Mr. Liu, it's like this. I came here this time just for your Eastern magic medicine."

"Can you sell that patent of yours to us?"

Wilson's words made Liu Cong laugh without concealment.

"Sorry, Academician Wilson, I really can't meet your conditions."

"If you came here for this, please come back."

Liu Cong spoke very straightforwardly, leaving no face to Wilson.

Even the two people beside Wilson were extremely embarrassed at this time.

Seeing that the first exchange was not so pleasant, Wilson was not discouraged.

He directly set a price for the oriental magic medicine, "How about I give you 200 billion yuan and you sell me this patent?"

Wilson's words are nothing more than acquiring Liu Cong's company.

Faced with the huge temptation, Liu Cong was not tempted at all.

In any case, he will definitely not sell this patent.

"Sorry, Academician Wilson, I won't sell it no matter how much you give me." Liu Cong said firmly.

"Then what conditions do you want?"

"I can give you a green card from the United States. As long as you give us this patent, we in the United States can give you very high benefits."

"Moreover, I can also ask the US government to grant you the title of academician."

The conditions offered by Wilson are extremely tempting.

You know, how many people around the world are eager to get a green card from the United States.

Even if it's hard to squeeze in, there are still people who want to get in.

However, Liu Cong was completely unmoved by such temptation.

Because he loves his country, he will not do anything to betray the country.

Even if he sacrifices his own life, he still feels that he will not be a lackey of the United States or a traitor of China.

"Academician Wilson, I think you still don't understand what I mean."

"I will not betray my motherland because of my own interests."

"So, no matter how much temptation you give me, I will never be tempted."

"Also, science has national boundaries."

"You just asked me why I don't respect you. I want to say that the prerequisite for respecting you is that you respect me."

"Don't think that because you have a high status, you can despise everything."

"You know, this is China, not your country, the United States."

As he spoke, Liu Cong tapped the table hard twice with his fingers.

At this moment, Wilson looked at Liu Cong with surprised eyes.

"Stop pretending, so many of you Chinese are trying to come to our country."

"There must be someone around you, so it's not convenient for you to agree to it."

"Don't worry, I'll give you time to think about it."

Wilson looked at Liu Cong who was sitting opposite him seriously. For the sake of this patent, he could only endure it.

As for Liu Cong, he didn't save any face for Wilson.

"I won't agree to any of your conditions."

"If you want medicine, you can buy it with money, 100,000 yuan a box."

"Otherwise, no need to talk!!"

At this moment, Wilson's face looked even uglier than when he ate Xiang.

He never thought that he would be defeated by a young man.

Of course, Liu Cong does have such strength.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

With that said, Wilson quickly stood up from the chair and left with the two people beside him without looking back.

Now that the matter has come to this, there is no need to retain the principal on the side.

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