After a few people left, Liu Cong walked to the conference table and sat down.

"Principal, I'm really sorry, I've caused you trouble again!"

Liu Cong looked at the principal guiltily. He knew that this incident might bring some bad impression to the school.

However, the principal didn't seem to care that much.

Faced with Liu Cong's apology, the principal just smiled.

"Academician Liu!"

"Just call me classmate Liu Cong."

Liu Cong immediately interrupted the principal.

The principal looked at Liu Cong, smiled and nodded.

"Okay, classmate Liu Cong, I still like to be called this."

"Actually, I quite admire your courage."

"At my age, there are some things that I don't dare to do even if I can't stand them."

"Just like today, even though I know that the other party looks down on our Huaqing University and me as the president."

"But I still have to keep a polite attitude because I have too many concerns."

Having said this, the principal sighed helplessly, with a wry smile on his lips.

"The rise of China depends on your generation!"

"I am old and my abilities are limited."

"What I can do is give students the best learning environment and provide the highest quality services."

"Ensure that students can learn knowledge from my school and can give back to society and the motherland in the future."

Having said this, the principal's eyes were bright.

In fact, the principal did this.

"Principal, you can rest assured that our generation will definitely take up the banner of building the motherland!"

Liu Cong assured the principal.

When the principal saw Liu Cong like this, he was very happy and nodded repeatedly.


At this time, Wilson and a group of people around him had arrived at the gate of Huaqing University.

Even though they had been inside for almost an hour, there were still many reporters standing at the scene.

Wilson's admirers have come here.

After seeing Wilson come out, reporters at the scene immediately swarmed him.

Such a move was immediately intercepted by several bodyguards around Wilson.

Wilson looked at the people present with cold eyes, seeming to still be angry about what just happened.

At this time, a reporter handed the microphone to Academician Wilson regardless of the obstruction of the bodyguards nearby.

In fluent English, he shouted loudly: "Academician Wilson, are you coming to China to see Liu Cong this time for the patent rights of oriental miracle medicine?"

Such a sentence instantly made Wilson angry.

Originally, he was holding back his anger, but when the reporter said this, Wilson immediately exploded.


"You Chinese people are all a bunch of barbarians!!"


Everyone who was originally very excited heard what Academician Wilson said, and the crowd fell silent instantly.

Even the reporter who had a smile on his face just now put down the microphone in his hand, and his face didn't look very good.

In this way, with everyone watching, Wilson led a group of people into an extended Lincoln.

Then, he walked away.

The people at the scene were still shocked by Wilson's attitude just now.

They also didn't think about why things turned out like this.

Afterwards, some people started to speculate on the spot.

When Wilson came to negotiate with Liu Cong, he definitely didn't gain anything, otherwise he wouldn't be like this.

Wilson's attitude made many people present very unhappy.

However, they had already disappeared without a trace.

Wilson's case was quickly reported by the media.

As soon as the news came out, many netizens criticized Wilson online.

A small boat: Fortunately, he is the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Even so, he has not made any contribution to our country. Why is he so arrogant in our land!

Jiang Hai: I was very disgusted with this American from the beginning, and now I feel even less favorable towards him.

Get him out of China quickly, we don't welcome him.

Don't remember the name: This kind of extreme person is not suitable to stay in our China, let him leave China quickly.


This time, the Chinese people are so united.

Even if the opponent has a high status, people don't defend Wilson because of his halo.

As for Wilson at the embassy, ​​although he could not understand the Chinese characters on it, he was still very angry after being translated by an assistant on the side.


"Who are they?"

"They really take themselves seriously!"

"Hurry up and ask the embassy to issue an announcement to me, saying that such reports have seriously affected the relations between the two countries."

"Let them figure it out!"

Wilson slapped the table angrily, and then glanced at everyone in the embassy with sharp eyes.

"We will issue a statement right now. Don't worry, we guarantee that China will give you a reasonable explanation."

At this time, Liu Cong was in the apartment, scrolling through his cell phone very seriously.

This matter is far more complicated than Liu Cong thought.

According to the US Embassy, ​​Liu Cong was asked to come out alone to apologize to Wilson.

However, with Liu Cong's character, he would not give in no matter what.

This matter was soon known to the people above.

Seeing the fermentation of public opinion, some people above could not sit still.

Wilson may not quite understand Liu Cong's current status in China, and the people above will definitely not let Liu Cong suffer this humiliation.

Letting Liu Cong suffer such humiliation would be a slap in the face. They would never let this matter continue to ferment like this.

It was almost evening, and Liu Cong was a little tired from looking at the computer.

So, I asked Jiang Wanying to go to the snack street next door to have barbecue.

Jiang Wanying also knew that this matter was such a big deal.

However, seeing Liu Cong being so calm, Jiang Wanying's face was filled with confusion.

"Aren't you afraid that this matter will affect the relationship between the two countries?"

Even though he asked this question, Liu Cong still played the skewers very calmly and didn't take the matter to heart at all.

"When do you think the relationship between the two countries will get better?"

"He had a bad attitude in the first place, so I treated him like this."

"He filed the complaint first. I really thought he was awesome for winning the Nobel Prize in Medicine!"

Liu Cong was eating skewers and drinking beer.

Jiang Wanying saw Liu Cong's mouth full of oil. She was still a little serious just now, but when she saw Liu Cong like this, she immediately laughed.

"Seeing you like this makes me relieved."

"I thought you came to me for dinner tonight to complain."

"I didn't expect that our handsome guy Liu who didn't have any money would actually treat us to dinner."

Hearing what Jiang Wanying said, Liu Cong immediately stopped playing, and then looked at Jiang Wanying who was smiling so happily.

"Okay! That's what I am."

"Don't eat it, it's all mine."

Liu Cong jokingly brought all the strings in front of Jiang Wanying to his side.

"Generous, generous!"

"Eat eat eat!!"


On Saturday, Liu Cong could finally sleep in.

When Liu Cong woke up, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning.

After washing up, Liu Cong considered whether to go back today.

After learning that his parents were moving today, Liu Cong chose to go back and help his parents move.

At around ten o'clock, Liu Cong came downstairs at the entrance of his community and saw a large van.

Liu Cong knew that this might be from the moving company.

Without saying anything, Liu Cong went upstairs.

After arriving at the door of his home, Liu Cong saw that it was very busy inside.

Chen Qiong was shouting loudly at this time and was arranging for movers to move things.

After seeing Liu Cong coming, Chen Qiong waved.

"What are you still doing standing here? Hurry up and move your things!"

"Oh! Here we come!"

Liu Cong did not dare to neglect at all and immediately joined the moving team.

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