Wilson still looked at Liu Cong with a proud attitude.

Liu Cong knew that the other party probably thought that he was here to apologize today.

After all, no one wants to offend someone who has won the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

At this time, the live broadcast room has officially targeted Liu Cong and Wilson.

Neither of them spoke, seemingly waiting for who would speak first.

At this time, Minister Wang who was standing aside couldn't stand it anymore.

Then he spoke first, "You two, we can start this negotiation."

Since Minister Wang spoke in Chinese dialect, Wilson could not understand him.

Immediately, the secretary next to him translated for Wilson on the spot.

After listening to the translation, Wilson nodded slightly, indicating that he could start.

Then, he looked towards Liu Cong, seemingly waiting for Liu Cong to speak first.

Seeing Wilson like this, Liu Cong shook his head helplessly.

"Wilson, Academician."

When Liu Cong mentioned academicians, he paused deliberately.

"Are you waiting for me to apologize to you?"

Liu Cong asked Wilson opposite him in fluent English.

After listening to Liu Cong's words, Wilson folded his hands in front of his chest, and an inexplicable sense of superiority immediately came over him.


"Didn't you come here today to apologize to me for your rude behavior yesterday?"

Wilson once thought that Liu Cong had compromised.

But they didn't know that they had no right to put pressure on Liu Cong, and they didn't dare.

After all, Liu Cong's identity lies here.

Liu Cong smiled after hearing what Wilson said.

"Do you really think I came here to apologize to you?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene fell silent, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was also driven crazy.

Zheng Se: Damn it! So brave?

Xianyu: What does he mean? Could it be a slap in the face? Go ahead, I just like watching scenes like this to relieve my anger! !

Good times always come: What is he going to do? Do we really need hard steel?


Wilson, who was sitting opposite, looked a little unhappy at this time.

"What do you mean?"

Wilson looked at Liu Cong with a serious expression.

At this time, everyone's expressions on the field were not very good.

Minister Wang on the side tried to persuade Liu Cong, but he found that Liu Cong ignored him at all.

Liu Cong picked up the tea on the table, gently moistened his throat, and then spit the water into the trash can.

This operation was completed in one go.

Liu Cong cleared his throat and sat upright in his seat.

"Listen to me, I'm not here to apologize to you this time."

"I'm here to make you give up completely!"

These two sentences are confusing to people who don't understand English in the live broadcast room.

Later, some big shots in the live broadcast room put the translation on the public screen.

Seeing this, everyone became uneasy again.

In the live broadcast room, there were constant barrage comments.

Wilson sat in his seat, completely stiff.

When he came, he never expected that Liu Cong would come like this.

"Do you want to sow discord between the two parties?"

Wilson looked at Liu Cong, his tone full of threats.

After hearing this, Liu Cong smiled disdainfully.

"I suspect you're farting, but I can't find any evidence."

"Is it your personal intention to come to China this time? Why does this involve the relationship between the two parties?"

"You haven't benefited from me, so you're going to use this to pledge me?"

In the face of threats, Liu Cong was not afraid at all.

Of course, he wasn't afraid. This was in China, and he didn't dare to act recklessly.

Wilson's face was completely green at this time.

He was such a face-saving person, but he was insulted by a boy in his early twenties, twice.

Faced with this situation, Wilson couldn't bear it anymore and slammed the table hard.


Liu Cong laughed instead of getting angry, pointing at Wilson and mocking him.

"Everyone in the live broadcast room, take a look!"

"A dignified medical scholar and Nobel Prize winner in medicine is now swearing."

"It's urgent, it's urgent, he's urgent!!"

A beautiful Chinese dialect blurted out from Liu Cong's mouth.

Although Wilson didn't understand it, it definitely didn't mean anything good.

Then, Liu Cong turned his head and looked at Wilson with a smile on his face.

"You think so beautifully."

"You want to be superior, but you also want me to give you a patent."

"You're flying on a plane and blowing the trumpet, you're thinking too high!"

Liu Cong spoke in Chinese dialect, which Wilson couldn't understand at all.

However, the faces of Minister Wang and other Chinese staff present were not too good-looking.

Over at the U.S. Embassy, ​​when Liu Cong said this, his brows furrowed.

At this time, Wilson asked the translator aside and his expression was not very good.

Wilson turned around and looked at the translator on the side, seemingly asking her to translate.

The translator seemed reluctant, but Wilson was determined to know.

Afterwards, the translator told Wilson exactly what Liu Cong had just said.

After hearing this, Wilson immediately stood up from his seat and rushed to Liu Cong, trying to use force to deal with Liu Cong.

At this most critical moment, the live broadcast room was instantly interrupted by Mi Fang.

Seeing that Wilson's fist was less than three meters away from Liu Cong, Liu Cong had no intention of getting up and running away.

The situation at the scene was extremely chaotic, and everyone's heart was in their throats.

After Minister Wang saw such a scene, he immediately stood up and wanted to start a fight.

The bodyguards behind Wilson are ready and may participate in this melee at any time.

You know, the five or six bodyguards behind him are all heavyweights weighing 200 to 300 pounds, and they have also undergone special training.

Just when Wilson's fist was about to reach Liu Cong's face, Liu Cong gently raised his right hand and caught Wilson's fist.

The next second, Wilson's scream was heard.

Wilson's wrist was twisted 180 degrees by Liu Cong.

Seeing this, all the bodyguards behind Wilson followed.

Even so, Liu Cong was not afraid at all.

Minister Wang has never seen such a big scene.

At the moment, I was stamping my feet on the spot and shouting loudly in loose English: "Stop! Stop!"

"Don't fight, don't fight!"

At this time, several bodyguards first took Wilson aside.

The others were ready to fight Liu Cong.

At this moment, the door was kicked open with a bang.

Several people wearing military green clothes came in outside.

"Let me see who of you dares to touch him!!"

"Damn it, how can I let you bullies bully me on our territory?"

"Fuck me!!"

The middle-aged man in charge gave an order, and several soldiers with guns around him were surrounded by these bodyguards.

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