This middle-aged man immediately came to Liu Cong's side.

"Mr. Liu, are you okay?"

The middle-aged man looked at Liu Cong worriedly and checked Liu Cong's physical condition.

Liu Cong looked at the two gold stars on the middle-aged man's shoulders and couldn't help but sigh again.

How long had it passed before another lieutenant general-level person appeared in front of him? Is the lieutenant general so worthless now?

Of course not, in order to protect Liu Cong, the superiors would really do anything at all costs.

Even though the other party has such a high status, he still stood up.

It is equivalent to telling the other party that you cannot touch this person.

Wilson looked at this scene and covered his wrist in pain.

After seeing such a scene, he was also shocked.

He didn't expect why the army appeared here.

"Do you really want to destroy the relationship between the two parties?"

Wilson said to Liu Cong in English.

Before Liu Cong could speak, the lieutenant general spoke.

"Don't take a petty fight and escalate it into a relationship like this."

"As far as I know, you came here privately this time and did not report it to your superiors."

"Besides, your attitude was wrong first, why should we give in to you?"

The lieutenant general communicated with the opposite party in fluent English.

Liu Cong never expected that such a situation could develop to this point.

Then, the lieutenant general turned and looked at Liu Cong.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Li Hu, from the Peking Military Region..."

"You did very well this time. We all saw it in the live broadcast room just now."

"Their arrogant expressions would make anyone angry."

"He really got used to it, I QTMD!!"

Liu Cong could tell that this man named Lieutenant General Li Hu also had a bad temper.

On Wilson's side, as well as the relevant staff of the embassy, ​​their expressions were extremely ugly.

"Have you considered the consequences?"

At this time, relevant staff from the embassy opposite asked.

And Lieutenant General Li Hu just said, "Hey!"

"Consequences? Then I don't know what the consequences are."

"Then I need to see it!"

Lieutenant General Li Hu leaned against the corner of the table with his hands folded in front of his chest, very unconcerned.

Seeing that there was no benefit to be gained, the people here immediately pulled the injured Wilson and left.

Before leaving, Wilson was carried out. Judging from his appearance, he was still a little dissatisfied.

After the people from the United States left, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Minister Wang also looked at the people in green military uniforms in front of him with a look of horror.

He has never seen a lieutenant general come to handle matters in person. Generally, he would not see soldiers unless it was a special matter.

At that moment, Minister Wang began to guess Liu Cong's true identity.

What kind of status can allow someone at the level of a lieutenant general to speak for him? No wonder he had such capital just now.

But, think about it later.

Liu Cong has a patented drug that can cure cancer, so this all makes sense.

"Minister Wang, I'm sorry to disturb you."

"Don't worry, we'll leave right away and won't interrupt your work."

Lieutenant General Li Hu looked at Minister Wang in front of him with a smile on his face, not at all as ferocious as before.

"No no no!!"

"No interruption, no interruption!"

Liu Cong also looked at Minister Wang apologetically, "Minister Wang, I have caused you trouble!"

Afterwards, Liu Cong bowed to Minister Wang, the staff present, as well as Lieutenant General Li Hu and others one by one.

After all, this happened because of myself.

Upon seeing this, Lieutenant General Li Hu rushed forward to stop him.

"This is impossible."

"It's our responsibility to protect you, as we should."

"If you have any questions in the future, just come to me."

"If I can't settle the matter, I'll go to my superior."

Lieutenant General Li Hu patted his chest and assured Liu Cong.

This behavior really made Liu Cong not know what to say, so he could only express his gratitude with a smile.

Later, after Liu Cong said goodbye to Minister Wang and others, he and Lieutenant General Li Hu walked out of the gate of the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

After coming out, Lieutenant General Li Hu looked around and found that there was no one behind him.

He looked at Liu Cong respectfully and said, "Academician Liu, you don't need to worry about this matter."

"We will take care of everything for you."

"If Mi Fang insists on finding trouble, we are not afraid. They will ignore this matter."

"There's no need for you to show up next, it's not safe."

"If my superiors knew that something like this happened a few days ago, I wouldn't be able to get away with a scolding."

Even though Lieutenant General Li Hu said this, Liu Cong thanked everyone again.

Later, Lieutenant General Li Hu was worried about Liu Cong's safety and specially used military vehicles to clear the way for Liu Cong. It can be said that he was extremely domineering.

Even so, Liu Cong still asked them to return the way they came when they were about to arrive at school.

Otherwise, after being seen by some alumni, the explanation will be completely unclear.

But what Liu Cong didn't know was that what he had done just now had completely amazed many people and made them fall into admiration.

They have never seen such a tough person.

The other party's status in the United States can definitely belong to the upper class.

But for such a person, Liu Cong didn't take the other person seriously at all, and was just tough.

It was this kind of move that made Liu Cong gain a large number of fans.

Liu Cong drove the car sent by Chen Qiong and entered the campus in a swaggering manner.

When everyone saw Liu Cong sitting inside, they immediately picked up their mobile phones to take pictures and then posted them on the school’s post.

When everyone learned that Liu Cong had returned unscathed, Huaqing's Tieba completely exploded.

It was this battle that directly made Liu Cong a god in Huaqing. Many years later, Liu Cong's heroic achievements were also spread in Huaqing University.

Liu Cong drove to the downstairs of his apartment, and then hurried upstairs.

After what happened, Liu Cong was in no mood to go back.

To put it bluntly, I am afraid that my parents will nag me.

Before Liu Cong could lie down, Zhang Guimei's call came in.

When she learned that Liu Cong was safe, Zhang Guimei breathed a sigh of relief on the other end of the phone.

Later, Liu Cong told Zhang Guimei that he had something to do here and would not go back tonight, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Cong opened the news software, and the Internet was abuzz with rumors about what had just happened.

Some said Liu Cong was beaten, while others said Liu Cong apologized.

It was not until Huaqing University officially issued a refutation of the rumors that the doubts of the majority of netizens were completely resolved.

When everyone saw the refutation of the rumor, they immediately exploded.

Rowing depends on the waves: Let me go, it’s really him in the car! He's really back!

Send me a rose: Liu Cong YYDS.

Speak freely: I have never seen such a brave person. If all Chinese people are like this, their rise is inevitable!


Liu Cong flipped through the comments one by one with a smile on his face.

"Hey! No matter, let him go."

"I have to get the graphene battery out quickly!"

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