At this moment, the system prompts in Liu Cong's mind suddenly came.

[The host’s Huaxia level has been increased, currently level 35]

【Ding! The system is being upgraded]






【update successed】

Afterwards, the system will not make any prompt sounds.

Liu Cong was very confused. Logically speaking, there would usually be corresponding rewards for increasing the popularity level. Why didn't the system prompt this time?

"What happened? The system crashed?"

Liu Cong scratched his head and was very confused.

Just when Liu Cong was puzzled, a milky-sounding business sounded in Liu Cong's mind.

【You just died! 】

[I have a name, don’t shout systematically]

[My name is Tuantuan, from M78 Nebula]

Liu Cong was immediately shocked after hearing the introduction of the system.

"I'll go! It's really upgraded!"

"If you are from the M78 Nebula, I am also from the Orion constellation."

Liu Cong thought to himself, M78 Nebula, that is not Ultraman's hometown, how could it really exist.

[Host, you are right, humans originally originated from Orion]

[Blue Star is just a base for some humans]

[My mission in coming to Blue Star is to assist the host and improve the level of human civilization]

[This will allow Blue Star to connect with other galaxies outside the universe as soon as possible]

What the system said made Liu Cong more and more confused the more he listened.

It’s Orion again, and it’s raising the level of human civilization again.

For a moment, Liu Cong didn't know whether he believed what Liu Cong said.

"Then why do you want to help Blue Star, why do you want to help humans?"

"Why didn't you tell me this at first and tell me now?"

"What are you doing for this?"

Liu Cong's series of questions made the system fall into deep thought for a short time.

[Host, you just need to know that I have no ill intentions]

[As for why I didn’t tell you at the beginning, it’s because I haven’t upgraded yet and have my own thoughts for the time being]

After listening to the system's explanation, Liu Cong understood.

"Then are you a machine?" Liu Cong asked again.

[Well, how can I tell you?]

【That's it for now】

The system's vague answer made Liu Cong very confused.

But when he thought that the system was still in an infant state, Liu Cong didn't force it.

"System, oh, no, Tuantuan."

"What kind of functions will you have after you upgrade?" Liu Cong asked.

[Report to the host, in the future, as long as you call me or communicate with me using your consciousness, you can check your reputation and buy things in the mall]

When the system said this, Liu Cong roughly understood what Liu Cong meant.

As for what other functions there are, it won’t be too late to study them in the future.

"Then what reward will I get after your upgrade this time?" Liu Cong asked.

[Yes, this increase in China’s popularity has given you a chance to win a systematic lottery]

[Excuse me, host, do you want to draw the lottery now? 】

[Tuantuan can help you draw]

When Liu Cong heard the word "luck draw", his originally high mood became slightly depressed.

"Tuan Tuan, you are getting more and more stingy. In the past, you used all kinds of black technology, but now you only give me a lottery spot."

"Smoke it, smoke it, there's no point in keeping it."

Liu Cong didn't expect to be able to draw any good things. After all, there were too few good things in the lottery.

[Okay, I'll smoke it for you right now]

As he said that, a lottery wheel appeared in Liu Cong's mind.

The next second, the big turntable started spinning.

After spinning around, the pointer stayed in the mysterious zone.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a copy of nuclear aircraft carrier information】

[The probability of winning with this information is only 0.5%]

As soon as Liu Cong heard that he had drawn nuclear aircraft carrier information, his mood instantly improved.

You know, this is a strategic resource.

China is still blank in this field. If it can develop a nuclear aircraft carrier, China's naval strength will be directly on par with the United States.

This makes Liu Cong not excited.


【Call me Tuantuan】

"Oh, Tuantuan."

"I'll smoke it again."

The next second, the system started drawing prizes according to his wishes.

However, after several attempts, nothing was drawn.

Either a stamina recovery potion or a small combat potion.

And the value of these potions is not worth the value of a lottery draw.

Due to the upgrade of the system, it now costs 500,000 reputation points to draw a prize.

After these five times, 2.5 million reputation points were directly spent.

Liu Cong currently has 32.05 million reputation left.

After drawing the prize, Liu Cong was no longer interested in drawing.

At that moment, the lottery carousel was closed.

"Tuan Tuan, how do you go back now?"

"You know I won't do that kind of thing in the future, right?\

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