The next day, Liu Cong took the initiative to contact Lieutenant General Li Hu.

If you want to get this information into the hands of professionals, you must contact the higher-level department.

The most critical department here is the Ministry of Defense.

Only after this valuable information is handed over to the Ministry of National Defense can the Ministry of National Defense put the information into the hands of the appropriate people.

Moreover, aircraft carriers cannot be built casually.

First, this major project needs to be approved by the National Staff Office, and then the shipbuilders will be contacted.

Finally, a large number of scientific researchers and shipbuilders need to be dispatched.

Therefore, Liu Cong couldn't just build such a huge thing.

It is the safest option to hand it over to the superior department.

When Lieutenant General Li Hu received Liu Cong's call, he was still very nervous.

Immediately, he asked Liu Cong if something had happened.

After learning that Liu Cong was safe, Lieutenant General Li Hu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lieutenant General Li, that's it. Can you contact the national defense department here?"

"I have a very important matter to discuss with relevant personnel."

When Liu Cong said that he was looking for relevant personnel from the Ministry of National Defense, he exclaimed on the other end of the phone.


"Why are you contacting the Department of Defense?"

Lieutenant General Li Hu's face was full of doubts at this time. He was engaged in controllable nuclear fusion. Did he have important decisions to discuss with relevant personnel?

This is also the best reason Lieutenant General Li Hu can think of.

Lieutenant General Li Hu thought about it for a while on the other end of the phone and agreed to Liu Cong.

"Academician Liu, please wait a moment, I will make a call."

With that said, Lieutenant General Li Hu hung up the phone on his own initiative.

A few minutes later, Lieutenant General Li Hu called again.

He also told Liu Cong that the matter had been arranged and he had found relevant personnel to negotiate with him.

He also said that he would come to pick up Liu Cong now.

Lieutenant General Li Hu's request was rejected by Liu Cong, who still planned to drive there by himself.

Forty minutes later,

Liu Cong came to a compound similar to a military area, which was heavily guarded outside.

When they saw Liu Cong's car driving in, someone immediately stopped Liu Cong's car.

No matter what Liu Cong said, people just wouldn't open the door.

It wasn't until Lieutenant General Li Hu came out that the soldiers let him go.

Later, Lieutenant General Li Hu enthusiastically invited Liu Cong into his compound.

Then, the two came to a place similar to an office.

The inside is not the same as the offices outside. Although it is not so luxurious, it is filled with a different flavor.

After Liu Cong sat down, Lieutenant General Li Hu immediately made Liu Cong a cup of tea.

"Academician Liu, please wait a moment, the people over there are on the way now."

"It will probably arrive in about ten minutes."

In this way, Liu Cong drank tea and talked about daily life with Lieutenant General Li Hu.

When Lieutenant General Li Hu talked about his daughter, his eyes were full of light and his mouth was full of smiles.

Lieutenant General Li Hu's actions also made Liu Cong start to look forward to his life when he gets married.

Will his wife also give him a beautiful daughter?

At this moment, the office door was lightly knocked.

Then, two people came in from outside.

A man and a woman, both in their forties.

Both of them were wearing casual clothes. The only difference was their resolute temperament from the inside out.

After seeing the two people coming, Lieutenant General Li Hu and Liu Cong also stood up immediately.

"You are here!"

When Li Hu saw the two of them, he immediately started to entertain them. Liu Cong stood aside and didn't know what to say, so he could only keep smiling.

"Hello, Lieutenant General Li!"

"My name is Wu Qing, and the person next to me is Wang Yue."

The two introduced themselves enthusiastically to Lieutenant General Li Hu.

Lieutenant General Li Hu saw the two standing there and quickly asked them to sit down.

After the two sat down, Lieutenant General Li Hu made tea for them.

Then, Liu Cong was introduced.

"You two, this is the person who is looking for you today."

"Academician Liu, Liu Cong!"

After listening to Lieutenant General Li Hu's introduction, the two of them shook hands with Liu Cong politely.

"Academician Liu, I have heard your name a long time ago."

"When I saw him today, he turned out to be a very talented person."

After a few people exchanged pleasantries, they started to get down to business.

"That's right, I came to you today because I have something very important to discuss."

"I don't know if this matter is managed by your department."

"I'll simply tell you what I think!"

Liu Cong was talking to the two people opposite him seriously. Lieutenant General Li Hu on the side also looked confused when he heard what Liu Cong said.

"Academician Liu, if you have any ideas, you can tell us directly."

"If we can't solve it, we can also discuss it with other departments."

Liu Cong heard Wang Yue say this and nodded gently.

"Well, what I'm going to say next may very well subvert your imagination."

"However, you must not question the authenticity of this matter."

Speaking of this, Liu Cong's expression gradually became serious.

"That's right. I have a very important piece of information here that I need to submit to your Ministry of National Defense."

Speaking of this, the interest of the three people was instantly aroused.

"Academician Liu, what kind of information is it that is so mysterious?" Lieutenant General Li Hu asked in confusion.

Liu Cong didn't try to sell it, and said directly: "Nuclear aircraft carrier information."

"Nuclear aircraft carrier!??"

The three of them said in unison.

"Academician Liu, are you kidding?"

"How do you have information about nuclear aircraft carriers?"

Wu Qing was very puzzled as to why Liu Cong had this information.

However, what Liu Cong said next surprised the three of them even more.

"It's like this. I designed this nuclear aircraft carrier information a few months ago, but I never had the chance to hand it in."

"I'm not busy at this time, so I remembered it."

Liu Cong said it very calmly.

But the eyes of the three of them were about to pop out.

If others say this, they may not believe it. Who is the other person? It is Liu Cong.

People can even create controllable nuclear fusion and photolithography machines.

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