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Chapter 274: Liu Cong shocked the audience by sharing his professional knowledge

The drawings presented by Liu Cong even included a small screw.

"Did you design this 3D picture?"

Academician Jiang stood up tremblingly and pointed at the aircraft carrier drawings on the big screen.

Liu Cong nodded without hesitation, "Yes, Academician Jiang."

"This is an aircraft carrier diagram that I spent a long time designing, but I rendered many places in a special way."

"Otherwise I wouldn't have so much time."

There are more than one hundred gigabytes of files, and these drawings alone account for more than one hundred.

It can be said to be very big.

Due to time constraints, Liu Cong could not introduce so much at one time.

He talked about the most important part of a nuclear aircraft carrier, which is the nuclear reactor.

Liu Cong accurately adjusted the drawing to the part of the nuclear reactor, then picked up the laser pointer on the table and started shining it on the big screen.

"Everyone saw it too."

"There are two reactors under the deck of the nuclear aircraft carrier, and I surrounded them with very thick special steel plates."

"Prevent nuclear reactors from leaking in the event of a collision or attack."

"Inside the reactor, uranium atoms undergo nuclear fission in a controlled chain reaction."

"At this point, a huge amount of energy can be released within the reactor."

"Heating water under high pressure will pass through the heat exchanger to generate high-pressure steam..."


Liu Cong held a laser pointer in one hand and controlled the mouse with the other, and kept talking.

This made everyone present dumbfounded.

"High-pressure steam can also drive the steam catapult device of a nuclear aircraft carrier for aircraft to take off."

"The power generated by the two nuclear reactors can completely keep the entire nuclear aircraft carrier in a power balance."


Liu Cong talked like this for nearly two hours.

Everyone listened very carefully. For two hours, no one went to the toilet for fear of missing any knowledge point.

Even Lieutenant General Li Hu in the audience listened with great interest.

"I have finished talking about the core knowledge about the nuclear power part of the nuclear aircraft carrier."

"Next, I would also like to say that my original intention in designing a nuclear aircraft carrier was to make it contribute to our country's national defense construction."

"So, in just these two days, I will hand over all the information on the nuclear aircraft carrier to Minister Zhang."

"If you encounter any difficulties during research and development, you can always come to me."

"However, I have written everything very clearly here."

"Okay, I'm done."

At this time, everyone in the audience looked at Liu Cong with very excited expressions.

Academician Jiang even stood up and took the initiative to applaud Liu Cong.

Seeing this, everyone stood up.

The applause lasted for more than 30 seconds before stopping.

"Okay, that's very well said!!"

"China has a bright future, a bright future!!"

Academician Jiang was completely impressed by Liu Cong. He never thought that there was someone in China who could surpass him in this aspect.

The other powerful people here also treat Liu Cong as a monster.

Some people who didn't know Liu Cong's origins even began to search for Liu Cong on the Internet.

When others saw that the father of cancer looked the same as Liu Cong in front of them, they couldn't help but open their mouths.

"So you are the founder of Eastern Magic Medicine!!"

"This is incredible. No wonder your name sounds so familiar to me!"

In the conference room, someone held a mobile phone and said excitedly.

The scene is now extremely chaotic.

Facing the compliments from everyone, Liu Cong could only respond with a polite smile.

In the end, it was Zhang Quan who silenced the conference room.

It was already past twelve noon, and no one had eaten yet.

Therefore, Director Zhang Quan just wants to make the following summary.

"Okay, Liu Yuan is tired too. Besides, everyone hasn't eaten yet. Let's stop here today."

"Next, I'll invite everyone to have a meal at the restaurant next door, if you don't mind."

Even though Minister Zhang strongly invited us, everyone still didn’t go.

Later, after watching everyone leave one after another, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu also prepared to go back.

Before leaving, Captain Zhang Quan wanted to treat Liu Cong and Captain Li Hu to dinner.

However, both of them also refused.

On the way back, Lieutenant General Li Hu specially escorted Liu Cong to a place not far from the school gate.

Even Liu Cong's persuasion had no effect at all.

Because the order given to him by his superiors was to protect Liu Cong.

It is estimated that security will be even stricter from now on.

Regarding the nuclear aircraft carrier, Lieutenant General Li Hu will definitely report it to his superiors as soon as possible after returning.

It is estimated that after this incident, everyone's opinion of Liu Cong has risen to a new level.

Liu Cong returned to the apartment and lay lazily on the bed.

Then, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey! Lectures are so tiring!"

Gradually, Liu Cong completely let go of himself, and before he knew it, Liu Cong fell into sleep.

When I woke up, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Liu Cong got up and touched his belly, and then he remembered that he had not eaten lunch.

So, Liu Cong immediately ordered a takeout and asked the deliveryman to put it downstairs in the apartment.

This way I don’t have to go downstairs to buy food.

In his free time, Liu Cong turned on his mobile phone and wanted to pay attention to the incident between himself and Academician Wilson.

Liu Cong searched around the Internet and found that many previous negative news had been quietly removed from the shelves.

Out of curiosity, Liu Cong clicked on the official account of the US Embassy in China.

It was discovered that the original official statement was no longer available.

At this time, Wilson, standing at the China International Airport, looked at the flight that was about to take off, his eyes full of indifference.


"I must make you pay the price!!"

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