
Liu Cong went to class as usual, carrying his old-fashioned shoulder bag.

Liu Cong didn't listen to anything all morning.

In the first class, Liu Cong and Jiang Wanying were in the last row blowing water.

During the second class, Liu Cong began to search for some domestic companies that manufacture graphene raw materials on the Internet.

After some research, Liu Cong only found one graphene company, which was in line with Liu Cong's expectations.

This company developed a new technology two years ago.

That is the chemical vapor deposition method to prepare damaged graphene.

A chemical vapor deposition method to prepare graphene and many other patented technologies.

Moreover, this company is still the leading enterprise in this field in China, Stick.

Since the domestic graphene market has not yet been fully developed, there are very few companies doing this.

Because except for some patents, there is no domestic market at all.

Another reason is that graphene is too expensive and cannot be popularized at all.

In order to learn more about this company, Liu Cong opened the search software.

Know the company's address, market value and controlling shareholders clearly.

This company is located in Cangtai City, Jiangnan Province.

The company's market value is approximately 8 billion and it is a listed company.

The company's CEO, Gu Xiong actually controls 60% of the company.

After a morning of verification, Liu Cong could basically confirm that this company was the company he was looking for.

For now, it's not realistic to start such a company yourself.

After all, opening such a company requires finding a lot of technical talents in graphene.

Moreover, we have to get the raw materials and equipment ourselves, which is really troublesome.

Therefore, Liu Cong plans to acquire this company.

Although the company's headquarters is one or two thousand kilometers away from Peking.

However, when the time comes, you can just set up your headquarters in Jiangnan Province. Now, whether by high-speed rail or plane, you can get there in a few hours, which is very convenient.

Liu Cong sat in his seat and thought about it, and decided to go to Cangtai City in person to find the general manager of the company.

Discuss the acquisition carefully with him.

As he said, Liu Cong planned to fly to Cangtai City tomorrow morning.

At noon, Liu Cong and Jiang Wanying went to the cafeteria to have a light meal together.

In the afternoon, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu came to Guo Fang's headquarters specially.

I personally handed the copied information into the hands of the relevant people.

When they got this information, they couldn't conceal their excitement.

This is the core information of the nuclear aircraft carrier, and its importance can be imagined.

Before it was developed, it was a top secret of the country.

There are very few people who know about this information, and everyone has signed a confidentiality agreement.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Liu Cong returned to school.

When Lieutenant General Li Hu learned that Liu Cong was going to Jiangnan Province, he insisted on following him no matter what.

In the end, unable to overcome Liu Cong's persistence, Lieutenant General Li Hu compromised.

But after leaving, he repeatedly told Liu Cong to call him anytime if he encountered difficulties.

Although Liu Cong felt that Lieutenant General Li Hu was a little worried, he still nodded in agreement and expressed his gratitude to Lieutenant General Li Hu for his concern.

After returning to the apartment, Liu Cong booked a flight at 8:30 the next day.

It takes about four hours to fly and transfer from Peiping to Cangtai.

In other words, it was almost one o'clock when Liu Cong arrived at his destination.

This time, Liu Cong learned the lesson of being blocked by security guards before.

Before going, Liu Cong asked his senior brother, Li Shuqing, for the phone number of Stick CEO.

He didn't have any hope at first, but after some inquiries, he didn't expect that Li Shuqing really had it.

At that moment, he asked Liu Cong about his plans.

When Li Shuqing heard that Liu Cong planned to acquire Stick, he immediately heard an exclamation on the other end of the phone.

"Junior brother, can you tell me what you think?"

"Why do you want to acquire Stick?"

"The graphene industry is now a hot potato in our country. What can you do after acquiring this company?"

Li Shuqing's three consecutive questions made Liu Cong on the other end of the phone fall into brief contemplation.

Later, Liu Cong told Li Shuqing his thoughts. After all, Li Shuqing was not an outsider and had saved himself from fire and water several times.

"That's right, I plan to develop superconducting graphene batteries."


"Tell me again, what are you going to do?"

"Oh my God, did I hear you right? You want to enter the graphene battery industry!"

"Junior brother, listen to my brother's advice. The water here is very deep and you can't control it."

After Li Shuqing marveled briefly, he spoke to Liu Cong in a serious voice.

Even, in the next two minutes, Li Shuqing explained all the disadvantages to Liu Cong one by one.

"Junior brother, you don't know something."

"Do you know why there is so little graphene in China?"

"That's because I can't see progress!!"

"Although graphene is the material of the future, graphene batteries are also a catalyst for future technological development."

"However, I can guarantee that graphene batteries will not make much progress in this decade."

"This is a bottomless pit. You can't see any hope when you go in."


Li Shuqing was on the other end of the phone, spitting out the stars.

The reason is to prevent Liu Cong from suffering this disadvantage.

However, Liu Cong didn't know anything.

Just because no one did it, Liu Cong wanted to be the first.

He can't guarantee when graphene batteries will be available.

However, with this information, he is confident that he can come up with graphene batteries. It is only a matter of time.

In the early stage, it doesn't matter how much he invests.

Which of his companies doesn't make hundreds of millions of net profits a month?

Therefore, he doesn't care about money at all. As long as he can create a graphene battery, he won't even blink an eye even if it costs 10 billion in research and development.

Just get the graphene batteries out before other countries.

Then, the whole world will buy graphene from him.

Even if he masters the technology, he still has to charge huge patent fees, and the profits are huge.

Therefore, in order to prevent technological blockade from repeating the mistakes of the past.

Liu Cong must get the graphene battery out no matter what.

"Brother, I have already decided."

"Whether it's 10 billion or 100 billion invested, I must develop this graphene battery."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Li Shuqing was silent on the other end of the phone for a while, and then sighed slightly.

"Well, since you said so, I wish you success!"

"Wait a minute. I'll ask the people over there to contact you. Please don't call me. Gu Xiong probably won't answer calls from strangers."

"It just so happens that I met him once. You have asked the right person today."

With that said, Li Shuqing hung up the phone.

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