Regarding what Gu Xiong said, Liu Cong certainly knew that this was a kind reminder.

However, who can understand what Liu Cong is thinking in his heart?

Liu Cong had already thought carefully about the acquisition.

No matter what, he had to do this.

"Mr. Gu, I have already decided on this matter."

"So, I'm here today to talk to you about the acquisition."

Seeing this, Gu Xiong just nodded calmly.

"Okay, since you said so, Mr. Liu, let's officially start discussing cooperation."

Seeing this, Liu Cong also took out the information and contract that he had rushed out last night from his backpack and handed them to Gu Xiong in front of him.

Gu Hui, sitting next to his brother Gu Xiong, kept looking at Liu Cong.

After Gu Xiong took the document handed over by Liu Cong, he smiled at Liu Cong and then started to read the information in his hand.

At this time, Gu Hui couldn't sit still and sat directly next to Liu Cong from the opposite side.

"Idol, do you have a girlfriend?"

At this time, Gu Xiong raised his head and looked at Gu Hui with reproachful eyes.

"Why are you talking to Mr. Liu!"

Gu Hui looked at her brother and stuck out her tongue playfully.

Liu Cong originally thought that Gu Huishao was a royal sister, but he didn't expect that she had the body of a royal sister and the heart of a lolita.

Liu Cong forced out a polite but awkward smile towards Gu Hui.


When Gu Hui heard that Liu Cong had a girlfriend, she felt disappointed.

"Even if you have a girlfriend, you'll break up, right?"

Although this sentence was said in a small way, it was still captured by Liu Cong and Gu Xiong.

"Gu Hui, if you interrupt my discussion of cooperation with Mr. Liu again, get out."

Seeing this, Gu Hui pouted her cherry-like mouth and stopped talking.

"Mr. Liu, my sister is not very sensible. I hope Liu Cong won't take it to heart."

"No, no, I think he's quite cute like this."

Gu Hui suddenly became happy when Liu Cong praised her for being cute.

Gu Xiong gave her a look, and she stopped talking to Liu Cong.

In this way, for the next ten minutes or so, the office was in a relatively quiet state.

Gu Xiong looked at the documents in his hands seriously, while Liu Cong was drinking tea. Gu Hui was playing with her fingers and looking at Liu Cong next to her from time to time.

"Liu Cong, I have carefully read your information and contract from beginning to end. I think there is nothing wrong with it."

Liu Cong put down the small teacup in his hand and took the information Gu Xiong handed him.

"What do you mean?" Liu Cong asked.

Gu Xiong looked at the coffee table in front of him, thought for a while, and then raised his head to look at Liu Cong in front of him.

"I think if there are no objections from other shareholders."

"During this period, I plan to transfer the company."

Gu Xiong's words surprised Gu Hui on the side.

"Brother, are you really going to resell your hard work like this?"

Gu Xiong looked at his sister beside him and nodded resolutely.

"Yes, I am too busy to manage two companies by myself."

"Besides, I think the purchase price offered by Mr. Liu is quite acceptable."

Seeing this, Gu Hui took the contract from the table and started reading it.

"Thirty billion!"

"so much!"

Gu Xiong didn't expect this price, and Gu Hui didn't expect it at all.

This is already more than three or four times the market value of their company, and anyone would be tempted to replace it.

Liu Cong had thought over and over again about such a purchase price.

After all, their company has patents, technology, factories and land.

In addition, Liu Cong is optimistic about the future market, and he thinks it is worth the price.

That's why he paid so much.

Mainly because Gu Xiong compromised.

For so many years, he has been working hard to manage this company, and he is also optimistic about the future market of graphene.

That’s why he followed the government’s call to make graphene materials.

Through so many years of technical breakthroughs, the company has also fully mastered the method of graphene production.

However, reality poured cold water on Gu Xiong.

Not only does graphene have no market, but its production cost is also very high.

Because of this, Gu Xiong invested most of the money earned by another company.

However, not a single splash of water could be seen.

At this time, his former faith collapsed.

He also tried to find someone to buy the company, but no one was willing to take over this mess.

So, he persisted like this.

Just last night, when Gu Xiong received a call from Li Shuqing, who told him that someone was going to acquire his company, he still didn't believe it.

Even today when Liu Cong sat in front of him and discussed cooperation with him, he still felt unreal.

"Mr. Liu, you are actually thinking too much."

"The market value of our company is only over 7.9 billion, which is not that much."

But Liu Cong doesn't think so. To outsiders, this company is a bottomless pit.

But in Liu Cong's eyes, this company is a treasure.

As long as his graphene battery is developed, the company's graphene, an important raw material for graphene batteries, can be supplied immediately.

At that time, he only needs to build another production line nearby to manufacture graphene batteries locally and then ship them to all parts of the country.

"Mr. Gu, please stop refusing."

"He is worth this price, and I feel like I gave him less!"

"No, no, no! Liu Cong."

"It's a lot, it's been a lot."

Gu Xiong stood up and waved his hands quickly.

"For me, your money is really important to me."

"To tell you the truth, my company has also recently experienced the risk of a broken capital chain."

“My employees haven’t been paid for two months!”

Speaking of this, Gu Xiong's voice became smaller and smaller.

As a half-entrepreneur, Liu Cong does understand his dilemma.

This feeling of not being able to pay wages is really uncomfortable.

"Mr. Gu, don't worry, as long as you agree to the acquisition, I will transfer the money to your company account in batches."

Gu Xiong nodded. Although his eyes were full of reluctance, he really had no choice.

He did not expect that in the end, his company would appear at the court auction.

Rather than doing this, it is better to let others buy it. At least, your own hard work is still there.

"Okay, regarding the acquisition, I will implement it as soon as possible."

"Try to transfer the company to your name in just these few days."

There was a trace of reluctance in Gu Xiong's determined tone.

"Okay, then I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Before that, I have one more thing to ask of you."

Gu Xiong looked at Liu Cong and said, "Liu Cong, just tell me anything. If I can help, I, Gu Xiong, will definitely give me the greatest help!"

"It's like this. Although I bought the company, I don't know if you have time to take care of it anymore."

"I'm far away in Peiping, and I can't come all the time."

"You founded this company with your own hands, and you can't be more familiar with it."

"Don't worry, I won't let you work in vain. I will give you 10% of the shares. What do you think?"

Liu Cong's words made his eyes shine again.

If conditions permit, he will never leave this company.

"I do."

"But, after I've taken so much money from you, I'm no longer embarrassed to accept your shares."

"How about you just give me 5%? I only want 5%."

"Transfer it to my sister's name."

Seeing Gu Xiong's serious look, Liu Cong agreed to Gu Xiong's proposal.

After all, he wouldn't mind if his shares were small.

"Okay, then it's settled."

"I'll transfer the money to you from the bank when I get back."

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