In this way, the two reached a preliminary agreement.

Later, at Liu Cong's request, Gu Xiong signed the contract brought by Liu Cong.

"Mr. Liu, thank you very much this time!"

Gu Xiong stood up and held Liu Cong's right hand tightly.

But for Liu Cong, this is a very fair transaction, and there is nothing to be grateful for.

"Mr. Gu, you are serious."

"We both help each other succeed."

Even though Liu Cong said this, Gu Xiong still looked grateful.

"Mr. Liu, can I ask you why you acquired our company?"

Seeing Gu Xiong ask this, Liu Cong looked at Gu Xiong with some doubts.

"Didn't Mr. Li tell you yesterday why I acquired your company?"

Gu Xiong shook his head, "No, Mr. Li just asked me to call you."

"You said you wanted to acquire our company, so I called you."

"If Mr. Li hadn't told me, I wouldn't have believed it."

"After all, I know the current situation of our company. Even shareholders are not willing to buy our company's shares."

Liu Cong had no intention of hiding this matter. After all, the company would be handed over to Gu Xiong in the future, and he had to know many things immediately, otherwise he would not be able to implement them at all.

"Mr. Gu, that's it."

"I'm going to make graphene batteries."

"So, I have to acquire your company, otherwise I won't be able to supply my raw materials."

"Even if I set up a company to make graphene now, it would be too troublesome."

When Gu Xiong heard that Liu Cong was going to develop graphene batteries, his eyes widened.

"What? You want to make graphene batteries?"

Even Gu Hui stood up from her seat in surprise when she heard that Liu Cong was going to get graphene batteries.

Neither brother nor sister could believe why Liu Cong wanted to develop graphene batteries.

The world can't solve this problem now, so why should Liu Cong try?

Gu Xiong, who specializes in graphene, does not dare to easily try to develop graphene batteries.

Because it requires too much manpower and material resources.

For example, graphene is a son.

That graphene battery is his grandfather.

The two are not on the same technical level at all.

"Yes, it's a graphene battery."

"So, Boss Gu, are you confident?"

This time, Gu Xiong chose to remain silent.

He didn't know whether to believe the young man in front of him or not.

To put it bluntly, this field is completely blank now, and Gu Xiong can't believe it.

"Mr. Liu, I don't know how to answer you."

"If you talk about using graphene in other fields, maybe I will have a chance to speak."

"But, graphene batteries, I really don't know what to tell you."

Hearing this, Liu Cong did not embarrass Gu Xiong.

"All right."

"It doesn't matter, take your time, although the process is difficult."

"But it's just like when you insisted on graphene."

Speaking of this, Gu Xiong suddenly understood Liu Cong.

"Okay, that's it for today. If anything happens, we'll call you later."

Just like that, the two hung up the phone and added each other on WeChat.

When Gu Hui saw this, she immediately took out her mobile phone and scanned Liu Cong's QR code.

After seeing Liu Cong agree, she was very happy.

In this way, under the watchful eyes of the two people, Liu Cong left the company.

Seeing that it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Cong planned to book a flight back.

Maybe you can make it in time for a late-night snack.

At this moment, Chen Qiong's call came in.

"Brother, where are you now?"

"I'm in Cangtai!" Liu Cong replied.

"Why did you go to Cangtai?" Chen Qiong was a little confused.

"There's nothing wrong, I just went to do something."

"You are usually so busy, why did you call me today?"

Chen Qiong was silent on the other end of the phone for a while, and then said, "Do you remember that amusement park?"

"amusement park?"

"Yes! It's an amusement park."

Chen Qiong's tone was very firm.

Liu Cong thought for a long time on the phone, and then he thought of the amusement park that Chen Qiong took him to when Liu Cong went to participate in a Go competition.

"Oh, I remembered."

"At that time, I also advanced money to the old man."

"Hmph~ You didn't remember it until now, you just forgot."

"I don't."

"You have!"

"No, really not!"


Like other couples, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong also started bickering on the phone.

"Okay, okay, I admit defeat."

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Chen Qiong said seriously on the other end of the phone: "That's it."

"Since the last time I invested in that children's amusement park, it has been completed."

"I was on the way to the airport here and asked you if you were going."

"You are so close to Shanglu now, why not take a taxi and accompany me now?"

If Chen Qiong hadn't talked about this children's amusement park, he would have really forgotten about it.

This children's amusement park carries the memories of Chen Qiong's childhood and also reflects a father's love for his deceased son.

Therefore, Chen Qiong resolutely accepted this children's amusement park and became the largest shareholder.

Liu Cong agreed to Chen Qiong without even thinking about it.


"I'll take a taxi there right away. When can you arrive?"

"About seven or eight o'clock!"


After the two hung up the phone, Liu Cong started taking a taxi from Cangtai City.

The whole journey took more than an hour and we arrived at Shanglu City.

Liu Cong turned on his phone and looked at the time.

It was already 6:45 in the evening.

It is estimated that there is still an hour before Chen Qiong's plane lands.

Liu Cong searched for nearby hotels and booked a double bed room. After all, the two of them couldn't sleep on the street when they came here.

In this way, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening before Chen Qiong and Liu Cong met.

As soon as they met, Chen Qiong gave Liu Cong a big hug.

"I miss you so much!"

"I miss you as well."

Liu Cong stroked Chen Qiong's back and smiled like a child.

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