After more than an hour's drive, Liu Cong successfully arrived at the door of the experimental base.

This is a suburb fifty or sixty kilometers away from Beiping City. There is no one everywhere except this seemingly ordinary factory building.

There are heavy soldiers guarding the factory door.

When Liu Cong parked his car outside the door of the factory, there were soldiers with guns ready to drive Liu Cong away.

At this time, a man wearing a green military uniform behind him recognized Liu Cong's license plate.

Immediately he trotted over in a hurry.

"One of our own."

The soldier who was about to step forward immediately stopped after hearing the words of the soldier behind him.

"Liu Yuan, is that you?"

The soldier who ran over stood next to Liu Cong's car and looked at Liu Cong in the car with great respect.

Liu Cong nodded, and then showed his ID to the soldier.

Although it is not necessary, you still need to go through the basic process.

After the soldier saw Liu Cong's true face, he let Liu Cong in without thinking.

"Academician Liu, I know you, just go in."

After entering, Liu Cong parked his car in the parking lot on the side.

Then, he got out of the car.

After getting out of the car, Liu Cong immediately looked around at his surroundings.

This factory building seems to be several thousand square meters, and the yard alone takes up more than a thousand square meters.

The factory building at the back was built with special metal materials and looked very high-end. Liu Cong estimated that it could reach the missile-proof level.

Faced with such an unfamiliar environment, Liu Cong still dialed Academician Li's phone number.

Soon after, the call was connected.

"Academician Li, I have arrived outside this factory now. There are several workshops here. Where are you now?"

When Academician Li heard Liu Cong's arrival, he immediately said on the other end of the phone: "Are you near the parking lot now?"


"Okay, I'll pick you up right away!"

After about five minutes, Academician Li trotted all the way to Liu Cong's side.

"Liu Yuan, you are here."

Liu Cong smiled and said: "Yes, didn't you say there was new progress?"

"So as soon as I learned about it, I came over."

Afterwards, after the two exchanged pleasantries outside, Academician Li took Liu Cong to Workshop No. 1.

As soon as he entered, Liu Cong was stunned by the internal structure inside.

You may not be able to see the factory building from the outside.

It is entirely built with pure steel structure, and it is much thicker than the roof of an ordinary factory building.

It completely confirmed Liu Cong's conjecture that this is the level that can prevent missiles.

The defense inside is also very strict. There is a soldier holding the handle three steps away. This shows how much attention the above attaches to this experiment.

Liu Cong looked at this huge workshop. All the materials needed for the controllable nuclear fusion power station are produced here and are not imported from outside.

In other words, the two workshops next to it also produce materials.

The two walked about two hundred meters and came to the door of a room.

This door is also made of special materials and has a dual lock of face recognition and fingerprint recognition.

After Academician Li passed these two levels of verification, the door was slowly opened.

The space inside is very large, covering an area of ​​five to six hundred square meters.

There are various special equipment placed next to it, and in the middle is the tokamak device shipped from Huaqing University.

However, he added a lot of new equipment outside.

This is to prepare for power generation.

A huge special distillation device is suspended above the tokamak device, and a huge engine is placed next to it.

Next to the engine is a huge generator, and the two are connected through huge gears.

The generator and engine together take up a total of fifty or sixty square meters of space.

To be honest, this was the first time Liu Cong had seen such a large engine and generator.

Moreover, this is just for experimentation.

In fact, the real power generation device may be many times larger than this.

Next to the generator, there are very thick wires connected to the outside of the roof.

No wonder Liu Cong saw such a big transformer behind the factory when he was on the road.

"Academician Liu, you are here!"

Academician Zhou rushed over immediately after seeing Liu Cong.

Seeing that Academician Zhou, whom he had not seen for a long time, looked a little haggard, Liu Cong knew that he must have put in a lot of energy these days.

Including Academician Li next to him, his energy was not very good either.

The number of people in the laboratory has increased from a few at Huaqing University to dozens.

Here, various elites from China gathered.

Each of them is doing their own thing conscientiously in their own positions.

At this time, a young man in his thirties walked up to Academician Zhou.

"Academician Zhou, we have overhauled the equipment and can conduct the first experiment at any time."

Academician Zhou did not reply to the young man on the spot, but turned to look at Liu Cong aside.

"Academician Liu, do you think we can start now?"

Hearing what Academician Zhou said, the young man turned his head to look at Liu Cong in surprise.

"You are Academician Liu, I have seen you on TV!"

"Oh my god, I saw myself, you are simply my idol!"

The man's voice spread throughout half of the laboratory. When people learned that Liu Cong had come to the laboratory in person, they quickly put down their work and wanted to see Liu Cong's true face.

But no one expected that the Liu Cong in front of them was Liu Cong who was in the entertainment industry.

"He is really Academician Liu!"

"I didn't expect Academician Liu to be so handsome!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Liu Cong's ears kept hearing compliments from the crowd.

"Everyone, please be quiet and don't get excited. You will see us more often in the future."

Academician Li looked at these enthusiastic fans with a smile on his face.

These people had only heard of Liu Cong's name before, but they had never seen it before. Why weren't they excited to see the real person today?

As time went by, the crowd gradually became quiet.

Some people returned to their posts after witnessing Liu Cong's true appearance.

"Everyone, please go back quickly. We will conduct our most important first experiment later. Please be prepared and make sure nothing goes wrong."

Academician Zhou looked at this group of researchers who were all under forty years old and spoke in an impassioned tone.

"Please rest assured, Academician Liu and Academician Zhou, and promise to complete the task!!"

In this way, everyone returned to their respective work stations and began the next preparations.

Liu Cong looked at this huge device, his eyes slowly becoming serious.

"Academician Liu, should we start now?"

"let's start!"

Liu Cong put his hands behind his back and said firmly.

"Well start now!"

Afterwards, Academician Zhou quickly greeted the group of people behind him and made final preparations.

"Everyone, cheer me up, no one should let me down."


Everyone said in unison loudly.

Soon, everyone entered the final preparation stage.

"The No. 1 machine has been tested and there are no problems with the controllable nuclear fusion reaction device!!"

"The No. 2 machine has been inspected and no problems have been detected in the still."

"The inspection of machine No. 3 has been completed and the generator is normal."

"The pressure is at normal levels!"

"The transmission lines are OK!"

"The transformer is OK!"


At that time, people were constantly reporting some basic situations.

At this time, Liu Cong and the two academicians had already reached the safe zone.

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