“Everything is ready, do you need to start it immediately!!”

A loud voice resounded throughout the laboratory.

Academician Zhou looked at Liu Cong beside him, and then at Academician Li.

The three of them nodded in unison at the same time.

"Start it up!!!"

After the three people gave the order, everyone got ready to go.

"The tokamak is started and the temperature is rising sharply."

"One hundred thousand degrees Celsius."

"One million degrees Celsius."

"Ten million degrees Celsius1"


"One hundred and thirty million degrees Celsius."

In just ten seconds, the temperature inside the device suddenly rose to more than 100 million degrees. This is a very scary number.

Then, within ten seconds, the water in the huge distillation container began to boil instantly.

Subsequently, part of the water in the distillation vessel directly turns into steam.

Driven by the huge pressure of hot steam, the generator gradually began to work.

The loud noise made Liu Cong's ears feel a little uncomfortable, but he could still bear it.

"Report, the voltage has reached one thousand kilovolts."

After hearing these words, Liu Cong's heart skipped a beat.

You know, China's current ultra-high voltage only reaches a maximum of 1,000 kilovolts.

In other words, the voltage generated by this generator reached the highest level, which Liu Cong couldn't accept for a while.

Academician Zhou on the side saw Liu Cong's shock and directly added: "Academician Liu, you don't have to be surprised."

"Our value was specially set from the beginning."

"It is based on China's highest ultra-high pressure level."

"Because our store will not be used for civilian use now, everything will be done according to the highest standards. We will make subsequent plans after everything stabilizes."

After listening to Academician Zhou's explanation, Liu Cong felt that Academician Zhou's explanation made sense.

After all, there are specialties in the art industry. If he doesn't understand the professional knowledge involved, it's hard to make too many evaluations.

Everything should just follow normal procedures.

"So that's it, then where will the electricity you generate go?"

Liu Cong raised his voice and asked Academician Zhou on the side. After Academician Zhou heard this, he quickly gave a more reasonable explanation.

"This electricity was consumed after being tested by the external transformer."

"Because it is in an experimental state now, the electricity generated is also unstable. It will need to undergo a series of debugging later before the electricity can be sent to factories and civilians."

Because the noise of power generation was too loud, Liu Cong did not understand these issues in depth after hearing Academician Zhou's explanation.

At this moment, the door outside was suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man wearing a safety helmet walked in.

After seeing Academician Zhou, he ran over all the way.

"Academician Zhou, the transformers outside and the substation are all running normally."

"Academician Zhou, Academician Li, we succeeded, we really succeeded."

"It turns out that controllable nuclear fusion can really generate electricity!!"

The middle-aged man was very excited, with tears in his eyes.

Academician Li on the side saw this and patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder.

"Gao Qiang, why are you still crying at such an old age? Academician Liu is still here!"

"cheer up."

Academician Li's words instantly cheered up Gao Qiang.

"Where is it? Where is Academician Liu!!"

Gao Qiang looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Liu Cong.

"Academician Liu?"

"That's right, it's Academician Liu." Academician Zhou on the side explained to Gao Qiang.

After hearing what Academician Zhou said, Gao Qiang was even more shocked.

In this circle, Liu Cong has always been a god-like existence whose name has only been heard but not seen.

It can be seen from everyone's expressions just now how much they admire Liu Cong.

Seeing how strong Liu Cong was, he almost knelt down in front of Liu Cong, but luckily Liu Cong supported him.

The two academicians next to them were almost shocked when they saw this scene.

"Gao Qiang, what are you doing here? Do you think you still want to take Academician Liu as your teacher?"

Gao Qiang, who was helped up by Liu Cong, was also a little embarrassed, "How could I have such a blessing?"

"I just saw my idol's legs were a little weak, and I didn't expect Academician Liu to be so young."

"I think I saw Academician Liu there, but I can't remember where!"

Then, Gao Qiang seemed to have thought of something.

"I have to go out quickly. I'm still needed over there for the time being. I feel relieved when I can see that the machine is running stably."

"Academician Liu, Academician Gao, and Academician Li, see you later."

With that said, Gao Qiang ran towards the door.

The experiment has lasted for half an hour. Everyone at the scene was staring at the experimental equipment in front of them, and no one dared to relax.

The water in the distiller has not been reduced due to excessive evaporation of water.

When the steam drives the engine to move, it quickly enters the condensing device through the nearby pipe.

This vapor is then condensed into water and flows back into the distillation unit.

Seeing this scene, Liu Cong thought of hundreds of years ago.

People used the principle of steam to drive horizontal bar engines and created the era of steam.

It is such a great invention that promotes the rapid development of world industry.

Liu Cong is very familiar with this scene now.

Isn’t it just using steam to drive an engine and then generating electricity? How is this different from hundreds of years ago?

Although the principles are similar, the technical differences are quite different.

Moreover, hundreds of years ago, people used coal to boil water, but now they use tokamak devices to boil water.

Moreover, just in terms of power, the difference is more than one level.

"I would like to report to all academicians that the machine is running smoothly and there are no problems."

A man came to the three of them and reported the news to them.

Academician Zhou on the side nodded and asked: "Is the temperature inside the tokamak still normal?"

"Report to Academician Zhou, everything is normal!"

"The temperature is still around 13,000 degrees, and it hasn't changed much."

This news is good news to several people.

In other words, the results obtained here are not much different from those obtained in the Tsinghua laboratory.

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