Soon, the time came to an hour away.

The light inside the tokamak device also slowly became dim.

Ten minutes later, the tokamak device completely dimmed and the generator stopped generating electricity.

As the equipment went still, there was no sound in the lab except for the cheers of people.

"We made it, we made it!!"

Everyone stood up from their respective positions and raised their hands happily.

At this moment, they felt extremely accomplished.

Because they are impossible and create possibility.

As early as a few months ago, foreign media reported that it would take at least fifty years for controllable nuclear fusion to generate electricity.

But what they didn't expect was that a few months later.

In China, in the capital Peiping, the reaction time of controllable nuclear fusion has not only been exceeded, but it has also been used to generate electricity.

However, this matter is still in a very confidential state. Except for a few people, no one knows that China is carrying out this task.

After everyone cheered, they came to the three of them and sat Liu Cong and the others in a circle.

"Long live Academician Liu!!"

"Long live Academician Zhou!!"

"Long live Academician Li!!"


The three of them also smiled happily when faced with such a scene.

If you succeed the first time, you will succeed the second time. In the future, based on existing experience, you will get better and better.

"Okay, okay, this old man like me is going to be knocked unconscious by you."

Academician Zhou held his forehead and closed his eyes tightly.

However, the mouth is always raised.

Seeing this, for the sake of Academician Zhou's health, everyone stopped spinning.

After so many days of hard work, they had a rare opportunity to relax.

Until a controllable fusion power generation device is fully developed, these people are prohibited from going out.

For this reason, for the sake of these pillars of the country.

It is specially equipped with entertainment facilities and an unmanned supermarket, all of which are free.

The reason why Liu Cong can go out is because Liu Cong's identity is not known to the outside world.

Moreover, Liu Cong has said before that he is a freedom-loving person, and presumably his superiors will not force Liu Cong to do anything.

However, for the sake of Liu Cong's personal safety, bodyguards were still assigned to Liu Cong.

It just doesn't usually appear. After all, protecting Liu Cong cannot affect Liu Cong's daily life.

"Academician Liu, we cannot bring any electronic equipment in the laboratory now, otherwise I will have to take a photo with you."

"Yeah yeah!"

Everyone looked at Liu Cong in front of them and started to make noise again.

"There will definitely be a chance in the future." Liu Cong said to everyone.

After the excitement, everyone returned to their respective posts.

No one was complacent because of their first victory. Instead, they became calmer.

Liu Cong looked at the huge experimental equipment in the laboratory, then turned to look at Academician Zhou and Academician Li.

"Now that the first step of the experimental process has been completed, we will start the second step."

"You also know that if we want controllable nuclear fusion power generation to be used in industry and civilian use, we must solve the problem of time,"

"But we can't keep him reacting now."

"So, just like the plan I proposed that day, we can use two controllable nuclear fusion devices."

"Once this one is out of raw materials, we immediately start the second reaction device so that there will be no power outage."

"I believe that as time goes by, the time for controllable nuclear fusion will only get longer and longer, because technology is advancing and we will not stand still."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, the two academicians nodded.

"Academician Liu, the second tokamak device has been produced in the No. 2 workshop."

"It won't be long before the second tokamak will be put into use."

After hearing Academician Li's explanation, Liu Cong nodded.

"Anyway, if you encounter any questions you don't understand in the future, you can contact me directly by phone."

"If it doesn't work, I will rush to the scene myself."

The reason why Liu Cong said this is that he really doesn't have much time now.

Taking advantage of the current summer vacation, he needs to personally develop graphene batteries.

Moreover, he still has so many companies, so he can't stop visiting them all year round. He still has to visit them one by one.

"Academician Zhou, Academician Li, if nothing happens here, I will go back."

"It's getting late. My girlfriend is still waiting for me at home."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Academician Li and Academician Zhou looked at Liu Cong and smiled knowingly.

"Understood! Go home quickly and be with your girlfriend."

"take care!"

Academician Zhou raised his eyebrows playfully at Liu Cong.

Liu Cong instantly understood the meaning of Academician Zhou's words, and then smiled awkwardly.

"Academician Zhou, it's really not what you think."

Academician Zhou and Academician Li smiled at each other when they saw Liu Cong's shy look.

"Academician Liu, it's getting late today, why don't you stay here for dinner?"

Seeing this, Liu Cong waved his hand.

"No, I'm going back now."

Afterwards, Academician Zhou and Academician Li escorted Liu Cong to the parking lot.

After leaving the gate, whenever they see Liu Cong's soldiers, they will look at Liu Cong in the car seriously to show respect.

When I got home, it was already around 6:40 in the evening.

After Zhang Guimei saw Liu Cong coming back, she glared at Liu Cong.

Then he asked Liu Cong to wash his hands and eat quickly.

Since buying this villa, Chen Qiong has lived here permanently.

Sometimes, Liu Cong even feels like a son-in-law who comes to visit.

Let’s talk about ranking family status now.

Zhang Guimei is first, then Chen Qiong is second, followed by his father Liu Yang.

My current status at home may be slightly higher than that of Doudou. (Zhang Guimei’s new stray dog ​​is named Doudou.)


Liu Cong dragged his tired body to the bathroom and did a simple wash before meals.

After Liu Cong came out, Chen Qiong and Liu Yang were already sitting at the dinner table.

When Zhang Guimei served the last dish, she took off her apron and sat side by side with Chen Qiong.

The dishes tonight are very rich, many of which Chen Qiong bought in the morning.

There are braised pork, braised fish, braised tripe, fish-flavored shredded pork, green pepper scrambled eggs... more than a dozen dishes.

In the past, only Liu Cong's grandparents could come over or during the Chinese New Year to eat so many dishes.

But now, everything has changed because of Chen Qiong's arrival.

"Son, when are you going to marry Xiaoqiong?"

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