Zhang Guimei's question made Liu Cong spit out the tomato and egg soup he just drank.

Chen Qiong, who was beside Zhang Guimei, immediately blushed when Zhang Guimei asked this question.

"Mom, why do you ask that!"

"Still eating!"

Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong and swallowed.

"What? You can't ask?"

"You and Xiaoqiong have been together for such a long time. You are now the eldest, and you have reached the age to talk about marriage."

Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong, who was silent with chopsticks at the side, and suddenly felt that it made sense for Zhang Guimei to ask this matter.

Chen Qiong is six years older than Liu Cong, and Liu Cong is 22 years old this year. In other words, Chen Qiong will be a junior in two years.

Chen Qiong just doesn't talk to Liu Cong at ordinary times, fearing that he will be under great pressure. After all, Liu Cong is still young now.

But can Chen Qiong really wait so long? Liu Cong doesn't know either.

"Auntie, I'm not in a hurry. Liu Cong still hasn't graduated yet. It's not too late to wait until he graduates!"

Even though Chen Qiong said this, Liu could still feel that Zhang Guimei didn't intend to let this matter go away.

At this time, Liu Yang spoke.

"Guimei, let's just leave the young people's affairs alone and let them decide for themselves."

Seeing his father speaking for him, Liu Cong cast a grateful look.

Then he immediately explained to Zhang Guimei: "Mom, I'm busy with my studies now, and I can't always be with her. I'd better wait until graduation."

"Are you still afraid that such a good daughter-in-law will run away? Don't worry, she can't run away."

Regarding this, Liu Cong is quite confident.

Regardless of his appearance, body, or wealth, it can be said that it is difficult to find anything wrong with him.

"Just stop talking. If Xiaoqiong hadn't fallen in love with you, you wouldn't have been able to get a wife."

"Doudou, you think so?"

Zhang Guimei looked at Doudou under the table with friendly eyes. Doudou saw Zhang Guimei calling him and yelled.

"You see, Doudou agrees with what I said."

Zhang Guimei looked at Liu Cong, who was holding chopsticks, very shyly.

"Doudou is very good. I will reward you with a chicken drumstick."

After Doudou saw the chicken legs, she called Zhang Guimei twice.

When Chen Qiong and Liu Yang saw this scene, they both laughed secretly.

For this reason, Liu Cong could only shrug helplessly and continue to eat his meal.

After that, the family never mentioned the marriage again.

In the evening, just as Zhang Guimei said that day, she was actually arranged to the nanny's room opposite Chen Qiong.

Fortunately, this nanny's room is relatively large, covering thirty or forty square meters, which is enough for Liu Cong to live alone.

In the dead of night, Liu Cong turned on his computer and prepared to start studying graphene batteries.

Before Liu Cong could open the file, the door was lightly knocked.

"Brother, are you asleep?"

When Liu Cong heard that Chen Qiong was outside, he stood up from the computer desk and opened the door for Chen Qiong.

I saw that Chen Qiong had already taken off her makeup, was wearing a thin layer of pajamas, and was holding a pillow on her chest.

"I knew you weren't sleeping."

Chen Qiong rushed into Liu Cong's room and then lay on Liu Cong's bed.

This series of operations took no more than ten seconds.

"What are you doing standing around? Go to sleep!!"

"It's so late, so don't play on the computer."

Chen Qiong turned sideways and looked at Liu Cong in a daze beside the door.

Liu Cong came to his senses and closed the door.

"Aren't you afraid that my parents will see you!"

"Go back quickly!"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Chen Qiong immediately got into Liu Cong's bed.

"I just want to sleep with you!"

"Don't worry, I'll set an alarm for early tomorrow morning. I'll be back when the alarm goes off."

Chen Qiong blinked her big, watery eyes and looked at Liu Cong pitifully.

Seeing this, Liu Cong didn't stop him anymore.

"All right!"

"Then go to sleep!!"

Liu Cong turned around and shut down the computer on the table.

"What kind of experiment is this? I won't do it!"

Liu Cong was also overwhelmed by Chen Qiong's enchanting figure.

Just when the two reached a critical moment, Liu Cong suddenly discovered that something was missing.

"No, not tonight!"

Chen Qiong knew what Liu Cong was worried about, so she immediately took out a small thing from her pajamas pocket.

"Is this what you're looking for?"

Liu Cong looked excited when he saw what Chen Qiong was holding.


"bring it on!"


The next day, when Liu Cong woke up, Chen Qiong beside him had already disappeared.

Liu Cong turned on his phone and looked at the time. It was already 7:40 in the morning.

"When did he leave? Why didn't I feel it?"

Liu Cong opened the door in a daze and saw Zhang Guimei and Chen Qiong doing cleaning work in the living room on the second floor.

Seeing Zhang Guimei looking up at him, Liu Cong knew something was wrong.

"Look at Xiaoqiong, she got up early in the morning to help me clean up."

"I've never seen you and your dad doing hygiene at home!"

Liu Cong looked at this harmonious scene and knew why Zhang Guimei asked Liu Cong when he married Chen Qiong last night.

Liu Cong was used to Zhang Guimei's scolding.

"Got it, Mom!"

"I'll help clean up after I wash up."

Liu Cong grabbed Ha Qie and walked to the bathroom.

"Okay, okay, don't cause any trouble for me here."

"After you wash up, go downstairs and make breakfast."

Liu Cong looked at Zhang Guimei and nodded repeatedly, "I know, Mom, I'll go right away."

after breakfast,

Chen Qiong drove to the company. Zhang Guimei is on holiday today.

But Liu Yang was more relaxed, just like Liu Cong, he was on summer vacation.

But I was not idle either. I turned on my computer early in the morning and wrote articles for the media agency.

Liu Cong is also very sensible, and he doesn't like him when his mother is at home during the holidays.

So he turned on the computer and, like Liu Yang, was busy with what he was doing.

Sure enough, this time Zhang Guimei saw Liu Cong busy and didn't say anything to him.

Just as Liu Cong was processing the information, Gu Xiong's call came in.

After Liu Cong saw it, he immediately went out and answered the phone.

"Mr. Liu, the money you transferred has already been transferred to my company's account."

"You have really helped me a lot. The wages of my company's employees are finally settled."

As for the money Gu Xiong mentioned, he had collected the funds and transferred them to Gu Xiong's account a few days ago.

However, for such a large amount of money, there will be delays in transferring it.

"Mr. Gu, just receive it."

"Then I wish us happy cooperation in the future!"

“Happy to work with!”

It was obvious that Gu Xiong spoke with more confidence this time than last time. After all, now that he has money, he can be more assertive in doing things.

"Mr. Liu, I have transferred the company to your name."

"Also, I have already decided on the materials you asked me to customize for you during your last call, and they are on the way now."

"You try it first. If it doesn't work, I'll help you change it."

Regarding the materials, Liu Cong specifically called Gu Xiong a few days ago and asked Gu Xiong to make them. He didn't expect that they would be ordered so quickly.

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