It was almost twelve o'clock at noon.

Zhang Guimei's calls came in one after another. Liu Cong had no choice but to go home early.

Because when he went out in the morning, Liu Cong didn't tell his mother that he wouldn't be back at noon.

At half past twelve, Liu Cong parked his car outside his villa.

Since it was cloudy today, when I first walked in, I saw my father weeding on the lawn.

His mother was watering the flowers on the side.

After seeing Liu Cong come back, Zhang Guimei put down the kettle in her hand and looked at Liu Cong quietly in front of her.

Liu Cong thought that his mother would talk about him again, but she didn't.

"There is food left for you on the table. If it gets cold, you can heat it yourself."

"After dinner, remember to wash the pots and dishes for me."

Seeing that his mother didn't talk about him, Liu Cong felt happy. This was the greatest blessing.

"Hey! Okay!"

Just like that, Liu Cong returned to the living room in a hurry.

When he saw the mess on the table, he couldn't be happy for a moment.

Today at noon, the two of them were eating crayfish, plus hairy crabs, and on the side were the stir-fried vegetables that they had not finished last night.

"Be good! Now the living standard of the old couple has improved."

"They were reluctant to buy this before."

Seeing this scene, Liu Cong knew that he had been tricked.

This was obviously waiting for him to come back and clean up the remnants on the table.

"Hey! No matter what, let's eat!"

Liu Cong took the dishes and chopsticks from the kitchen and opened another bottle of beer.

In this hot summer weather, beer and crayfish are a perfect match.

After eating, Liu Cong put away the dishes and chopsticks.

Then he lay on the bed consciously, crossed his legs and watched TV.

At this time, Liu Cong's phone rang again. It was an unfamiliar number from Peiping.

After the call was connected, a rich male voice came from the phone.

"Hello, are you Mr. Liu?"

"Yes, it's me."

After the other party confirmed Liu Cong's identity, he immediately said: "I am the courier of Fengshun Express. I am at your door now. Do you have time to pick up the courier?"

When Liu Cong heard what the courier said, he immediately sat up from the sofa.

He thought to himself that he didn't buy any express delivery.

At the moment, there are only two possibilities.

One is what Chen Qiong bought for herself, and the other is that Gu Xiong's express delivery has arrived.

After Liu Cong put on his shoes, Liu Cong walked out.

After signing for the express delivery, Liu Cong carried the relatively heavy box back.

Gu Xiong has a really big heart. The graphene, which is more expensive than gold, was directly sent to him by express delivery. If it were lost on the road, it would definitely be a huge loss.

After getting the courier, Liu Cong couldn't wait to return to his room and opened his courier with scissors.

After taking the things out, Liu Cong deliberately put the graphene inside on the scale and weighed it. It weighed a full kilogram.

You know, this is specially treated graphene.

Even based on the lowest price in the market, this small package is worth dozens of W.

With so much graphene, you can pay a down payment in a small county.

Liu Cong carefully kept these dark things. After all, these graphenes were related to the results of his experiments in the next few months.


Time moved forward a few days.

It was a very hot noon. After Liu Cong finished eating at home, he brought his graphene material to the Outlet Research Institute.

Liu Cong parked his car in his own exclusive parking space and came to the laboratory on the third floor alone.

After several days of cleaning, the laboratory was completely cleaned.

All the equipment Liu Cong wanted has been arranged.

Next, you can do the experiment yourself.

Liu Cong took some of the materials he brought and put them on the experimental table.

The rest were all locked in a sealed cabinet.

This is the first time Liu Cong has done such an experiment, so he will inevitably have no experience.

Therefore, he was prepared to fail from the beginning.

Looking around the world, the last person to discover graphene has already won the Nobel Prize.

If you can create a graphene battery yourself, then you will probably win the next Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Now, countries around the world are studying graphene batteries.

Because, based on the original lithium battery, it is difficult to make any breakthrough.

The current concept of graphene batteries is only a hypothesis in the laboratory.

Even if it is done, it is extremely unstable.

Moreover, it is difficult to mass-produce graphene batteries, because on the current basis, the world cannot produce graphene batteries that can be used by major manufacturers in the short term.

Furthermore, it is expensive and even if it is researched, it will be difficult for the public to use it.

This is why Liu Cong Liu Cong wanted to drive down the price of graphene before.

If this trend continues, the price of raw materials must be reduced, otherwise it will be impossible to play.

In fact, graphene is nothing more than a different arrangement of carbon atoms in structure.

The normal structure of carbon is a regular hexagonal structure. There are stable valence connections between atoms. This is one of the reasons why carbon is extremely stable.

Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon material composed of a layer of carbon atoms closely packed periodically in a hexagonal honeycomb structure.

Because it has only one atomic layer, it is the thinnest material ever discovered.

Moreover, graphene is very strong. In theory, it is 200 times stronger than steel, and it is the most conductive material.

Graphene itself cannot store electricity, but due to its ultra-high conductivity, the utilization rate of lithium ions can be maximized when it shuttles through the electric field.

Due to the nature of superconductivity, the battery can be fully charged as quickly as possible.

These graphenes were all prepared using chemical vapor deposition before being shipped here.

Therefore, Liu Cong saves the tedious step of sticking graphene with tape.

Liu Cong used a very simple method to separate graphene flakes.

When he used tweezers to lift the graphene sheet to the sky, it could still transmit light.

It can be seen how thin this graphene is.

More than ten years ago, people would never associate thin graphene with future materials.

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