After making preparations, Liu Cong began his first graphene battery experiment.

Like normal battery research and development steps, Liu Cong first produced lithium iron phosphate using a high-temperature solid-phase method.

Then, after a series of synthesis reactions, a lithium iron phosphate battery is produced.

After obtaining the basic research materials, Liu Cong began to prepare for the experiment.

First, Liu Cong created a control group, which was a lithium iron phosphate battery.

Later, Liu Cong used another set of lithium iron phosphate batteries to make graphene batteries.

First, Liu Cong used a precise electronic weighing instrument to measure the weight of lithium iron phosphate batteries and graphene on an electronic weighing instrument.

Then, it is mixed in a certain proportion.

Then, you get what's called a graphene battery.

Graphene battery, although the surface is graphene.

But graphene itself is not a material that can store electrical energy.

The superconducting properties of graphene can maximize battery utilization.

But it is this small graphene battery that has stumped people all over the world.

Later, Liu Cong wrapped the graphene battery in simple tin foil, and after distinguishing the positive and negative electrodes, he started simple packaging, and got a rectangular black battery.

From the outside, this battery looks no different from an ordinary battery.

Secondly, the reason why Liu Cong used lithium iron phosphate as a material was because of a systematic arrangement.

Then, Liu Cong picked up the two batteries and prepared to charge the batteries.

What makes Liu Cong very lucky is that there is no problem charging the two batteries.

There were no accidents such as battery overheating or battery fire and explosion.

The lithium iron phosphate battery was the first to be fully charged, taking three minutes and fifteen seconds.

The lithium iron phosphate battery took a full five minutes and 28 seconds.

This verifies Liu Cong's preliminary verification, that is, when lithium ions shuttle back and forth in the graphene layer, they move much faster than ordinary batteries.

However, this time alone is not enough.

Because the charging time that Liu Cong was satisfied with was to control the battery within a few seconds. The success of the first experiment was far from meeting Liu Cong's desired goal.

However, it can at least prove that Liu Cong's research is in the right direction.

Liu Cong held these two batteries in his hand and nodded slightly.

"It's good to be able to do this for the first time. It seems to at least prove that there are no fundamental problems with my research direction."

"The next time is enough for me to debug the battery step by step."

"It's just that I don't understand why lithium iron phosphate is used as the experimental material."

Just when Liu Cong was confused, the system started to speak.

[That’s because, among Blue Star’s existing materials, this is the only one most suitable for reacting with graphene]

Liu Cong was startled by the sudden sound.

"Tuan Tuan, can you tell me next time you come out? It's easy to scare people to death."

The system ignored what Liu Cong said and continued.

[The reason why your graphene battery takes so long to charge is related to the reaction inside the graphene battery during the charging process]

[Graphene batteries have ultra-high conductivity, but graphene is a two-dimensional material and is prone to wrinkles and deformation]

[After deformation, various characteristics will also change. 】

[Secondly, graphene can easily form graphene oxide at high temperatures]

[Graphene oxide will destroy the characteristics of graphene itself, causing it to directly lose its conductivity]


Liu Cong was immediately confused by the system's endless stream of popular science knowledge.

“Tuan Tuan, you didn’t write this in your information!!”

[Who said there isn’t one, aren’t those chemical formulas? 】

[Should I explain it to you in words? Host, please be more careful, how can you do scientific research like this?]

The system's milky voice lectured Liu Cong in a clear and logical manner, just like a little adult.

Liu Cong was speechless by the system. Indeed, Liu Cong did not consider this when doing the experiment.

However, how to solve the problem of the stability of the graphene material itself is now a top priority.

If these problems are not solved, there will be no difference between graphene batteries and ordinary lithium iron phosphate batteries.

In that way, there will be traces to follow as to why the graphene battery took so long to charge.

It must be that the high temperature generated during the charging process destroyed the structure of the graphene battery itself.

In other words, the graphene battery in front of you is now an ordinary lithium iron phosphate battery.

There is no need to continue with the next experiment. It seems that we need to prepare materials again and start over.

"Tuan Tuan, how should we solve these problems?"

"For example, the problem of high temperature causing graphene to directly strike?"

[The host is all in the information, you will know if you read it carefully]

[Part of the reason why graphene batteries are so difficult to develop is that many scientists are stuck here. If this technology is broken through, mass production of graphene batteries will be a certainty]

Tuantuan explained to Liu Cong sentence by sentence in official language.

Liu Cong also understands this truth. The key issue now is how to break through this technology.

If the problem of the material itself is not solved, no matter how much graphene Liu Cong wastes, he will not be able to make a graphene battery.

"Hey, forget it, let me study it further."

Liu Cong looked at the two batteries on the table and fell into deep thought.

If the stability of the material is not solved, there will be basically no hope in developing graphene batteries.

[Host, Tuantuan is sleepy, Tuantuan is going to sleep]

After the system finished saying this, there was no more sound.

Liu Cong stood there, stunned for a long time, and then put his scrapped graphene battery directly into the waste disposal barrel in the laboratory.

Later, Liu Cong was not in a hurry to do the experiment, but turned on the computer and began to study the graphene data from beginning to end.

Looking at it, it seemed that the entire afternoon had passed by, and I didn't gain much.

It was almost dinner time, and Liu Cong could no longer stay in the laboratory.

After simply packing up, we drove back directly.

At about half past six, Liu Cong arrived home on time for dinner.

Just in time, Zhang Guimei was serving food.

After seeing his son come back, he did not blame him, but asked Liu Cong to wash his hands and eat directly.

Chen Qiong has lived here permanently. She is not close to her parents, but is only close to Zhang Guimei.

If Chen Qiong is married into the family in the future, there will definitely be no disputes between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

"Why are you back so late today?" Liu Yang asked from the side.

"Oh, I have something to do at the company today. I went to deal with some things. I may have to stay in the company every day from now on."

Zhang Guimei on the side heard that Liu Cong had gone to the company, and had no intention of talking about Liu Cong anymore.

"Oh? Which drug company are you talking about?"

At this time, three pairs of eyes were curiously staring at Liu Cong sitting on the table.

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