Seeing the three people looking at him like this, Liu Cong felt a little embarrassed.

"Yeah, that's the company."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Zhang Guimei on the side spoke.

"I've never heard of you starting a company. I'm curious about how you started your company."

"And was it really you who developed the drug to cure cancer?"

The two of them didn't ask much about this matter.

The main reason is that I don't want to pay too much attention to this matter, as long as Liu Cong is safe and sound.

However, Zhang Guimei really couldn't help but wonder why Liu Cong had such abilities.

He has a big villa, a company, and a rich girlfriend.

Because of his status as a junior college student, he went directly to Huaqing University.

All these reasons can prove that there is definitely something wrong with his son.

Seeing Zhang Guimei being so curious, Liu Cong didn't know how to explain it to his mother in detail.

At this time, Chen Qiong, who had been silent until now, spoke.

"Auntie, I'm hungry. How about we start dinner?"

It turns out that Zhang Guimei really likes Chen Qiong.

After hearing what Chen Qiong said, Zhang Guimei immediately avoided such a topic.

"Okay, let's eat and eat."

In this way, the four of them had a harmonious dinner together.

In the evening, Liu Cong returned to his room and began to study the problem of graphene batteries.

Tonight, Chen Qiong did not come to Liu Cong's room.

The reason was that Zhang Guimei ran to the door opposite Liu Cong and slept with Chen Qiong, leaving Liu Yang sleeping alone in the room on the third floor.

After an afternoon of studying, Liu Cong's brain was completely confused.

At this time, he already felt that he had no motivation to continue learning.

At this time, Liu Cong thought of the brain-strengthening potion from last time.

After drinking him last time, not only did my mind become more flexible, but I also felt energetic instantly.

So, Liu Cong called the system into the air,

"Tuan Tuan, have you slept well? I want to buy something."

Soon, the sound of milky milk sounded in Liu Cong's mind.

[Tuantuan is here, may I ask what the host wants to buy in the system mall]

[The host now has 305 million reputation points. As long as it does not exceed this value, Tuantuan can help the host get it immediately]

After hearing what the system said, Liu Cong said what he wanted to buy without any hesitation.

"Tuan Tuan is the potion that improved your brain power last time. I remember it was the one drawn in the lottery."

Liu Cong told the system about his needs.

[Host, do you want a potion to improve your brain power? 】

Liu Cong nodded repeatedly when he heard what the system said.

"Yes, that's it!"

[Okay, host, the brain potion requires five million reputation points]

[You can increase one brain power value at a time]

[Do I need to purchase the host? 】

When Liu Cong heard that five million reputation points were required, Liu Cong felt a little distressed, but he still gritted his teeth.


The next second, a small orange potion appeared in Liu Cong's hand.

[If you don’t have anything to do, go to bed. It’s getting late. Host, you should also go to bed early.]

With that said, there was no sound from the system.

Liu Cong looked at the small orange potion in his hand, opened the lid and drank it in one gulp.

After a while, Liu Cong felt a coolness hit his brain, and Liu Cong could even see the things in the room more clearly.

And the fatigue in my mind just now disappeared.

After sitting down, Liu Cong began to read the information.

He could clearly feel that his mind was much more flexible than before.

In this way, Liu Cong used this energy to work until four in the morning without feeling sleepy at all.

Until a touch of fish belly white rose in the east, Liu Cong knew that it was time for him to take a nap.

So, Liu Cong lay on the bed and fell asleep directly.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, the door to Liu Cong's room was opened immediately.

Afterwards, Liu Cong only felt a sense of coolness, and his quilt was lifted directly by Chen Qiong.

"Get up, the sun is shining on your butt."

"It won't be long before Auntie talks about you again."

It took Liu Cong five seconds to start his CPU. Because he slept too little, the performance dropped by 50%.

"Okay, okay! Stop dragging me. I'll get up. Can't you do it if I get up?"

Ever since, Liu Cong put on his pants and clothes and got out of bed.

After breakfast, Liu Cong went directly to the Outlet Research Institute.

At this time, Zhang Guimei and Chen Qiong also went to work respectively.

At this time, Liu Yang was the only one left at home.

As soon as Liu Cong arrived outside the outlet research institute, the security guards were ready to open the door for him.

At this time, Lieutenant General Li Hu called.

Liu Cong just swiped casually and answered the call.

"Liu Yuan, where are you now?"

"Someone above wants to see you."

After answering, Li Huzhong's voice came from the other side.

"I just went out, what can I do?"

"That's right. Didn't you submit the nuclear aircraft carrier information to Guo Fangbu last time?"

"Now that the drawings are in the hands of the shipbuilding department, they said that with your information, they can directly break through the technical level. It is only a matter of time before a nuclear aircraft carrier is built."

"So, they asked to meet you by name and asked you to give them guidance on the spot."

Liu Cong was not surprised by what these people said.

After all, what the system gives cannot be fake.

"Okay, where will I meet you?"

"Send me the address and find an open space."

"I'll pick you up directly by helicopter later."

Liu Cong was a little surprised to hear what Lieutenant General Li Hu said.

"Lieutenant General Li Hu, there is no need for such a big deal. I like to keep a low profile. Let's just drive there."

At this time, Lieutenant General Li Hu laughed happily on the other end of the phone.

"Academician Liu, you have to drive hundreds of kilometers, so you don't have to tire yourself out."

"Hundreds of kilometers?"

"Yeah, in the coastal cities to the east."

"So, we have to go by helicopter!"

Since Lieutenant General Li Hu said so, Liu Cong looked at the compound of the Outlets Research Institute. It was enough to park a helicopter.

Afterwards, Liu Cong directly sent his address to Lieutenant General Li Hu.

After entering, Liu Cong parked his car in his parking space, and then waited directly in the yard for the arrival of Lieutenant General Li Hu.

Five minutes later, the helicopter landed directly in the compound.

At this time, all the eyes of the audience were focused on the helicopter.

Li Hu was wearing casual clothes today, probably to avoid exposing his identity in front of the public.

People at the research institute were not surprised when they saw Liu Cong entering the helicopter. After all, it was normal for a person like him to have a helicopter.

"Academician Liu, let's set off."

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