After Liu Cong boarded the helicopter,

Under the watchful eyes of everyone in the institute, he took off in a helicopter.

"Mr. An, when did Mr. Liu buy a private helicopter?"

At this time, the manager on the side asked Anna curiously, who was also full of doubts.

"I don't know when Mr. Liu bought the helicopter. Let's not ask more about Mr. Liu's personal questions."

"Everyone go back to work!"

Mr. An waved his hand, and everyone in the institute returned to their posts as usual.

At this time, the helicopter had already flown over the main urban area of ​​Peiping and was heading north.

Inside the helicopter, there were only Lieutenant General Li Hu and Liu Cong, plus three soldiers. The soldier in front was concentrating on driving the helicopter.

"Academician Liu, based on our speed of three hundred kilometers per hour, preliminary estimates suggest that it will take us about an hour and a half to reach Beihai City."

After hearing what Lieutenant General Li Hu said, Liu Cong made a preliminary estimate of the distance, which was about four to five hundred kilometers.

Back and forth, that is, about three hours.

"Well, once and for all is not too far."

"It's now nine forty-five in the morning. It's only eleven o'clock when we get there. By the way, we can also taste the local specialties."

Hearing this, Lieutenant General Li Hu couldn't help but smile.

"Where can I eat local specialties? There are no people within a radius of 30 kilometers. It's almost like eating employee meals."

When Lieutenant General Li Hu said this, Liu Cong suddenly woke up.

Generally, these projects must be classified as state secrets. Within that scope, it is normal for no one to be involved.

Moreover, there will definitely be troops guarding there.

Liu Cong nodded and said, "That's right. After all, this is considered a state secret and must not be seen by others."

"It's a secret!"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Lieutenant General Li Hu reacted greatly.

"Did you know? In order to study this nuclear aircraft carrier, the country has specially deployed many naval forces within a radius of ten kilometers close to the research and development base."

"If someone breaks in, you can imagine the consequences."

Looking at the serious look on Lieutenant General Li Hu's face, Liu Cong knew that he was attaching great importance to the research and development of nuclear aircraft carriers this time.

If the economy is the primary productive force, then military strength is the lifeblood of a country.

Just like people, if you are weak, someone will bully you, and it is the same between countries. If you do not have a certain strength, others will bully you as they want.

Therefore, the importance of nuclear aircraft carriers is unquestionable in everyone's eyes.

In the next hour, Lieutenant General Li Hu and Liu Cong talked about many things.

From astronomy to geography, from politics to history, the two had a great time chatting.

Before we knew it, the helicopter flew to the sea.

In this way, the helicopter kept flying along the seaside.

Soon after, Liu Cong saw a base on the seaside. This base was very large, extending horizontally for several kilometers.

After approaching the point, a huge hull has the words "Chinese Ship" written on it.

This is the most famous shipping company in China and the largest shipping company in China.

The Hope Ship and the Qiming Ship aircraft carrier were both successfully developed here.

Since this was a helicopter belonging to the military region, no one came forward to stop the helicopter when it flew over the coast.

After a while, the plane stopped in an open space along the coast.

When the plane door opened, Liu Cong saw a familiar person at first sight.

The leader was none other than Academician Jiang Hehai, and behind Academician Jiang Hehai stood five or six people about his age.

Liu Cong didn't even have to guess. These people were either leaders or national treasures.

Seeing such a scene, Liu Cong had to sigh that he had met all the academicians and powerful officials in China right away.

"Lieutenant General Li, Academician Liu, you are here."

When Academician Jiang Hehai saw the two people coming down, he immediately stepped forward and shook their hands.

"Academician Jiang, if you ask me to bring Academician Liu over, I won't delay at all!"

Hearing what Lieutenant General Li Hu said, Academician Jiang burst into laughter.

"It is our honor for Academician Liu to come today."

Unlike last time, this time Jiang Hehai's eyes changed from admiration to admiration.

The reason is that the information submitted by Liu Cong is so comprehensive that many technologies that are blocked abroad are introduced here.

If this technology were not well protected by foreign countries, Academician Jiang would have suspected that this information was stolen.

Of course, this document uses technologies that are different from traditional nuclear aircraft carriers, and the appearance has been greatly improved.

According to the information, this nuclear aircraft carrier is one-third larger than an ordinary nuclear aircraft carrier.

Liu Cong smiled slightly when he saw Academician Jiang saying this.

"Academician Jiang, you are serious. It is an honor for me to be invited by you today."

After the two were polite, Academician Jiang introduced the people behind him to them one by one.

Sure enough, it was the same as Liu Cong thought.

There are a total of six people here, one admiral, one nuclear academician, and four chief ship engineers and chief designers.

This lineup can be said to have given Liu Cong enough face.

"Hello, Academician Liu, my name is Luo Xiang."

"It's an honor to meet you today!"

The man in his early sixties had sincere eyes and took the initiative to shake hands with Liu Cong.

Seeing this, Liu Cong did not dare to neglect at all.

Because this is the naval admiral that Academician Jiang just mentioned.

General Luo Xiang was wearing casual clothes today, and Liu Cong couldn't identify him on the spot.

When Lieutenant General Li Hu heard that the admiral was across from him, he quickly stepped forward to greet him without any hesitation.

"Hello, Academician Liu, my name is Zhu Wei."

"Hello, Academician Liu, my name is Ma Bin."


Afterwards, several people behind him introduced themselves to Liu Cong one by one.

After some pleasantries, Academician Jiang took Liu Cong and others to a temporary iron house on the beach.

From the outside, it looks no different from an ordinary iron room. Once inside, it is exactly the same as an office.

After Academician Jiang asked everyone to sit down, he also found a seat on the side and sat down.

Because the person who invited Liu Cong here today was none other than Navy Admiral Luo Xiang.

On the one hand, he wanted to get to know Liu Cong himself; on the other hand, he wanted to listen to Liu Cong's advice.

"Today, I am honored that Academician Liu can come here in person to give us advice."

“We once again warmly welcome Academician Liu’s arrival.”

Lieutenant General Luo Xiang gave the order, and warm applause erupted in the office.

After Liu Cong saw how enthusiastic everyone was, he also gave everyone a greeting ceremony.

After some simple etiquette, the meeting began.

After seeing the basic process completed, General Luo Xiang looked at Academician Jiang Hehai on the side.

Academician Jiang immediately understood General Luo Xiang's intention, and then said to Liu Cong: "Academician Liu, we invite you to come here today, but there are some problems that we cannot solve yet."

"I hope Academician Liu can give us some pertinent suggestions."

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