Liu Cong was a little confused when Academician Jiang Hehai said this.

Everyone here in front of me has either participated in the manufacturing of aircraft carriers, or has driven aircraft carriers.

With some professional knowledge, they are definitely better than dabblers like Liu Cong.

After all, after getting this information, I briefly looked at it and then donated it to the country for free.

I haven't understood some of the details clearly yet. If I were to ask hardcore questions, wouldn't I be exposed?

However, Liu Cong could only accept the current situation.

Liu Cong looked at Academician Jiang very calmly, and then said: "Academician Jiang, please tell me."

"I will tell everyone everything I know."

Next, Academician Jiang asked Liu Cong a complete sigh of relief.

"Academician Liu, that's it."

"We invite you to come here today. First, everyone wants to meet you."

"Secondly, I want to hear some of your opinions and give the nuclear aircraft carrier a resounding name."

"You designed this nuclear aircraft carrier, and of course you came up with the name."

After hearing what Academician Jiang said, everyone nodded in agreement.

This is also a decision made by everyone together.

However, Liu Cong was a little flattered by this decision.

At first, he thought they were inviting him over to solve some technical problems.

At first, Liu Cong was a little unsure. After all, he had no previous experience in shipbuilding.

Who knows, he just asked Liu Cong to come over and give some pertinent suggestions, and by the way, give the nuclear aircraft carrier a name.

Liu Cong was stunned in his seat for a while, and then said: "I can give you suggestions, just give him a name."

"I'm really not good at naming names."

Even so, it is still difficult to conceal everyone's enthusiasm.

"Academician Liu, it doesn't matter if you don't know how to name it. You must name this first nuclear aircraft carrier yourself."

Admiral Luo Xiang said almost in a commanding tone.

"Yes, Academician Liu, please stop refusing."

"It's better to just call Liu Congjian."

At this time, another engineer in the conference room said casually.

When Liu Cong heard this, he waved his hands repeatedly.

“I can’t do it, I can’t do it!!”

"I'll get up, I'll get up!"

Faced with everyone's enthusiasm, Liu Cong was helpless and could only agree.

"I need to think about the name. Now let me talk about some of my suggestions for this nuclear aircraft carrier!"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, there was another round of warm applause.

"Then Academician Liu is welcome to provide us with some pertinent suggestions."

Seeing such a scene, Liu Cong immediately thought of a sentence.

That is when you succeed, everything you say is right.

As the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous as pigs are afraid of being strong.

When you become famous, a lot of troubles come one after another.

It is also quite painful to change from the original executor to the decision-maker.

The applause at the scene was non-stop, and it was not until Liu Cong asked everyone to quiet down that the conference room became quiet.

Liu Cong sat in his seat, looked at Lieutenant General Li Hu beside him, and then looked at everyone.

"Then let me give you some suggestions."

"First of all, let me talk about why I thought of designing this nuclear aircraft carrier."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, several pairs of ears at the scene immediately stood up, for fear of missing some important information.

"I started to wonder why there are nuclear aircraft carriers abroad but not in our country."

"So I checked a lot of information online..."

What Liu Cong said at the scene was endless.

However, many of what Liu Cong said were made up on the spot, which was also a last resort.

Liu Cong talked about this experience for ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, Liu Cong did not give everyone time to relax.

He said directly: "What I said above are some of my research experiences. Now I will briefly talk about some of my suggestions for nuclear aircraft carriers."

Liu Cong cleared his throat, then picked up the cup on the table, took a sip of water, and then gently put the cup down.

"Everyone here, you know our current national conditions better than I do."

"The current world situation is not like what it was in the past ten years. It has become more and more serious. Many countries are now at war."

"Of course, I think everyone here knows who is behind this."

Having said this, everyone here began to look serious.

Because they know that the situation in China is getting more and more serious now.

It may not be visible on the surface, but it does so from a financial, patent, or trade perspective.

China is targeted everywhere in this regard.

"So, my original intention in developing this nuclear aircraft carrier is very simple."

"That is to make him a great help to our country. I don't hope that the day will come when we are unable to fight back."

"Therefore, the progress of manufacturing nuclear aircraft carriers must be accelerated!!"

"No matter the manpower and material resources, we must develop a nuclear aircraft carrier in the shortest possible time."

"Moreover, we can't just develop one vessel, we must at least develop five or more!"

Liu Cong's words made everyone at the scene fall into deep thought.

They were still immersed in the joy of obtaining the nuclear aircraft carrier information, but after hearing what Liu Cong said, everyone couldn't be happy instantly.

In fact, everyone has considered this issue.

There is a saying that goes well: Live in sorrow and die in happiness.

In fact, everyone is so accustomed to living ordinary lives that they have not caught the potential dangers.

When Liu Cong said this today, everyone started to get nervous.

This sense of tension prompted everyone to quickly build the first nuclear aircraft carrier.

With the speed at which China is building the Kuangmo, if nothing unexpected happens, the first nuclear aircraft carrier can be built soon.

"Academician Liu, I very much agree with what you just said."

With that said, Academician Luo Xiang gave Liu Cong a thumbs up.

"Having been at sea for decades, I am very aware of these potential problems."

"So, as Academician Liu said, we must speed up the progress of building nuclear aircraft carriers."

"We will strive to have the first nuclear aircraft carrier officially listed for military use in the second half of next year."

Luo Xiang's words invisibly added a lot of pressure to everyone present.

The original two-year construction period has now been shortened to one year or even shorter. Anyone else would be under extraordinary pressure.

However, even so, everyone at the scene nodded unanimously.

"Besides, didn't you ask me to give the nuclear aircraft carrier a name?"

"I thought about it just now."

"China now has the Hope Ship and the Qiming Ship. Why not call this nuclear aircraft carrier the Guangming Ship?"

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