Everyone here is very satisfied with the name Liu Cong chose.

"Enlightenment, hope, light!"

"This name is good, let's use this name!"

"Then I hope that this nuclear aircraft carrier, like its name, can lead China to the bright future!!"

General Luo Xiang waved his hand, and then slammed it on the table.

When everyone saw this, they also burst into thunderous applause and cheered one after another.

"He is truly worthy of being the boy who has produced heroes since ancient times!!"

"Academician Liu is so young, his future achievements will definitely be far above ours."

"The country needs young people like you so that our motherland can become more prosperous and powerful!!"

Jiang Hehai was filled with tears at this time and looked excitedly at Liu Cong who was sitting in front of him.

When everyone saw this scene, they felt the same as Academician Jiang.

We are all patriotic people, and of course we hope that our motherland will be built better and better.

We all hope that our ancestors can live and work in peace, health and happiness in this land of China for generations to come.

However, the reality is always so cruel.

If a country does not have strong strength, then sometimes even the power of living is in the hands of others.

This is why countries attach great importance to military strength.

Because, only in this way can people have the guarantee to live and work in peace and contentment.

Faced with everyone's sensationalism, Liu Cong could only nod desperately.

"Yes, I will definitely try my best to contribute my own strength."

At this moment, Liu Cong's will was even stronger.

If a person lives in this world and does not realize the value of his life, it will be meaningless.

"Academician Liu, it's getting late now. Let me take you to have lunch and take you to visit the Qiming Ship."

Luo Xiang warmly invited Liu Cong and Li Hu.

Liu Cong acted very calmly and just nodded with a smile.

Lieutenant General Li Hu was more excited.

"That's great! I have been in the army for so many years, but I have never visited an aircraft carrier!"

Lieutenant General Luo Xiang raised his head and smiled heartily after hearing what Lieutenant General Li Hu said.

"Lieutenant General Li, let's go visit now."

"This thing is much more powerful than a tank or a cannon!"

With that said, a few people walked forward along the seaside while chatting.

After about ten minutes, everyone saw a large ship not far away.

Liu Cong knew that this was the Qiming ship. Even though we were hundreds of meters away from the ship, it looked very big.

"Academician Liu, Lieutenant General Li, this is the Qiming ship."

"How's it going? Isn't this much more impressive than what you see on TV?"

Lieutenant General Liu Cong and Li Hu looked at the behemoth in front of them, with varying degrees of shock in their hearts.

To be honest, the aircraft carrier is much bigger than Liu Cong imagined.

Academician Jing Jiang introduced on the side, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu learned that the Qiming ship's hull is 403 meters long and 78 meters wide.

There are more than 2,000 large and small rooms in the Qiming ship, with a displacement of more than 60,000 tons.

Moreover, this aircraft carrier must be equipped with at least more than a thousand crew members before it can set sail.

This shows how big this aircraft carrier is.

Facing what Academician Jiang said, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu nodded repeatedly.

Lieutenant General Li Hu showed uncontrollable excitement. At this time, he was as happy as a child seeing a toy.

"so big!"

"I'm a little dizzy!"

Hearing this, the group of people behind him also showed proud smiles.

Because this Qiming ship is the product of their completely independent research and development.

Unknowingly, several people came under the Qiming ship. What Liu Cong didn't expect was that this aircraft carrier did not have a deck.

Just when Liu Cong was wondering how to board the ship, Lieutenant General Li Hu suddenly said something.

"I know, this is for us to use helicopters to board the ship."

Hearing what Lieutenant General Li Hu said, Luo Xiang nodded next to him.

"Yes, unless there are special circumstances, we generally will not open the deck and board the ship directly with a helicopter."

After finishing speaking, General Luo Xiang took out a walkie-talkie from his pocket.

"Group by group, I want to board the ship."


Just as General Luo Xiang finished speaking, a young voice came from the intercom.

While Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu were still immersed in the exquisite appearance of the aircraft carrier.


A multi-person helicopter flew down from the deck of the aircraft carrier and then stopped not far from the crowd.

"Let's get on the plane!"

Under the leadership of General Luo Xiang, a dozen people successfully boarded the helicopter.



The helicopter's propeller rotated rapidly, and gradually, people could see the aircraft carrier's deck clearly.

Liu Cong was still surprised when he saw the true appearance of the aircraft carrier for the first time.

On the deck, China's latest fighter jets and helicopters were neatly parked.

Lieutenant General Li Hu next to him saw this scene and his face flushed with excitement.

This scene is really irresistible to a military fan.

"Academician Liu, Lieutenant General Li, please come in!"

General Luo Xiang made an invitation gesture to the two of them, and they were not polite and walked forward directly.

To be honest, the noise on the deck is still very loud, which is something that cannot be overcome. After all, people have to train every day, and the sea breeze blows, which makes the ears rustle.

When a few people came to the interior of the aircraft carrier, the noise was much smaller.

Under the leadership of General Luo Xiang, several people arrived at the third floor of the aircraft carrier.

This is a large restaurant, almost the same size as a university cafeteria.

At this time, many soldiers were queuing up to take turns to get food.

Even though Lieutenant General Luo Xiang was wearing casual clothes today, there were still many soldiers who took the initiative to say hello to him.

While talking, several people came to a cubicle.

The decoration style here is the same as that of an ordinary hotel outside. If Liu Cong hadn't known that he was on an aircraft carrier, he would have doubted whether he was in a private room at this time.

After a while, at the request of General Luo Xiang, all the dishes were served.

Liu Cong thought he wouldn't be able to taste any delicious food here today.

Who would have thought that this meal would be as rich as a big restaurant outside.

After eating, General Luo Xiang led Liu Cong, Lieutenant General Li Hu and others to visit the Qiming Ship.

After watching it, Liu Cong had to sigh that the aircraft carrier is indeed one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century.

Because it contains too many advanced technologies, not to mention integrating them together, how much wisdom is required to do this.

Because some issues involved confidentiality, Liu Cong did not read any further.

But this short aircraft carrier trip taught Liu Cong a lot and opened his eyes.

An ordinary aircraft carrier is so powerful, wouldn't it be even more outrageous if a nuclear aircraft carrier was built?

Looking around the world now, there are only two or three companies that have nuclear aircraft carriers and have mastered nuclear aircraft carrier technology, and they are all developed countries.

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