Afterwards, several people got off the aircraft carrier in a helicopter.

Seeing that it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon, it was time to leave.

Before leaving, General Luo Xiang personally sent Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu to the helicopter.

"Academician Liu, Lieutenant General Li, I won't say much else, just be careful along the way!!"

At this moment, two helicopters flew down side by side from the aircraft carrier, and then stopped next to Liu Cong and his helicopters.

Seeing that the two of them were a little confused, Lieutenant General Luo Xiang specifically explained: "That's it, after our decision."

"We plan to use helicopter gunships to escort you back."

When Liu Cong saw General Luo Xiang's arrangement, his head was buzzing for a while.

"General Luo, your battle is too big."

"No need for this, we can go back by ourselves."

But how can General Luo Xiang listen to Liu Cong's one-sided words? If not, I must escort you back today.

Since you came to me well, I must send you back safely.

Seeing this, Liu Cong looked at Lieutenant General Li Hu beside him.

Lieutenant General Li Hu saw that Liu Cong could not make up his mind, so he took the initiative and said: "Academician Liu, the general is also considering your personal safety, so please don't refuse anymore."

Seeing that Lieutenant General Li Hu had said so, Liu Cong did not refuse any more.

In this way, under the watchful eyes of several people, Liu Cong embarked on the journey back.

Before leaving, General Luo Xiang and Academician Jiang held Liu Cong's hand tightly and asked him to come often.

He also said that as long as Liu Cong comes over, he will personally pick him up by helicopter.

This is not a treatment that ordinary people can enjoy.

Along the way, the plane crossed the sea and passed through the countryside. Finally, at Liu Cong's request, three helicopters arrived over the Outlet Research Institute.

Seeing that Liu Cong was delivered safely, the other two helicopters returned the same way.

Later, Liu Cong's helicopter stopped steadily in the open space of the Outlet Research Institute.

People passing by were really shocked when they saw the formation just now.

Because anyone with a discerning eye can see that the two helicopters just now were military helicopters.

What kind of identity can allow military helicopters to escort Liu Cong back?

Of course, there were only a few people who saw this scene. After all, everyone was working inside at this time, and no one would pay attention to this.

After the helicopter landed, Liu Cong walked down the stairs of the helicopter step by step.

After seeing Liu Cong coming back, Anna quickly stepped forward to greet him.

"Mr. Liu, you are back."

"Well, I'm back."

Anna looked at Liu Cong with a smile on her face, and did not ask where Liu Cong had gone. After all, this was Liu Cong's personal privacy.

Liu Cong looked at Lieutenant General Li Hu standing in the helicopter behind him and nodded to him.

Lieutenant General Li Hu also nodded to Liu Cong.

"Boss, I'm going back first!"

Seeing Lieutenant General Li Hu's cooperation, Liu Cong also waved his hand to Lieutenant General Li Hu.

"Okay, just go back first. I will call you if necessary."

Just like that, under the gaze of several people, the helicopter gradually took off and then disappeared from Liu Cong's sight.

It's getting late, and people in the research institute are getting off work.

Even if today's experiment is not done, Liu Cong will go back because there are still people at home waiting for him to go back for dinner.

After saying goodbye to Anna, Liu Cong drove back.

After arriving home, the family remained as usual.

Liu Yang was sitting on the sofa busy with what he was doing, while Zhang Guimei was busy cooking in the kitchen.

It's just that this time Zhang Guimei has one more trick.

Zhang Guimei didn't let Chen Qiong do it, but Chen Qiong insisted on doing it.

In this way, the two of them were talking and laughing in the kitchen, and they were very harmonious.

When the family saw Liu Cong come back, they all took a look at Liu Cong, and then went to do the work at hand alone.

Liu Cong was standing in the living room, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Feeling helpless, Liu Cong saw Doudou playing alone.

Liu Cong originally wanted to tease the dog, but what he didn't expect was that no matter how Liu Cong called Doudou's name, Doudou didn't respond at all.

He even yawned lazily.

"Tch, you don't like to play with me, and I don't like to play with you."

After getting up, Liu Cong sat alone on the sofa opposite Liu Yang, playing with his mobile phone.

After dinner, Liu Cong returned to his room and continued to study graphene battery information.

Just like the previous few days, before Liu Cong could figure out the reason, Chen Qiong secretly knocked on Liu Cong's door again.

In this way, Liu Cong spent another wonderful night.

The next day, Liu Cong drove out after breakfast.

Thirty minutes later, Liu Cong came to his laboratory.

Regarding the experiment the day before yesterday, Liu Cong gave an in-depth report.

Having learned from the experience of his first failure, Liu Cong could no longer work as hard as he did last time.

A more perfect plan must be made.

Through these two days of in-depth research on graphene batteries, Liu Cong had a new inspiration.

Because graphene, a material that is exposed to high temperatures, can easily turn into graphene oxide, which will directly lead to the graphene material becoming useless.

If a few dozen grams of graphene are consumed this day, it will cost tens of thousands of dollars!

Although Liu Cong is not short of money now, Liu Cong is still very distressed by the aimless waste of materials.

With the experience of the last failure, Liu Cong was not in a hurry to experiment this time.

He first took out a small amount of graphene from the cabinet for use in this experiment.

Secondly, Liu Cong took apart the charger. He wanted to use the charger to make a series of improvements first.

The reason why the battery generates heat during charging is that sometimes the current and voltage are too large. At this time, the battery can only maintain the internal balance of the battery by releasing heat.

However, a huge thermal shock will eventually cause graphene to overheat and oxidize rapidly, causing graphene to completely lose its original effect.

Liu Cong used the knowledge he learned to make simple modifications to the charging head, reducing the voltage and current of the charging head during the charging process, thereby reducing heat generation.

Because of the physical structure of graphene itself, it can easily cause graphene to wrinkle and deform under improper operation.

Therefore, Liu Cong must be extra careful when placing graphene.

Unlike last time, Liu Cong had to be much more careful this time, both in theory and in operation.

In order to prevent graphene from getting too hot and losing its original use.

This time, Liu Cong had a very bold idea, which was to use dry ice to forcefully cool graphene batteries.

There was no dry ice in the laboratory, so Liu Cong aimed at the two bottles of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers in the corner of the laboratory.

First, Liu Cong found a cotton cloth and directly blocked the outlet of the carbon dioxide fire extinguisher with the cotton cloth.

Then, he held the cotton cloth with one hand and pressed the valve of the fire extinguisher with the other hand.

The next second, carbon dioxide gas spurted directly from the mouth of the bottle.

Because the carbon dioxide gas needs to release a lot of heat the moment it is ejected.

Therefore, in a relatively sealed situation, the very low-temperature gas soon turned into granular carbon dioxide dry ice solid.

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