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Chapter 294: The launch of nationally produced independently developed cars

This is just Liu Cong's first step of conjecture. If the results of this experiment are valid, other materials can be used to replace dry ice in the future to achieve the purpose of cooling.

Since dry ice cannot remain in the air for too long, Liu Cong accelerated the progress of the experiment.

If the dry ice vaporizes, Liu Cong will have to make it again.

First, Liu Cong placed dry ice on top of the graphene battery through a layer of cotton cloth, and then quickly turned on the electricity.

After powering on, Liu Cong looked excitedly at the charging progress displayed on the LCD screen.

This time, charging was much faster than last time, taking only one minute and six seconds.

It is fully charged with a battery with a capacity of 4,500 mAh, and the charger is reduced.

Liu Cong knew that this time the dry ice was working.

Next, Liu Cong brought in the control group of the experiment, which was the lithium iron phosphate battery prepared a few days ago.

Next, Liu Cong prepared two identical LCD displays, and then connected the two batteries to the display screens respectively.

Furthermore, it is necessary to measure batteries with the same two capacities to determine which battery lasts longer.

Still the same, during the reaction process of the two batteries, for comparison, Liu Cong used dry ice in both groups of batteries to provide cooling.

In this way, Liu Cong did not go out for lunch in order to do this experiment in the laboratory.

Three hours later, all the power in the lithium iron phosphate battery was consumed, and the battery display also showed zero percent power, and then there was no more movement.

The graphene battery on the side still has 56% power.

Adhering to the principle of experiment first, Liu Cong waited until 3:45 minutes in the afternoon before the battery power was exhausted.

Looking at the zero battery displayed next to the battery, Liu Cong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey! If I weren't afraid that you would heat up and damage the graphene inside, I wouldn't use such a small battery."

"What a hassle!"

Liu Cong touched his empty stomach and looked at the unfinished experiments in the laboratory.

"Let's get hungry first. Dinner will be served soon."

At this point, Liu Cong could only comfort his young mind in this way.

Next, Liu Cong had just packed up the experimental materials when a phone call came in.

Liu Cong picked up his phone and saw that it was a call from Mr. Jiang, CEO of Chery.

Upon seeing this, Liu Cong immediately took off his experimental gloves and took the phone.

"Mr. Liu, have you been busy lately?"

As soon as the call was connected, Mr. Jiang's rich voice came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing what Mr. Jiang said, Liu Cong hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Jiang, it's okay, it's summer vacation!"

"It's not too busy."

"That's right, have you watched the news?"

When Mr. Jiang said this, Liu Cong looked confused.

"I watch the news every day! What's the matter? What's happening in the United States recently?"

"Whether we get it or not, the United States has no control over our technology now."

"You really haven't seen the news?" Mr. Jiang asked again.

"I really don't know anything."

At this time, Mr. Jiang didn't hold back and told Liu Cong the whole story directly on the other end of the phone.

"Our company has manufactured domestically produced cars, and they are now in mass production."

"In the past few months, since most domestic foreign-funded car companies have withdrawn from the Chinese market, many people are in a state of difficulty finding a car."

"Many people can't afford expensive cars, and they don't like second-hand cars either."

"As soon as our company's cars are released, they will definitely dominate the Chinese car market."

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Jiang could be heard being a little excited.

After all, this is related to the future of domestically produced cars.

You know, in the past, domestically produced cars have always been of poor quality and short engine life in the eyes of the public.

Few people will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a domestic car. After all, they don’t want to repair the car.

In the past few years, after domestically produced cars began to rise, many technologies were blocked some time ago.

Only then did the following series of things happen.

Now, Huaxia not only has a self-produced gearbox, but also an engine has been successfully developed.

Moreover, the fuel consumption is half that of the original engine.

Hearing what Mr. Jiang said, Liu Cong was also happy for the domestically produced cars from the bottom of his heart.

Now the national consciousness has also awakened. In their eyes, domestically produced cars are already good enough, but many technologies are stuck, which has to make many domestic car manufacturers bow their heads.

"Mr. Jiang, this is great. This is really happy news."

"When will our company's press conference be held? I must go there to see the true appearance of this car." Liu Cong said.

"This is necessary. I called today just to invite you to come and take a look."

"The press conference is scheduled for 2:30 in the afternoon the day after tomorrow."

Liu Cong thought for a while and found that nothing seemed to happen the day after tomorrow.

So, on the phone, Liu Cong agreed to Mr. Jiang's invitation.

"Okay, I will definitely come on time the day after tomorrow in the afternoon."

After the two hung up the phone, Liu Cong turned on the hot news.

Before Liu Cong could search, news about Chery's new car popped up on the home page.

[Beijing time, August 15, 9:35, Huizhou Province, Wuhu City, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., a fully independent domestic car was born]

[The vehicle system adopts Warwick’s self-developed system, and the vehicle body bearings are from Peiping Conor...]

As soon as this news came out, everyone was very surprised.

As long as the Chinese people see this news, they will click on it out of curiosity.

The further they looked down, the more shocked they became.

In just this short year, no one has noticed that more and more patented technologies have broken through foreign blockades.

Even the most high-end chips are now fully produced independently.

This car completely integrates the latest and most advanced science and technology in China.

As soon as the news was released, netizens went crazy.

Oppa the Panda: I’ll go, it’s so cool! How long has it been since a new car was developed? As expected of Chery.

Xiao Jiedan: This should be true. After all, not long ago, Chery released a nationally produced engine that is not subject to patent restrictions, and I was there at the time.

When the time comes, I will build a whole car.

Zhutou talks about cars: This news should be great news for us car reviewers!

If domestically produced cars do not make breakthroughs, we car reviewers will soon be out of work.


Liu Cong looked through the comments in the comment area one by one. Judging from the public's reaction, they were still looking forward to this press conference.

This is also an improvement in national self-confidence.

From the original worship of foreigners to foreigners, many citizens now spontaneously exude cultural confidence from the inside out.

This is also a manifestation of national patriotism.

After reading the news, Liu Cong breathed a sigh of relief.

"When the car is fully released, I will drive the entire car."

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