Seeing that the experiment in his hand was not completely finished, Liu Cong put his phone in his pocket and continued to do the experiment.

In order to test whether the graphene battery is oxidized this time.

Liu Cong had to personally dismantle the inside of the battery and take out the materials.

Liu Cong picked up the gloves next to him, put on his goggles and mask, and started disassembling the battery.

After a while, thin graphene sheets appeared on the laboratory table.

Therefore, Liu Cong used the equipment in the experiment to verify whether graphene was oxidized at high temperature during the reaction.

The results came out that surprised Liu Cong.

About 50% of graphene has lost its original function.

Part of it has wrinkled and deformed, and part of it has been oxidized.

However, looking back and referring to the initial experiment, it is already much better.

Liu Cong can allow himself to fail, but he cannot allow himself to have no room for improvement.

As for today's experiment, Liu Cong was relatively satisfied.

The time came to 5:30 in the afternoon, and Liu Cong knew that he should go back.

Otherwise, I won’t have anything to eat when I get back late, and I haven’t eaten yet all day.

So, Liu Cong immediately went downstairs, and then drove immediately towards home.

Fortunately, when I returned, the food had just arrived on the table.

In this way, Liu Cong devoured his dinner.

After dinner, Liu Cong took Chen Qiong for a long walk.

The two came to a nearby park and looked at the old couples here, holding hands and walking happily on the paths in the park.

This scene made the two of them very envious.

Maybe, like these grandparents, I and Chen Qiong will hold hands and happily walk along the paths in the park in the future.

"Would you like to go up and try?"

Liu Cong pointed to the park path paved with cobblestones.

"Why don't you dare to try this? Let's go!"

Chen Qiong pulled Liu Cong forward, but Liu Cong grabbed Chen Qiong.

"I mean barefoot. It's said that walking like this is good for your heart."

Chen Qiong frowned when Liu Cong said this.

The next second, he said: "Why don't you dare! Isn't it just a stone!"

As a result, the two of them walked barefoot on the cobblestone path while talking and laughing.

Chen Qiong walked on the smooth cobblestone road and from time to time let out a very shameful cry.

The old man and lady on the side would have thought they were doing that kind of thing if they hadn't seen the two holding hands.

"Hahahaha, you must have kidney deficiency, you don't feel anything even when I leave."

As he spoke, Liu Cong was still jumping back and forth on the cobblestone road.

This jump actually attracted the envious looks of many old men.

Seeing this, Liu Cong immediately restrained himself a lot.

"You have a weak kidney. You are thick-skinned and thick-skinned. You can't compare to a girl like me!"


"To punish you, I'm going to make you carry me on these cobblestones."

In order to show his majesty as a man, Liu Cong must stand up.

"Carry it on your back, no one is afraid of whom!"

So, Liu Cong carried Chen Qiong on his back and started jogging along the park path. Although he was a little sore, Liu Cong still pretended to be relaxed in order to show his majesty as a man.

Chen Qiong saw that there was no change in Liu Cong's face, and she really suspected that she had kidney deficiency.


Soon, it was the morning of Chery’s automobile launch conference.

Liu Cong was not dressed as usual today.

I saw that he was wearing a white shirt on the upper body and a pair of black suit pants on the lower body, which was very formal.

At 8:30 in the morning, Liu Cong arrived at Peking Airport.

At nine o'clock, Liu Cong successfully boarded the plane.

At twelve o'clock, Liu Cong arrived in Luzhou City and had lunch at the airport.

After leaving the airport, the driver was already waiting outside the door.

After seeing Liu Cong, he immediately stepped forward and opened the car door for Liu Cong.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Cong successfully arrived at Chery's door.

This time, Liu Cong did not enter through the main entrance.

After all, with his current popularity, if he doesn't wear a mask or hat, he will always be recognized by some media people.

Besides, there are so many media people today.

After entering through the side door, Jiang Wanying was already waiting at the door.

When Liu Cong saw Jiang Wanying, he was slightly startled, and then exclaimed.

"Why are you here!!"

Seeing Liu Cong's surprised expression, Jiang Wanying helped her forehead.

"Brother, this is my dad's company, why can't I come over?"

Hearing what Jiang Wanying said, Liu Cong nodded.

"It makes sense!"

"I thought you were managing our company in Peiping!"

Jiang Wanying looked at Liu Cong, smiled and said, "The in-car browser core of Chery's car this time is from our company."

"So, I will participate in the competition in the name of our company's vice president!"

Liu Cong didn't know that if he didn't manage the company, many of the technologies he developed during this period had already been used in domestically produced cars.

"Let's go! What are you doing standing around? The press conference is about to begin."

"This time, for your privacy, my dad specially chose a seat very far back for you."

Liu Cong didn't expect Jiang to be so thoughtful.

"Haha, just what I wanted."

Today's press conference was held indoors, a large conference room similar to an opera house.

Jiang Wanying went in with Liu Cong, who was fully armed.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw four domestically produced cars at the press conference.

One white and one black, two colors.

Two different types, two ordinary cars and two SUVs.

At this time, there were still twenty minutes before the press conference, and the scene was in chaos. No one noticed that Jiang Wanying and Liu Cong entered the venue.

Afterwards, the two found Mr. Jiang. After Liu Cong briefly greeted Mr. Jiang, he was taken to the seat at the back by Jiang Wanying.

Judging from the scale of the scene, there were at least five to six hundred people, not counting reporters.

When Liu Cong observed the scene, he also saw several familiar faces.

Including Li Shuqing and Li Zhihua, they were also invited to attend this press conference.

Even the deputy general manager of Warwick Company came to the scene.

It can be seen that everyone attaches great importance to this conference.

Because this press conference means whether China can stand up in the independent automobile industry in the future.

Time passed minute by minute, and Liu Cong and Jiang Wanying sat in the corner and observed every move on the field.

At this time, about twenty cameras were fully focused on the stage, waiting for the press conference to officially begin.

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