Regarding this matter, Jiang Wanying did not make it up, it was completely tested by the company's professionals.

As for fuel consumption, Liu Cong knows better than anyone else. After all, he gave the engine data to Chery, and the patent is still in his hands.

It's just the engine. As for what Chery can do later, Liu Cong doesn't know.

After listening to Jiang Wanying's story, Liu Cong nodded.

"Well, I know that. I said it in the last press conference. Besides, you don't even know who made this engine!"

After Liu Cong's reminder, Jiang Wanying finally woke up.

After being friends with him for so long, Jiang Wanying almost forgot how incredible Liu Cong was.

However, Liu Cong was usually too low-key, so Jiang Wanying thought Liu Cong was just an ordinary Huaqing student.

"Yeah, how could I forget your other identity!"

Seeing that Jiang Wanting was a little excited, Liu Cong made a shushing gesture.

"Watch the press conference."

Jiang Wanying looked at Liu Cong, but in the end she still had some words left unsaid.

At this point, the second link has ended.

The young lady named Jingjing also walked off the stage. The audience in the live broadcast room felt disappointed for a while when they saw the young lady go down, saying that they had not seen enough.

After the two sessions ended, the time had reached 3:23 in the afternoon.

The press conference lasted only two hours in total, which meant that there was not much time left.

Mr. Jiang was still the same as before. After the young lady stepped down from the stage, he came up again with a microphone from the audience seat below.

"I know that what you are most concerned about is not how good the performance of this car is, nor how beautiful its interior is."

"I believe everyone cares more about whether a car is safe or not."

"Part of the reason why some high-end brand cars are so expensive is because of their high safety factor."

"Then let's get into the part that everyone is most looking forward to."

"The third link is car safety."

The third session instantly brought the atmosphere to a climax.

Everyone is looking forward to how far Chery can improve the quality of its cars this time.

The third link is still presented to everyone in the form of screen projection.

The next second after Mr. Jiang finished speaking, a picture of a car was displayed on the big screen.

Two cars, of different models, were hoisted ten meters in the air by a crane.

Moreover, this is shown to everyone in the form of live broadcast.

This is an old car town with a large open space in the middle.

At this time, staff from No. 10 to 20 were already standing at the scene, and several cameras nearby were working hard to adjust their positions in order to present the most intuitive picture to everyone.

At this time, a young lady in professional attire was holding a microphone and smiling at the camera.

The next second, a connected video call popped up in the indoor conference room.

The staff below answered the call without hesitation.

When this young lady saw so many people present, she first greeted everyone enthusiastically.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang!"

"Hello to the hundreds of spectators at the scene and the audience friends in front of the screen!!"

At this time, there was a burst of cheers from the audience.

Mr. Jiang also responded very politely: "Hello, Xiaomei, how is the situation at the scene now?"

The young lady named Xiaomei responded confidently: "Mr. Jiang, we are ready for the test."

"They are high-altitude testing and crash testing respectively."

Then, the camera immediately turned around and saw two different white cars parked two hundred meters away.

In front of Mi, two walls were built specifically for collision experiments.

Just from looking at these four cars, we know that Chery has spent a lot of money this time.

At this moment, the popularity of Chery's official live broadcast room has exceeded 30 million, close to 40 million.

Many people come here because they want to see if Chery's new car is really as mysterious as what is uploaded on the Internet.

Judging from the situation on site, everyone is well prepared.

Mr. Jiang in the conference room couldn't wait to hear that the scene was ready, and immediately issued the order.

"Then hurry up and greet the audience and start quickly. We the audience can't wait."

After receiving the instructions from Mr. Jiang, everyone started to mobilize.

The crane driver also got on the crane as quickly as possible. With just one command, he could immediately lower the car from the sky.

At this moment, the screen was completely focused on the two cranes.

Everyone is waiting for the results of the next experimental test.

"Are you ready?"

Next to the crane, a young man shouted loudly.

The two crane drivers responded quickly, "Ready!"


Following the young man's order, two black cars were lowered from high altitude.

A second later, there was a loud rumbling sound on the ground, and the camera equipment was almost knocked off.

As for the cement floor, due to the cushioning, the ground did not dent due to the huge impact.

In the conference room, when everyone saw this scene, there was another sigh.

This scene seems to be too shocking for everyone. If everyone were at the scene, they would definitely be frightened by the huge impact.

Judging from the extent of damage at the scene, the airbags of both vehicles had exploded.

The front windshield and the four side glasses were also damaged in different ways.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the AB pillar was not damaged at all.

If this car, which had a good life in childhood, had been left alone, it would have been destroyed long ago.

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