Moreover, what is even more amazing is that the four wheels of the two cars did not have punctures. Anyone who has never seen this will not believe it at all.

But, in fact, this thing did happen, and people actually saw it.

What was even more shocking was that two young men walked out of the live broadcast room.

Both of them held the car keys in their hands, and then opened the car door calmly.

Because the AB pillar was not damaged, the door was quickly opened by two people.

After entering, the camera focused on the two people at the same time, and they saw their hands pressing the ignition button at the same time.

The next second, both cars were set on fire at the same time.

Everyone at the scene was more excited to see this scene than watching a football match.

"I'll go, this is amazing!"

“Are all domestically produced cars so expensive now?”

At this time, a bald man next to Liu Cong stood up and shouted.

Jiang Wanying was also startled by the man's excited reaction, but judging from everyone's expressions, they were all very excited, and the man was not alone.

At this moment, the enthusiasm in Liu Cong's heart was completely aroused.

This was the first time he felt the huge progress of domestically produced cars.

It also gave him the idea of ​​giving his car to his father and buying a domestic Chery to drive.

However, as the general manager of Liu Cong's engine foundry, there is a high probability that this car will be free of charge.

Moreover, not only does it cost no money, the car will also be delivered to Liu Cong’s doorstep.

"Jiang Wanying, tell your dad later and reserve a white car for me. I will use this car for transportation in the future."

Jiang Wanying was very surprised when she heard what Liu Cong said.

You need to know who Liu Cong is. He is a person with a net worth ranging from over 10 billion.

That he could drive such a car was obviously beyond Jiang Wanying's understanding.

Today's richest people drive cars worth millions to get to and from get off work, and some even drive private helicopters to travel around.

I even want to hang all my money on myself and let others see it.

But Liu Cong is just the opposite. Not only does he dress simply, he rarely appears in front of the public.

Moreover, Jiang Wanying has never heard of any scandal between Liu Cong and anyone.

This point is worthy of Jiang Wanying's admiration.

And now Liu Cong offered to drive a domestic car, and Jiang Wanying had to agree to this request.

"I know, this matter is all on me."

"When the time comes, I'll ask my dad to customize a car with bulletproof glass for you."

When Liu Cong heard what Jiang Wanying said, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Wanying with some confusion.

"Why should it be bulletproof? I'm just an ordinary person."

"Besides, now that the country is so safe, you are still afraid of someone pointing a gun at you in the street! This is unrealistic!"

"Don't be special, just be the same as everyone else."

Speaking of this, Liu Cong thought of one thing but didn't ask, and that was the price of this car.

The news only said that the price of the car would not be too expensive, but it did not say how much it would be.

This aroused Liu Cong's curiosity.

"By the way, how much are the prices of these two cars!!"

When Jiang Wanying heard Liu Cong ask this, she was stunned at first.

Then he said: "Didn't my dad tell you this?"

Liu Cong shook his head, "No, I didn't ask."

Jiang Wanying, who was sitting next to Liu Cong, laughed when Liu Cong said this.

"Then I won't tell you, you will know how much it is soon!"

"Allow me to show off for a moment!"

Liu Cong didn't feel anxious because of Jiang Wanying's words. For him, knowing the result earlier or knowing the result later were the same.

"Okay, then I'll look forward to it!"

Then, the next main event began, and the two stopped chatting.

I saw that the two cars on the big screen not only started to move, but also continued to move forward.

Except for some damage to the body of the car, it runs without any obstacles.

This scene made the people at the scene chant for a long time.

Before this, people rarely saw any car company doing such an experiment at a press conference.

If you don't do it properly, you will destroy the sign in your hand.

Except for those car reviewers who do this to gain traffic.

At car company press conferences, they won't let you see such exciting experiments.

Before the audience could react, the camera turned to the other side.

These two vehicles were used for subsequent crash experiments.

Two cars, both cars were filled with dummies.

Before this, the staff had already tied safety belts on them, just to imitate reality as much as possible.

At this time, two staff members each held a remote control. After special modifications, these two remote controls could respectively control the straight-line driving speed of the two vehicles, but that was all.

Before the collision test, the two cars had been started by the staff. As long as the remote control was controlled, the cars would hit the two walls in front.

At the meeting site, Ren Ran was connected to the other side.

When the young lady asked Mr. Jiang if he needed to start now, Mr. Jiang immediately gave an affirmative order.


After receiving the order, the other party did not hesitate at all.

"I declare that the collision experiment will begin now!"

"Next, I'll count down to five!"







The next second, the two on-site staff immediately controlled the remote controls in their hands.

It can be seen from the large screen at the scene that in two seconds, the speed of both cars reached 60 miles.

This kind of starting speed is actually faster than a tram. Obviously, this is beyond everyone's knowledge.

In everyone's impression, only racing cars can use such a terrifying starting speed.

Moreover, it still relies entirely on their V8 and V12 professional engines. The Chery in front of us only has four cylinders, which further reflects the power of this engine.

Before the audience in the live broadcast room could react, two cars hit two walls at a speed of nearly 100 kilometers per hour.

The huge collision woke up the audience and friends at the scene and in the live broadcast room from shock.

Immediately afterwards, he entered the next shock.

The two walls were shattered into pieces under the huge impact.

The raised brick almost hit the staff at the scene, but luckily there was no danger.

At this time, most of the fronts of the two cars were damaged, and the two front tires were separated due to the huge impact.

Of course, this separation is also a very reasonable design made by Chery.

In order to prevent people from being hurt a second time, cutting the wheels can greatly ensure the safety of people's lives.

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