Although the front of the car had been smashed beyond recognition, the front tires were completely stripped off.

However, the AB pillar is still intact as before.

This time, even the rear window glass was not broken, and several airbags in the car were completely deployed, which greatly ensured the safety of people's lives.

Just when people thought it was over, the phone rang at the scene.

This was the first emergency call Chery made after discovering that it had been hit by a collision.

After the call was connected, a noisy voice came from the other side. In other words, the call was fully operational at this time.

It is because of this technology that the car owner can contact the company in time when he is in trouble. After the follow-up staff picks up the phone, he will directly call the local police.

Ensure that people can rush to the disaster scene as soon as possible to protect people's lives.

Just when people thought it was over here, the camera automatically cut to another venue.

This is an uninhabited road. There are two cars on the road at this time, and they are obviously Chery's latest models.

At this time, Mr. Jiang confidently picked up the microphone in his hand and introduced to everyone: "Next, is the automatic avoidance system of our car."

"Before this, I want to make it clear to everyone that this capability is only equipped with high-end cars."

Mr. Jiang’s reminder made everyone instantly understand why they had to change the venue to conduct a new experiment.

At this moment, everyone is also looking forward to the performance of these two high-end cars.

However, judging from the ordinary model test just now, the high-end version of the model has better configurations than the ordinary version.

However, judging from the on-site large-screen PPT, the only difference between the two is whether there is an automatic risk avoidance function.

Just like before, Mr. Jiang still conducted a series of communication with the other side in a straight-line manner.

The people here have made sufficient preparations before connecting.

As long as Mr. Jiang gives an order, the experiment can start immediately on site.

The time has also come to three fifty.

There are still forty minutes left before the end of this press conference, which means there is not much time left for them.

They must speed up the progress, complete the experiment as soon as possible, and then enter the final stage that everyone is looking forward to.

That is to announce the prices of all models.

The connection was connected, and the loud voice of the staff came from over there.

"Mr. Jiang, can you hear me?"

Mr. Jiang here heard the voice over there and immediately gave an answer.

"Okay, I can hear it very clearly, and there is no blur in the picture."

The staff over there also nodded after hearing Mr. Jiang's words.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang, can we start now?"

Mr. Jiang in the conference room nodded immediately without any hesitation.

"Let's get started, the live audience and the audience in the live broadcast room can't wait."

After the people over there got the order, they immediately asked the testers behind them to start preparations.

Subsequently, the microphone at the scene was cut off to ensure that there would not be any influence on the scene.

The screen was shown to the test site, and it was seen that more than a dozen staff on site were completely ready at this time.

Whether on the road or in the car, cameras are equipped at different viewing angles to capture the most exciting pictures.

At this moment, as long as they give an order from the on-site commander, they will instantly control the remote control in their hands, so that the two vehicles will set off at the fastest speed in the first time.

Not far from the two cars, there were two obstacles.

The first obstacle is a dummy, which is used to simulate whether a car will make an emergency stop to avoid danger for pedestrians when driving at high speed.

The second obstacle is a huge stone, which is used to simulate whether the car will evacuate urgently when it encounters an obstacle.

After seeing everything was ready, a middle-aged man shouted loudly to the people on the field.

"I'm counting to three, two, one, your machine will start immediately!!"





The next second, the remote control in the staff's hand immediately started the vehicle.

Within two seconds, the two vehicles rushed forward at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, and the speed continued to increase.

Just after the two cars were only 20 meters away from the dummy, the recognition system in the car came into effect instantly.

Anti-lock braking was performed on the spot, and it stopped steadily when it was five meters away from the two dummies.

At this time, not only cheers came from the test site, but there was also a sensation in the conference room.

Not to mention the live broadcast room, barrages are flying everywhere, and netizens are constantly posting 666 there.

Before everyone could finish cheering, the staff on site cleared away the two dummies in the middle of the road.

Their current target is two large rocks three hundred meters away from the two cars.

After the middle-aged man finished counting down, the two cars started to start at the same time.

A few seconds later, what everyone didn't expect was that both vehicles successfully avoided the danger and continued to drive forward without overturning at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

The audience, who had seen so many miracles, turned from surprise to numbness after seeing such a situation.

Because the experience this domestic car brings to everyone is so shocking that you can't even find any shortcomings.

If the prices could be beat, these two cars would be unbeatable.

The picture transferred to the venue, and all camera equipment was accurately aimed at the big screen.

Due to time constraints, Mr. Jiang did not communicate too much with the audience and people in the live broadcast room.

Instead, we are directly preparing to start the last step, which is to announce the high and low price of the two models. This is also the issue that the majority of car enthusiasts are most concerned about.

Mr. Jiang calmly picked up the microphone in his hand and showed a confident smile.

"Next, the part you are most concerned about is coming."

"Don't worry, it will be more exciting without commercials!!"

Because Mr. Jiang's expression and tone were very humorous, he actually made the whole room burst into laughter.

Just like that, in such a cheerful atmosphere, the last price link began.

Mr. Jiang pressed the pen in his hand, and a complete PPT was displayed on the big screen.

Mr. Jiang did not show off to the audience and simply pressed the pen in his hand.

Next, the price of the regular sedan version is directly displayed on the big screen.

"For regular cars, our price is 89,999!!"

"To make friends!!"

At this moment, very loud cheers came from the scene.

In the live broadcast room, barrages were flying all over the place, with question marks and exclamation marks everywhere.

People seemed extremely surprised by the price. Even Liu Cong, who was sitting in the audience, was completely stunned.

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